BikiniGal Fan Club

Putrajaya which part?

I think i'll need the address to find my way there if not later you wait until the mosquito go to sleep also i haven't arrived (caused lost already).

Not even once been to Putrajaya, only passed through when going to KLIA that time.

Any other bg fans would like to join. Then we can have convoy to fetch bg.:rofl:
aiya.. so sad that i m not in KL area this weekend... have fun there!
OMG!!!.....wah its been longgggggg time didnt log.....BG still so famous....hehehehe.....wei BG still remember me or not .....come kl also dun call me tt niah.....hehehehe....cheeeerrrrrssss....
i remember u..stil can remember how u cant take ur hands of your cigerettes..stil remember i ride in ur car and u have to 'ketagih' cigerette but cannot smoke in da car coz i'm in it..hehehehe..:biggrin:

OMG!!!.....wah its been longgggggg time didnt log.....BG still so famous....hehehehe.....wei BG still remember me or not .....come kl also dun call me tt niah.....hehehehe....cheeeerrrrrssss....
like that lah.....nvm coz u still remeber how life? still like usual sexy all th etime ar??? :fisheye:

i remember u..stil can remember how u cant take ur hands of your cigerettes..stil remember i ride in ur car and u have to 'ketagih' cigerette but cannot smoke in da car coz i'm in it..hehehehe..:biggrin:
life is nothing but to complain..
am sick for few days d..
coughing, fever, flu..everything in whole package~~:mad:

like that lah.....nvm coz u still remeber how life? still like usual sexy all th etime ar??? :fisheye:
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