ASS landing! ON YOUR CAR!

do wat my fren did..
some big gang was lepaking near his dude decided to act cool and put his leg on the bumper and look like a blardee superman...
my fren got pissed...pressed the alarm...the guys quickly move away la...
then he went to his car and told them..

"kenot stand too close the car too long...alarm will go off.."
i was like.."wadda??"
to prevent that from happening again, you can try to NEVER WASH you car. make it so dirty as to no one will want to touch it. :P
kyspeaks said:
to prevent that from happening again, you can try to NEVER WASH you car. make it so dirty as to no one will want to touch it. :P
oh some dood lean on my car and my car ended up with.. and clean patch! yee haw! feels pretty good but also bad knowing my car got sat on.

why not just trigger alarm?
but u wont surprise there are certain type of ppl.. if your alarm warns them to keep their distance.... they lagi mau cari pasal.. sure they will purposely do something to you car.
zephyr3d said:
but u wont surprise there are certain type of ppl.. if your alarm warns them to keep their distance.... they lagi mau cari pasal.. sure they will purposely do something to you car.

so i guess we have come to one solution so far...

kyspeaks said:
to prevent that from happening again, you can try to NEVER WASH you car. make it so dirty as to no one will want to touch it. :P

:shcokedcamo: :shcokedcamo:

then i wonder those alarm systems with shock sensor...
kyspeaks said:
to prevent that from happening again, you can try to NEVER WASH you car. make it so dirty as to no one will want to touch it. :P

Haha....Tis reminds me of my mum scolding us when we lean on ppl's cars. Not coz of making dents or scratch on ppl's car but it'll cause our clothes to be dirty.

Btw u go kampung areas u tell them don lean on the car they will feel offended as they're used to it n the car owners there also dun care bout ppl leaning on their car. Coz when i go back to my grandma's hous i c ppl jus lean on any cars nearby them n chat there.. But if my car i wil secretly trigger the alarm la jus in case the shcok sensor cant detect them...
fritz said:
alot of ppl is like tht one car duno got how many scratches..i suspect all of them is caused by those jeans..those stupid ppl lean on my car!

Correct, I can't stand that either. I don't really mind if they are wearing shorts or some form of attire that does not have a steel button at the back. I however mind leaning right after I've polished or waxed my car.

Sitting on my car is a totally different issue though. Not allowed, regardless.
okay... here's comes an interesting situation..

Hot chick with hot pants leaning, better yet sitting? xD
FuGZ said:
okay... here's comes an interesting situation..

Hot chick with hot pants leaning, better yet sitting? xD

Darn. Well, by hot I'm assuming she's slim and not heavy thus less likelyhood of there being a dent in the bonnet. Also hot pants would mean that most of the contact will be between metal and flesh which will not lead to scratches. Ah to hell with it! I'd make an exception in this instance:regular_smile:
zephyr3d said:
but u wont surprise there are certain type of ppl.. if your alarm warns them to keep their distance.... they lagi mau cari pasal.. sure they will purposely do something to you car.
agree with u... last time i went to pahang, my friend's kampung. most of those ppl there peep & touch my car like never see a car b4 :confused_smile: seeing them like 'sakai' living on top of tree.
heh..people leaning on cars need to go get a backbone transplant. wtf? cant stand up straight on your own?

aspecially retards with rivets on their jeans.

well, when I'm back at my hometown, I park my car indoors.
If doesn't have indoors then have to be a little alert. Always go peep on your car's location and status. If at shopping complexes then nothing can be done. Shock sensor is important then. If standard alarm can put many sensors?
hmm...although the ass landing cant b tolerated...but it's still better than one ZTH member's car last time..the one used as TABLE for a weddin a "good" neighbour...might b out of topic..but wtF r those ppl thinkin? it might b other's car...but damn la..ppl also earn money will blood and sweat to buy the car and take care of it nicely..and those ppl jst use the car as anythin they like? fck all those who sat or use other's cars as tables...sorry for being rude...peace..
I find the best solution just to walk to your car, smile at them, disengage the alarm, take a baseball bat or better yet, a steel pipe and chase and bash them till they bleed profusely. If done in proper manner, I estimate them to have approximately 5 minutes to get stitched up before they die of lack of blood.
I had a stupid fatherfucker sat on my bonet, then lifted one leg and rest his whole fucking leg while talking on the phone. I press the alarm and he didn't care. I shouted from inside a restaurant that is 1 shop lot away. I swear I wanted to take a knife from the shop's kitchen and slash open his throat, then reach my hand inside and break his spine. I don't care if this is too much but I hope one day, he saw his father doing that and his father got whacked up big time. Get to the root of the problem before attending to the problem itself.
i saw once a guy lean to my car. i walked straight to him and look to his eyes. when im about to get near he went off...lucky him. or lucky me? hehe...
Well, not so lucky for me.. I have an EF 4 door which was sprayed with a new coat of paint and after few weeks, some fat ass buggers went and lean/sit against the fenders and there was a blardy big dent on it.. blardy piss off when I saw it.. and the same thing happened on the other side so both fenders got dented big time.. for both the case, I had to go to my mechanic's workshop and pinjam his tools to ketuk mudguard and ketuk back out myself.. really piss off la.. so until now also still can see the marks of paint cracking/coming out because of hitting it back out.. after that also can't be bothered much with the car.. front and back also kena kiss by taxi drivers... damn bad luck la me and this car.. :(
yah. if its a friend leaning its okay la, as long as he/she not wearing jeans. BUT sitting.. too much lah! U shud've told the guy off lah!
in the end, i can see the point of not washing my car... ha ha

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