best brand of tire shine ever used?

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RM16 ar???? kilat or not??? use paint and brush woh... so serious ar???
yloon said:
RM16 ar???? kilat or not??? use paint and brush woh... so serious ar???

haha...not sure lah...haven try mar
gonna wash my car in the next few days...maybe friday
i'll try it then lah :)
today go back wash car lah.... faster let ur car take bath ler.... cant wait liao...:p
haha...cannot lah got exam tumoro...sigh...sumore car so dirty liao

u can buy and try oso mar...i bought from carrefour subang. like a can of paint 1 :P
is it??? if like indian car wash type can buy woh.... very kilat wan.....:p
Sorry for the wait, not free this few days to wash car :p
anyway...i tried the paint-looking shine and here is the results

the pic shows the diff b4 and after (i did only half the tyre...looks weird :P ) its a lil glossier coz of the flash, i'll try to take another photo in the day. using a paintbrush in my opinion is not that good as it leaves streaks, but it seems like the streaks lessen as the "paint" dries. to paint it is a lil tedious, coz u have to really spread the paint nicely so that it doesn't like fill up the holes in the letters(painting walls is much easier than this, coz walls are flat :P )

i'll next try to find a way to smoothen up the paint so that it doesn't leave streaks or uneven-ness. after that will be the test of time, see how long it last :P

so give your comments or questions or anything u want me to try :)

P.S. oh yea...if you want a more detailed image, get it from my ftp at then u can zoom in and see the fine details
Aiyor.. not that nice ler..... those INDIAN car wash should be very good liao...:p
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