Any 4AGZE install E-MANAGE here? Share your opinion here..

However, all of them having problem to control the ignition using emanage.. This is major problem for 7MGTE and 4AGZE owner coz it is running on DLI with opposite signal ...

My 2 cents and lingam opinions



My friend's 101 GZE's using the ignition harness with his e-manage but so far I've not heard of complaints on this matter wor...:hmmmm:
My friend's 101 GZE's using the ignition harness with his e-manage but so far I've not heard of complaints on this matter wor...:hmmmm:

Hi Pal,

Can you help my friend to seek advise from your friend on which wire to tap on the ignition??

There are 4 units AE101 GZE which install Emanage blue and non of them successfully alter the ignition due to IGF ( Feedback) to ECU as well as DLI is negative signal...Throughout the whole, most of them running GZE with Emanage unable to alter timing. Injection or fuel map can be done but not timing. It will revert back to original in a moment once you alter it with Emanage...

Any idea how your friend hook it up and any mods???

Hope to hear from you soonest and my friend will be glad to treat you TT anytime...kekekekekekekekekekek:nurse:

Thats why I start this thread... hehehehe all the problem start with DLI

When using the e-manage’s ignition harness with these ECUs the maximum advance/retard that can be set is around +/- 6 degrees. Any more than this will result in an error being detected as there will be a time difference between the IGt signal being sent and the IGf signal being received by the ECU. This will result in the​
Check Engine light coming on, base ignition timing being set and in some cases the injectors may be shut-off. This restricts usage of the e-manage’s ignition timing function to only +/- 6 degrees.

There is an​
IGf Signal Generation Circuit within the Igniter which creates the IGf signal using a
switching transistor from the same signal that is sent out of the igniter to the ignition coil. This circuit can be created external to the igniter and can be used to generate an IGf signal directly from the ECUs IGt signal
before the e-manage intercepts (and alters) the IGt signal. Using this external circuit, the ECU is provided with a consistent IGf signal even if the actual ignition event is earlier or later than the IGt signal is triggering.

I found this on net.. but I don't know how to share this circuit to all of you.. I don't know either it works or not... maybe you can find this on net..type

E-manage ignition timing with DLI 4AGZE and 7MGTE engines

'Igt to Igf circuit' type this word in yahoo search and you will find... somebody please experiment this.. who knows maybe it works! So I can use E- Manage later....

Save 4AGZE!!!!
Hi Pal,

Can you help my friend to seek advise from your friend on which wire to tap on the ignition??

There are 4 units AE101 GZE which install Emanage blue and non of them successfully alter the ignition due to IGF ( Feedback) to ECU as well as DLI is negative signal...Throughout the whole, most of them running GZE with Emanage unable to alter timing. Injection or fuel map can be done but not timing. It will revert back to original in a moment once you alter it with Emanage...

Any idea how your friend hook it up and any mods???

Hope to hear from you soonest and my friend will be glad to treat you TT anytime...kekekekekekekekekekek:nurse:


I'm pretty sure he doesn't know which wire coz he got it done at Amoil, Sunway. It's not that we don't want to share, pls do not misunderstand but seriously, he doesn't know. I was there with him at Amoil. The techs there just told us what is to be fitted & he paid, that's all...Hehehe. But I'm sure that the ignition harness was fitted.

I've also heard of what you mentioned regarding the e-manage. We did ask the guys at Amoil the same question before fitting but according to them, they've fitted countless without any problems, that's why we went ahead & got it fitted.

Maybe you can pay Amoil a visit. I think their price is quite reasonable.

Other mods include fuel regulator, Walbro fuel pump & oversize pulley lor...the usual stuff for GZE. Rest is standard.

The owner is a sailor, so I don't get to see him everyday.
Actually I don't know how much it will increase horsepower and how many percent it will correct the ECU.. Thats why we create this thread... But until today evrybody just keep their mouth shut.. sharelah....
wahhhh.good ah install emanage to sc engine....??? wanna try lorrr...
Actually I don't know how much it will increase horsepower and how many percent it will correct the ECU.. Thats why we create this thread... But until today evrybody just keep their mouth shut.. sharelah....

:hmmmm: I thought I posted this:

Sorry to interrupt, PCMod. He actually gained 25 ps on wheel on the e-manage installation alone. On the second round, he gained another 20 or so ps on wheel. So he jumped from 108 ps to 15x ps on wheel now. Torque leaped from 19 kgm to 22 kgm; if I remember correctly.:biggrin:

Did you actually read the postings, mafia staff ?
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how much does they charge at amoil there??im goin 2 tum my engine soon....hope u guys can giv me some heads up
how much does they charge at amoil there??im goin 2 tum my engine soon....hope u guys can giv me some heads up

Here's JC RAcing / Amoil's number: 03-5633 8529. I don't know how you wanna "TUM" yr engine no idea how much they'll charge.:laugh:

If e-manage, incld. installation + dyno tune, should be RM 1450; if I remember correctly.
tum.......zzzzzz haih...kena cha.....thx anyway.....i want 2 go amoil find amoi~!!!:biggrin:
tum.......zzzzzz haih...kena cha.....thx anyway.....i want 2 go amoil find amoi~!!!:biggrin:

Hahaha. Just kidding with you only, bro.

You can survey first before you take the leap. There's many other shops in Sunway that sells & tune the same things; maybe different prices too.

Good luck & pls share your results after the installation with us, ya.:biggrin:
aigh.....sunway.....long way from home...haha

You're from KL, right lilwhite ? :hmmmm: How far can that be ? :listen:I'm from Perak, it takes me about 2.5 hrs to get there everytime I want do my car. Petrol & toll is at least RM 150, just for travelling expenses...:banghead:
me aaa........1 1/2 hour from my place 2 Amoi there.......oops..sry is AMOIL.........:rofl:
i have a problem also. when i rev, everytime i hit 6k, i can feel like a "lag" and my boost drop. this happens after i installed emanage blue. i cleaned my injectors and changed the fuel pump, and i still get this prob. I wont get this problem when my car is running for like 30 mins.

anyone has the 4agze (map) rotary settings for emanage?

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