Accident on the flyover to cyberjaya this morning.

vestrospeed said:
I saw the incident happend to that Gti. Actually, the Gti was made a silly mistake by changing his position from left to right lanes after following the Toyota Unser that drove at 60km/h.
vestrospeed, pls do not create stories just for the fun of creating. silly mistake? overtaking a slow car is a stupid mistake? u mean u dun overtake others?

vestrospeed said:
There was a 8 cars on the road at that moment and drove very close from each others. The Gti was made a stupid Zigzag speed from left to the right lane at 80-100km/h and able to bypass the wira infront of me.
stupid zigzag? just now was overtake, now became zigzag, and again stupid???

vestrospeed said:
His is very proud but it was ended in a few second as soon as the wira infront of Gti had made an emergency break without any reason (ladies driver). The Gti was lost control and bang into the wira back bumper and got bang with the the wira at his car butt.
ppl, it's a 6 car pile-up. this gti is the fifth. the lady driver that jammed brake is the 1st. vetrospeed, u mean gti squeeze all 3 cars in between to bang the first wira's butt?

vestrospeed said:
At the same time, the Gti was tried to minimize the impact by pooling his car from right to the left lane and very unlucky to him as he was hit the back of the Toyota unser.
minimize impact? already bang still wanna minimize impact? normal ppl have that kind of skill? or do u call that a skill? Unser? obviously u don't see clearly. the sixth car is a myvi, brand new, P driver(no offense). or u r actually the 6th? gti went to left lane because of the impact from the speeding myvi from behind.

vestrospeed said:
I'm thanks to my new F1 tires that i just fitted to my car and able to skip from a second of disaster.
yah, thanks to your fantastic story that makes this topic interesting, and everyone starts saying the gti is stupid.

vestrospeed said:
Note: Do not drive too slow and Do not drive too fast. TQ
yup, you don't, otherwise u'll be the next

Pls all, before knowing the real story, pls don't create or start talking bad bout the victims. The real cause is actually the 1st car, jamming brake TOTALLY without any reason at all. Remember that the 4th n 6th car wanna make the gti pay for their repair, told altered stories to police, saying the gti speeding n zigzag. Hmm.....this sounds like prawn behind rock wahaha. No, I'm not the gti driver nor owner. I just know the whole story. tq.
still why can't drive slow following the Unser's back?
I'm still against ppl overtaking on rush hours........why can't just wait like every other..... it rush hour??........guess so, if not why all the car are so near each other? if not, why so many cars involved..........

I dare to say I never met a real serious accident on the road after 10 years of driving....only once; that's during the first few months after getting license (speeding)....and am not proud of that incident.
Thatn thats it....cos I dun usually overtake unless its neccesary; I prefer to drive at normal speed be it 60km/h or 110km/h based on condition.

When an accident happens, ppl and on-lookers start speculating and speak based on their interpretion. You can't blame vestrospeed also; how do u know he's there or not there when it happens....because it's a rush; and most probably he didn't stop by to look...he's messed up some of the details.

So just cool it! Maybe your friend didn't say he's zig zagging as I would probably tell my friend I'm only overtaking and the bloody car infront of me jam emergency brake and that's it.......bang! are u in the car??

Anyway, how's the car now?......Settled already with the insurance company?
Sorry for the heated harsh word. U have to accept the fact that in this world; ppl speculates based on their own interpretion.

Peace all..........!
b00n said:
still why can't drive slow following the Unser's back?
I'm still against ppl overtaking on rush hours........why can't just wait like every other..... it rush hour??........guess so, if not why all the car are so near each other? if not, why so many cars involved..........

I dare to say I never met a real serious accident on the road after 10 years of driving....only once; that's during the first few months after getting license (speeding)....and am not proud of that incident.
Thatn thats it....cos I dun usually overtake unless its neccesary; I prefer to drive at normal speed be it 60km/h or 110km/h based on condition.

When an accident happens, ppl and on-lookers start speculating and speak based on their interpretion. You can't blame vestrospeed also; how do u know he's there or not there when it happens....because it's a rush; and most probably he didn't stop by to look...he's messed up some of the details.

So just cool it! Maybe your friend didn't say he's zig zagging as I would probably tell my friend I'm only overtaking and the bloody car infront of me jam emergency brake and that's it.......bang! are u in the car??

Anyway, how's the car now?......Settled already with the insurance company?
Sorry for the heated harsh word. U have to accept the fact that in this world; ppl speculates based on their own interpretion.

Peace all..........!

thanks boon. I just don't like ppl's mindset that when an accident happens, and there's a modified car or some a bit more powerful car is involved, that car is always wrong, n ppl start saying they deserves that, bla bla bla.

no idea on the cars condition now, waiting for adjuster n insurance it seems.
aiya...just put it this way...if u are a youngster got accident..first thing ppl say bout u is...wah that boy speeding lo..maybe got drink beer, maybe racing...maybe maybe.....:confused_smile:
K_Takuya said:
so.. any story from the lady driver why she suddenly braked?
5 drivers : (in malay) Why u suddenly stop the car?
lady driver : (in malay) Dunno, why u follow so close?


mm....there is absolutely nothing in front, or maybe ......... eerie
that's why always try and leave a distance whereby U know u can brake in time.....
I hate it especially during traffic jam whereby the cars are moving slowly; usually I'll wait for the car infront to move some distance before I start moving; or I just release the brake (car is auto mah) and move slowly........what I cannot tahan is the bugger behind me would keep so close to my back....than whenever I brake; I would always look at my rear mirror, make sure he didn't knock into me, or if he's too close...I might need to sway a little bit to the right or left.....
I don't like also big car's following me cos the momentum and the distance of brake is more dangerous.
I remember once during emergency braking (was driving my ex's manual kelisa); manage to stop by downshifting and braking. But the car behind me....Toyota Serena auto bang into me......cos the momentum is high and braking distance is not enough for the guy to stop as compared to little ol' Kelisa.
the 5 driver should slap the lady laa. so the how it was settled? the lady compensate them? or how?

silly excuse la.. dunno why suddenly herself braked. maybe she confuse which pedal for accelerate and braking?

should scold her untill she cry....
i tought we should look out for our distance with the front car what.. TERUTAMA lady drivers in front of us.. no offence... just look out for ur self.. n ur beloved car... but at least the best thing here.. s no body was injured.. thanx 2 god..

my rusty cents
now here comes the speculation again..........
she doesn nothing wrong in emergency brake as she might felt something odd or something wrong...and she's definitely correct in saying "Why u follow so close?!"

in case of real emergency; they're still going to bang into each other because of the braking distance! So now it seems that nothing is on the road causing the Malay lady to brake; so the fault is on her.......but what if there's really something that causes the braking; who's to blame?!?!

So reflect at ourself before starting to blame anyone...both parties would have their fault to this! Especially those 6 cars in the pile up. Why not the rest of cars in that strecth of traffic not involved?!........simple answer; cos there's not that close or they can brake with ease.
im not saying the lady is 100% wrong... 50% goes to the lady >> 2 drive is 2 be alert... front and also behind... dont u look at ur rear mirror b4 any braking?? and also 50% goes 2 the all 5 cars behind that is of coz 2 close...

so.. when u drive alwez drive smart... for us and for other 2 avoid unnessary accidents.... maybe its not our mistake for causding the accident.. but due to our alertness.. we can also avoid accidents...

again my rustier cents alert! lalert on the road....
e819, not talking bout ur statement actually.........
was targeting K_Takuya's quote only.....

also that's why I say all the partis involved in the accident has their part in causing the accident.
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