>>any Seremban People<< N9

yeehau, test car ah....now CNY already Sban sure lots of outstation cars...very dangerous....some more it's 8 pm very early and the chances of us getting caught or reported to police is very high. Today I see the traffic in Sban increase by 20% already...
khoo, let us come to you this time as the previous time is you come to our place..

TR, so we just go find khoo 'yin kau' only loh..then have a drink like that around there..12 something like that I got to go to fetch my gf...so TR I come at 8 something, set..
Yeehau, I will go myself if I'm free...I can take the wangan...

Khoo, where's ur house? SMS ur address.

Sorry that I can't confirm because I'm really busy and stressed out today...plus my foreign workers very degil....need to take out my bat and whack them....only they know....This time I'm seriously Jin Tu Lan...
Wai, if want to go try PM them for numbers. I'm not sure going or not yet....ask the taikors. I'm still in the office
if wan,i tarak hal punya...

because my kamben mating session will be nearby sg,besi highway there...^^
derrick not TT lah...just go to Khoo's house take bat and whack kau his MR2....Hahahahaha~~~just now call Khoo...sounds like his house got dogs.....time to bring my German Shepherd there....Hehehehe...still in Office...

wai, if you want to go. Khoo's house at Senawang Jaya...you know the malay school by the roadside?
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