Attempted car hijacking

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fcuk!!! this is bad shit. now the south african invention makes sense!! Remeber them under carriage mounted flamethrowers!!

Hope all is well with you mate!!
Where did this all happen?
from inside the car
marks left by the parang
dent from the 3rd attempt which broke the glass
glass in the back seat
this kind of ppl dun deserve to live in the world
top of the seat also with glass fragments
another view from outside
if ah long looking for me oso they will know where to find me. they wouldn't take their fucking time to u-turn. straight stop their car n confront me edi. if i have any enemies oso they will be following me, straight stop oso wat. no need u-turn n so on. they didnt even drop gear to reach me. so i think this was an easy oppurtunity for them to hijack my car.

from the pics, i think u guys have an idea of the size of the parangs. after i started the car, turn left then oni saw the lenght of the shattered window. tat made me angry n wanted to chase the mofos. cos they turned right. but a lorry blocked the u-turn n i went to the next one. by tat time, they were far off. couldnt catch them to see numbar either.
recalling the incident, i am not even sure how many in the car there was. i oni saw the passenger's face. there could have been a third passenger tat got to the other side so quickly. i didnt even bother then. start n chow. tat was my oni thought. there were 3 attempts made to shatter the glass, the first 2 were either too low or too soft. the 3rd one was right in the middle. glass flew everywhere but by then i was edi on my way. oni after i stopped by my gf's ofis, realised there was glass fragments in my left ear.
if they cornered my car, yes i would have rammed watever was in front. even the back. if he stood there, better still. these mofos dun deserve any mercy. cos i'm lucky enuff not to find out wat could have happened to me. i could be dead now as it is. i didnt stay long enuff to find out wat they wanted. the parang could chop my head off in one slice. not so funny now isit?

all i want now is those mofos to be caught, n u guys out there to learn from this incident. Just be extra careful

so who wants to buy my gti? :ph34r:

oh yeah, where is procomps' number? need to get one of those vases/china plates/watever.....
what the fark is wrong with human nowdays......
they got no other better things to do ah????
I guess even if we get to see the number plate, it might be a fake one
Hmm, it's really getting dangerous these days
woah man,luckily ur ok.but feel sorry for ur window :(

so clawhammer,still getting a bimmer? :D
Screw these low life morons :( I'm getting a satellite alarm system *lol*
Satellite alarm system also you'll be chopped to pieces by the time the police arrive.
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