What's the worse thing you will do to a thief!!

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Dec 14, 2003
Justice does'nt make them suffer enough?... DO YOU HAVE A PLAN TO TORTURE THEM before they go into the hands of the blue boys???

How far or how bad would you go??

Give me your suggestions... Death parole is no FUN!!! because they suffer too little... try something which is more fun!!!

Goddfadda's COME TORTURE YOUR THIEF list upon capture:

1) Tie him down .... Strip him naked and leave him in his bareness for all to WATCH!!!! Ladies and Children are allowed!!!!

2) Tie him down and tie him high up a tree and then ask all the neighbours to bring all they can imagine and throw it at them i.e. stones!, Eggs, or even some left over motion waste from your favorite pet or better yet... your own...

3) Tie him down... if your too pissed and angst is all you've got in you... ask him to bite the curb of the road and then KICK THE MOTHERFUCKING PRICKS HEAD!!!! Show him how a head job is done when he messes with you...

4) Tie him down... because you HATE HIM SO MUCH... leave your mark on that fool... make sure the cut is deep enough for it to last a life time.... On his forehead write the word "GAY" or something not so obscene would be "THIEF" and if you really hate just to look at him that only words could replace your eye view then place the word "FUCK FACE" on his forehead...

5) DO YOU HATE RATS??? If you do... PERFECT!!!! then what you can do is if the crime in on day light... again... applying the 1st method... Strip him Naked then Tie Him Down and Let him burn by the hands of God by placing him on the TAR ROADS!!! just like how they dry the rats up....

6) You like cute bubbly stuff??? How bout cooking Hot Water and the pouring it onto that SUN OF A BITCH... then after a while... cut bubbly bubbles will form.... Pop it if you like...

7) You know how sometimes you shout at those thiefs and they don't listen to you... hehehe ... how to get back??? simple... make sure you have an air hon handy around the house... then just simply blow it straight into his ears!!!!

8) Have you ever heard of this saying when you were a kid? "IF you are naughty boy, I'll CILI your MOUTH!!!!!" well ... Ever wondered how that felt??? Well... you can now... Pack all the cili's and cili bo and cili padi you have and CILI THAT MOFO.... While your at it... blow pepper into his nose... mmmmMMmmMmm what a feeling... PEDAS AND SNEEZE and the same time...

Well people... sometimes we just need to teach one Rodent and the rest will learn that if they do the same thing... they'll get the same treatment if not worse...

Lets form a Society to treat them fools... when we catch em... lets do it our style 1st before we pass it into the law of the government.....


Known Member
Senior Member
Dec 24, 2004
wooooooooooooooooooow man....u r damn funn......
what u say,i love it,people have stolen 19 handphone from me less than 4 years 3 nike shose and etc.

i am totaly agree with what u say and what u plan to do,
anytime ,we make a group and we fuck them allll.


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Dec 14, 2003
I like your style... we have to stop this kinda shit man... if the cops can't do their jobs well enough... sometimes... we innocent citizens should do something about it....

Rock Lee

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Oct 18, 2004
Klang, Selangor
Originally posted by goddfadda@Feb 9 2005, 16:30
4) Tie him down... because you HATE HIM SO MUCH... leave your mark on that fool... make sure the cut is deep enough for it to last a life time.... On his forehead write the word "GAY" or something not so obscene would be "THIEF" and if you really hate just to look at him that only words could replace your eye view then place the word "FUCK FACE" on his forehead...

8) Have you ever heard of this saying when you were a kid? "IF you are naughty boy, I'll CILI your MOUTH!!!!!" well ... Ever wondered how that felt??? Well... you can now... Pack all the cili's and cili bo and cili padi you have and CILI THAT MOFO.... While your at it... blow pepper into his nose... mmmmMMmmMmm what a feeling... PEDAS AND SNEEZE and the same time...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

ok ...i like those 2 the best...
how do you come up with these ideas anyway... :lol: :lol:


Active Member
Senior Member
Nov 24, 2003
Greatest fear will be sodomised, I guess. Force him to sit (with force) on the tip of some water tap. Or ask him to bend over, arse facing the exhaust pipe and give him a good kick at the head. Thus forcing him to have the exhaust pipe shafted up at his weakest point. It will be good if your engine is still running. Piping hot.


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 17, 2003
Originally posted by Manielo_RX7@Feb 10 2005, 04:50
wooooooooooooooooooow man....u r damn funn......
what u say,i love it,people have stolen 19 handphone from me less than 4 years 3 nike shose and etc.

i am totaly agree with what u say and what u plan to do,
anytime ,we make a group and we fuck them allll.
19 handphones..?? is that a typo ? :o :huh: :blink:


500 RPM
Senior Member
Mar 21, 2004
Kuala Lumpur, M
when the theif is caught,
when he's pinned down on the road,
body faced down,
straighten out his right arm holding his wrist,
your left foot on his back,
your right foot aiming for his elbow,
kick as hard as you can ... break his fucking arm all together!!
repeat procedure on the opposite side.....
to police station? why bother?

it's pretty scary to myself :blink: that the above idea was the first spontaneous thought on my mind when I read this post..... hope I dun have to do that.


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Mar 1, 2004
i thought of something simpler.....lift tat buggers leg n place it on a curb/chair or watever tat can elevate the leg position.....get a brick or anythin tats heavy n hardy, n wack......i bet tat idiot will wish tat he'll b dead.....somethin like method 3...but can always repeat on other parts of body wat....heheh....

i constantly think of ways to torture this mofos.....but i still got 1 fear....wat if they come bak wif a gang n had a revenge on u....!!...OUCH~~!!!.....sighhh~~ thiefs....


Known Member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2004
strip dat bugger naked n tie him wit rantai anjing on da lamp post on bz street ... i think dat will serve them right ... hehehe :lol: :lol:


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Nov 23, 2004
haha ... dun la carik bulu , keep some 4 cold days ler coz they are naked la . bulu can warm them up . :D :D


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Dec 14, 2003
I think what ever it is... we must be calm when we do it so that we remember all the procedures....

spyderslr when you can actually do something like this alone ... means you are what we call a real JANTAN because if it's done at your house because that's where the crime happened then I pay you full respect!

This kind of methods usually apply when you are utterly or tremendously insulted by his indispucable act of crime or when you have you buddy's around or neighbours to help... THEN GO AHEAD AND MAKE HIS DAY!!!!....

Be vary that you don't KILL that MOFO (SULA... that's some crazy thing man but interesting) otherwise you'll have to sit the chair but if he is in your house compound with a weapon to treaten... By all means...

I don't plan to promote these kinds of act of punishment but I plan to teach somepeople that they should not take crime as lightly as they do because there's alot of us out there who do honest jobs with honest paying salaries...

If he comes back for you again spyderslr... he deserves a better treatment the second time around with his clonies if they are around with him....

If I had the power... I will set an underground group just to whack the heck outta these people to bring justice in this country because

"I can't even park in at home without feeling worried"

That's why I always read a verse and keep a Quran in the car to prevent all this from happening and if it happens to me... I swear to godd if he gets me on a wrong day... you boys are all invited to GODDFADDA's BASHING PARTAY....


Known Member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2004
Originally posted by AccordRacing@Feb 20 2005, 11:52
tear out their skin n pour salt :D
wow ... datz scary shit man !! :blink: :blink:


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 14, 2003
hahaha you guys and gurls are great!!! would love to join, if it's around cheras area let me know i'll come by and help you guys on the procedure hehehe.


Known Member
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2004
dey....goddfadda....wah it sudah ganas wor.... put in Quran....hehehe.. :lol:

if i go the chances... i will drive my car to thailand and call some bomoh to curse the people who going to break my car .... make sure the person will die because of internal bleeding....!!! grrrrrr..... :angry:


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 14, 2003
If I'm lucky to caught a thief, after overpowering him. I will just whack him until he's half dead then hand him over to the police.

Don't do all those 'torturing', you will enter jail later. :lol: