Agako,Prokick,Bass Acoustic monoblocks and amps!!

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Agako,Prokick,Bass Acoustic monoblocks and amps!!

Prokick Rocks.first Hand Experience As Im Using Regerets...
visit u this saturday.. ok for u??
mayb will install the amp together..
will give u a call b4 tat
yo yo.. tomolo can install the amp oledy..
dun worry bro.. i sure come de..
wil give u a call when i reach southcity.. yeah!!
just install the amp..

u know how the wiring runs??
i'm using 2 x10' sub.
last time i use 2chnl amp.. then i screw it to mono.. which is 4 point but only screw 2 point only..
but now this amp, did i need to screw to mono(2point) or direct each sub runing 2point which mean 4 point all screw??

i think my amp setting might wrong. the woofer is not strong enough..
n wat is the Subsonic for??
our sub is running 4ohm or 2ohm or 1ohm??
ahchuan said:
just install the amp..

u know how the wiring runs??
i'm using 2 x10' sub.
last time i use 2chnl amp.. then i screw it to mono.. which is 4 point but only screw 2 point only..
but now this amp, did i need to screw to mono(2point) or direct each sub runing 2point which mean 4 point all screw??

i think my amp setting might wrong. the woofer is not strong enough..
n wat is the Subsonic for??
our sub is running 4ohm or 2ohm or 1ohm??
You should wire your subs (single voice coil for each sub) in parallel 4Ohm + 4Ohm = 2 ohm, If your subs are double voice coil, then it's better, you can also connect them in parallel {(4ohm+4ohm)+(4ohm + 4ohm)} = 1ohm, these monoblocks will achieve it's fullest power in 1ohm. Subsonic filter will protect your subs from subsonic over excursion, it is where you set it according to your woofer spec, let's say, if your woofer unable to produce below 30Hz, you should set the subsonic filter to 30Hz or above, if you set it below 30Hz, you'll damage your subs in long run, and even faster if you play it loud.
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kiran84 said:
Bro of couse can, give me a call and u will be shocked with the price.............hahaha

Anyway, outside in shops these above amps are goin from 3000 to 4000 bucks.........Go and check in Sunway "Audia Galaxy" is selling at RM3888

I am only selling it here in ZTH only for RM1300 still can nego a little bit.....

Sub woofer, i only can get Prokick 15" woofers DVC, Double magnet.................
Super powerfull, even i am not using it, can blast ur brains out.................

Think about it and let me know
Send me the special price to my PM la bro, hehe.. so, ermm what is the price for
15 inch Prokick subs? why you not using it? you got pics and spec? I really want to see the pic... 100% interested. If my budget allow, i'll buy them from you.
ok bro..
i dunno my sub's spec le.. so i just turn the subsonic off, can?

about the wiring.. in the amp is look like this.. the i screw like this..

amp site screw my amp
postive - 1st sub's positive
postive - 2nd sub's positive
negative - 1st sub's negative
negative - 2nd sub's negative

izzit like this??
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