B18c1..no idea..juz watch

heh...that's brandon's civic EK....if u wanna watch more monster honda....visit www.teamrice.org and go into the video page and download them....a lot...cheers
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i have the review of the car in my copy of hci magazine. the entire rear hatch is made from carbon fibre
huhuhu...can lend arg?awesome....but if u got a digital camera can snap them pages using high definition resolution camera and post them here oso easier i think... :)
no hd camera. only got camera phone which has poor picture quality. if im not mistaken you are working in sunway area right? and your stats says you live in subang. so since i study in sunway and i live in subang, i can lend you no problem. if you are interested pm me :)
boggysv said:
the last part of the video doesnt mean shit to the performance of the car.
seems like he is either wheel spinning or clutch slipping....or the clutch isnt engaged at all...

thats wheel spin due to using road tires la....no shit of the performance of the car???...
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