Beware Of Conman

mira gino 1000

Active Member
Senior Member
Jan 5, 2005
User Id : K-Boy
Name : Ananthan a/l Karunakaran
Add : 6, Jalan Megah 9, Taman Megah Sg Jelok from Kajang
tel : 016 6157115, 016 4583382,012 2697360

Incident. - This guy collected Deposit, for the Car Reg BGP345, Perodua Kelisa 1.0 GX Colour White and FLEE AWAY,

So you guys Be aware!!!

Ah Wai
016- 6985838
mira gino 1000 said:
User Id : K-Boy
Name : Ananthan a/l Karunakaran
Add : 6, Jalan Megah 9, Taman Megah Sg Jelok from Kajang
tel : 016 6157115, 016 4583382,012 2697360

Incident. - This guy collected Deposit, for the Car Reg BGP345, Perodua Kelisa 1.0 GX Colour White and FLEE AWAY,

So you guys Be aware!!!

Ah Wai
016- 6985838

go his house look for him maa bro...
he never answer ur phone since he get the deposit ar?

since u know his address,report to police lah man...although our police r mostly less efficient,always cari makan out there...(oppss out of topic liao,sorry) u should try 1st,then if thry ignore ur case (who knows,somebody tried b4) u just bring it to media!xpose all his personal info,padan muka dia!!!
yeah..go his house and pukul the tahi outta him hheheeh

but abit dumb rite? he gave his details..then he conned u?mau mati ar?
ya lo hor..

r u sure all his info is correct 1?u meet this guy from ZTH?
i know this fella...bur long time no see him

give more details la..what do u mean ........ : but that is his kelisa rite? as far as i know

Incident. - This guy collected Deposit, for the Car Reg BGP345, Perodua Kelisa 1.0 GX Colour White and FLEE AWAY,
fstrader said:
go his house look for him maa bro...

ah taiko hamsap fred

if his house happen to be the same house as Puchong taiko, better be careful, intention to beat up people become being beaten up:shades_smile:
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