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Hi guys,

My friend's wife just delivered via cesarean because the baby was too big and risky to deliver naturally.

So his and his wife's 3 ku 6 poh asked him to buy some internal organs of porcupines (no idea wtf organ is that) that has been grinned into powder for his wife to consume. It is said to give energy and promote his wife's health. That thing cost RM500 / packet, drink once only ! I was like "wtf???" coz I only know that after surgery or birth it is good to take pati haruan. Any of you guys have any idea?

My mom told me that his wife cant take chicken, alcohol, fish. Even the famous chinese dish alcohol chicken (wong zhau gai) also cannot take as it will delay the healing process. Cant take fish is because the mom will be very sensitive to the fishy smell later.

Got such thing ka?
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Hi guys,

My friend's wife just delivered via cesarean because the baby was too big and risky to deliver naturally.

So his and his wife's 3 ku 6 poh asked him to buy some internal organs of porcupines (no idea wtf organ is that) that has been grinned into powder for his wife to consume. It is said to give energy and promote his wife's health. That thing cost RM500 / packet, drink once only ! I was like "wtf???" coz I only know that after surgery or birth it is good to take patin haruan. Any of you guys have any idea?

My mom told me that his wife cant take chicken, alcohol, fish. Even the famous chinese dish alcohol chicken (wong zhau gai) also cannot take as it will delay the healing process. Cant take fish is because the mom will be very sensitive to the fishy smell later.

Got such thing ka?

My wife, she take the alcohol chicken good ah....and she also take fish but just Salmon, Sang Yu. For me I try to stay away from those internal organs be it from livestock or wild animals....You don't know what they eat. Also my wife during confinement she drinks a lot of red dates water and not regular water.
My wife, she take the alcohol chicken good ah....and she also take fish but just Salmon, Sang Yu. For me I try to stay away from those internal organs be it from livestock or wild animals....You don't know what they eat. Also my wife during confinement she drinks a lot of red dates water and not regular water.

Did the wound heal slower if consume the alcohol chicken?

Yalor i also dont know wat porcupine organ and also very skeptical towards it. Moreover its not cheap.
Hi guys,

My friend's wife just delivered via cesarean because the baby was too big and risky to deliver naturally.

So his and his wife's 3 ku 6 poh asked him to buy some internal organs of porcupines (no idea wtf organ is that) that has been grinned into powder for his wife to consume. It is said to give energy and promote his wife's health. That thing cost RM500 / packet, drink once only ! I was like "wtf???" coz I only know that after surgery or birth it is good to take patin haruan. Any of you guys have any idea?

My mom told me that his wife cant take chicken, alcohol, fish. Even the famous chinese dish alcohol chicken (wong zhau gai) also cannot take as it will delay the healing process. Cant take fish is because the mom will be very sensitive to the fishy smell later.

Got such thing ka?
if I am not mistaken, this is the one "豪猪枣"

some info abt the "豪猪枣"
Hi guys,
... to buy some internal organs of porcupines (no idea wtf organ is that) that has been grinned into powder for his wife to consume. It is said to give energy and promote his wife's health. That thing cost RM500 / packet, drink once only ...

If Kaiju monster was real, they would be recommending that too...
Hi guys,

My friend's wife just delivered via cesarean because the baby was too big and risky to deliver naturally.

So his and his wife's 3 ku 6 poh asked him to buy some internal organs of porcupines (no idea wtf organ is that) that has been grinned into powder for his wife to consume. It is said to give energy and promote his wife's health. That thing cost RM500 / packet, drink once only ! I was like "wtf???" coz I only know that after surgery or birth it is good to take patin haruan. Any of you guys have any idea?

My mom told me that his wife cant take chicken, alcohol, fish. Even the famous chinese dish alcohol chicken (wong zhau gai) also cannot take as it will delay the healing process. Cant take fish is because the mom will be very sensitive to the fishy smell later.

Got such thing ka?

is it porcupine bezoar?

Yup. Super rare. Hence the price. I probably can get it for RM300 a pack too. Wife swears by it.

Titan - did you buy the Goon brand pampers? Better than Mamypoko for half the price.
My wife, she take the alcohol chicken good ah....and she also take fish but just Salmon, Sang Yu. For me I try to stay away from those internal organs be it from livestock or wild animals....You don't know what they eat. Also my wife during confinement she drinks a lot of red dates water and not regular water.

I am with bro TR on this. Alcohol Chicken as you call it, and haruan is good for healing cuts.
As for fish, yes some can eat, some cannot. Salmon, Promfet, Garoupa can. Those Kembong, Cencaru then cannot
Guys, yesterday I went to Parenthood expo I went around 5pm not so crowded but bought some shirts and pants for my girl at some very good price. ...I wonder if the daddies here can update any future event here also....Hahahaha

Yupp..!! Agreed..!! Hope the daddies here who had any info about any sale to post up here...
Need to buy new clothes for my 5 years old son and maybe some clothes for my baby who will be born early next year...!! Hehe...
Yupp..!! Agreed..!! Hope the daddies here who had any info about any sale to post up here...
Need to buy new clothes for my 5 years old son and maybe some clothes for my baby who will be born early next year...!! Hehe...

Usually number two gets hand me down clothes......:smokin:
Izso thanks, my girl she's using Mamypoko at night only in the morning she's on Huggies or Drypers or PETPET. These were all given by some relatives what I found is PETPET can't tahan long at night got leak, Drypers fabric on the buttock a bit more rough compare to Huggies. I was shopping for pampers also sometimes. Thanks for letting me know Goon is good also. I was approached by a sales girl asking me to try Diapex but a bit skeptical when I touch the pampers, she said its as good as Mamypoko but mamypoko is really soft to touch and very absorbent.

Guys, yesterday me and my wife noticed my girl's head there got some red spot back of her head where she usually lay down to sleep. My girl's head also got some mild dandruff, do you guys have this also? What can the red spot be? I wash all her head lining she use in here car seat and bedding. Could it be heat rash because I found my girl sweat quite easily.
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Izso thanks, my girl she's using Mamypoko at night only in the morning she's on Huggies or Drypers or PETPET. These were all given by some relatives what I found is PETPET can't tahan long at night got leak, Drypers fabric on the buttock a bit more rough compare to Huggies. I was shopping for pampers also sometimes. Thanks for letting me know Goon is good also. I was approached by a sales girl asking me to try Diapex but a bit skeptical when I touch the pampers, she said its as good as Mamypoko but mamypoko is really soft to touch and very absorbent.

Guys, yesterday me and my wife noticed my girl's head there got some red spot back of her head where she usually lay down to sleep. My girl's head also got some mild dandruff, do you guys have this also? What can the red spot be? I wash all her head lining she use in here car seat and bedding. Could it be heat rash because I found my girl sweat quite easily.

What do you use to wash her hair? And how about the sheets and linings? Did you check the rest of her body for sensitivity to the detergent?
Izso, I'm using those baby washing powder specifically for baby one to wash all her clothing, sheets and lining. I'm using Anakku hair shampoo. She don't have other red spot at other part of her body.
u might encounter eczema on her scalp & skin peeling, but with some cream (must ask pharmacist) should be ok.
both my kids had the same symthoms before.

try using johnsons&johnsons shampoo its milder.
Its called cradle cap & its common for newborn babies. A shampoo treatment for cradle cap is the best way to cure it. Btw, its not due to allergies or anything just that the baby skin need to adapt with new environment.

Taken from MedicalNewsToday;

What are the Causes of Cradle Cap?

It is not clear what the causes of cradle cap are, however it has been confirmed that the causes are neither allergy, bacterial infection nor bad hygiene. Doctors are theorizing that it can be caused by overactive sebaceous glands and/or fungal infection. The sebaceous glands are found in the skin and produce an oil like substance (known as sebum).

There is a theory that the overactive sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, which in turn prevents the old skin cells from drying and falling off the scalp (instead they stick to the scalp). The reason the glands are overactive is because sometimes the mother's hormones can remain in the baby's body for a number of months after birth.

Another theory is based on the baby suffering a fungal infection. The infection can be a result of the mother having being given antibiotics prior to birth or the baby being given them up to a week after birth. Antibiotics destroy damaging bacteria but can also destroy the friendly bacteria that prevent things like fungal infection.

Studies have also shown that babies with cradle cap are related to people with conditions such as eczema and asthma (allergy based).
u might encounter eczema on her scalp & skin peeling, but with some cream (must ask pharmacist) should be ok.
both my kids had the same symthoms before.

try using johnsons&johnsons shampoo its milder.

Actually, J&J stuff these days quality has gone down the drain. I would avoid that brand like the plague.

Izso, I'm using those baby washing powder specifically for baby one to wash all her clothing, sheets and lining. I'm using Anakku hair shampoo. She don't have other red spot at other part of her body.

Suggest you try changing to something a little better like Sebamed. Is the pillow latex foam?
Izso, her pillow is those natural latex pillow my wife bought.
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