Damn Flat Mate...

:lol: hahaha DIY kitchen cant jadi for me ..
really need a good setup...
coz i do practices for my exams...
so its rather important for me to have a kitchen...
Try this...
1/ Get evidence of his gf's hair in the bathroom.
2/ Evidence of the leftover food in the pot/pans, whatever.
3/ Record his loud voices/noise.

Then, show him all these proof. There's no way he can deny, liao.

Else, like someone just mentioned, spycam him and his gf. Then, send it to me and I'll market it. With the money, we'll buy a super duper flat and make tons of marnee. How? :P
Originally posted by twistedangel@Apr 19 2005, 19:34
<!--emo&:lol:--><img src='style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle'
alt='laugh.gif' /><!--endemo--> hahaha DIY kitchen cant jadi for me ..
really need a good setup...
coz i do practices for my exams...
so its rather important for me to have a kitchen...

i don't mind being a guinea pig! :lol:
i used to stay wif one of the laziest & dirtiest couple in the world...mebe urs is worse but mine was by far the wosrt ive seen...

was in wolverhampton..rented a place wif a fren..the original tenants was a couple consisting of a Geek,...umm...i mean Greek and his M'sian gf..i was desperate for a place to stay cos i was runnin out of money and had to find myself a job..i actually finished my studies in Sheffield oledi but stayed on to earn some GBP...the moment i stepped into the hse, it was like a jungle...no, jungle is an understatement...more like a rubbish dump...the walkway leading towards the living room was scattered wif rubbish, dirty clothes, dirty plates...anything & everything un-imaginable...then i entered the living room...it was like a dessert...cos the carpet was covered wif sand, cumulated fr yrs of ppl walking in & out wif their shoes....n dat was not the worst yet...entered the kitchen & nearly fainted...pots & pans, forks & spoon, stacked up 2 feet high...fr the looks of it, it has been sitting there for quite some time...this also is not the worst part...we moved on to the bathroom & i nearly died of heart attack...the bathroom floor was LITERALLY covered with hair...u could hardly see the color of the floor tiles...there was algae on the walls & bathtub, insects, spiders, even god damned used sanitary pads lying on the floor...at dat point, i just turned to my fren n said out loud, "we'd be better off living on the streets"...the greek guy was desperate to get tenants in to ease the rental so he promised to clean up everything...we had a chat that day & came to an agreement on the house chores...it was a fair deal, except the fact that he & his gf did not do the chores!!! but it was too late, i had already paid the rental & moved in b4 i found out he was a fucking liar...he did the chores for oni the first 2 wks..excuse?? he had assignments to do and was bz...fuck him...n i later found out that he uses all the kitchenware before starting to clean them...say, he got 10 pots in the hse...he uses 10pots & leaves them on the sink...oni when he runs out of pots to cook in, then he will wash...but not wash all 10!!!! wash oni 1 to use....leave the remaining 9 there...i wonder how his gf could stand such a pig...seems his gf oso the same...then came the next tenant, another msian girl who was a fren of the greek's gf...she oso complained to me abt them...end up, there was a big fight and the landlord had to be called in to settle things...he kicked the couple out and we did not have to compensate the balance of the rental...steady indian fella... :D
ahaha...good stuff u got there wildboar

my time was not any better...was pretty fuck up when we had one french staying but we had 3 more decent ppl cleaning up all those shit. When another brit move in...was like hell! something like what wildboar mentioned...and thats not about it, that bitch sounded like what u described twisted angel...kept blaming that we F up the whole place...yuckss...when i think of her now it really makes me puke...how dirty could that be...living in pure shit hole....puke! :blink:

anyway what i did was, i kept my own set of kicthen equipments in the room. so whenever i cooked, brought the stuff out, cooked, cleaned up....and hide again! ehehe...same for all the bathroom stuff and such...dont want them to go to the hands of that brit slut...yucksss...

and after all the nonsense she said that we Were racist bastards, thats y we hated her..she was african brit actually...sighh....what else can i say? :lol: whatever lar..

anyway just some thoughts, i feel that most of the native brit students do live in shit holes...no matter how good they dress up and how good they look...still....yuckss...
i feel like puking everytime i see accomodation of those brits....bathtub black in colour, condoms all around, uncleaned plates piling up....yucks!!!
hmm..even my landlord has to agree with me...yucksss...

can still remember i have to clean all the used condoms left by brit sluts when i first moved in... puke
:lol: hahahaa...man interesting stories...
well yea i guess this china guys gf is a real dirty bitch ..lol
just puttin up with em la..
at east they cleaned up last week...
hope this week they'll keep clean..lol

i dont have my own kitchen stuff but i do make sure i wash every other thing with dish washing detergant n hot water..lol good thing im so used to kitchens..ive worked in filthy kitchen before hahahaa..but those were industrial ones...

but i do keep some of my precious..food stuff in my room..lol..hahahaa bein sellfish..i dont wanna share with him stuff...no way..lol all my precious..indgrediants..hahahahhaa...

i dont get it..no matter wat he cooks it stinks up the entire flat n dunno wth spices he's using i mean,..i didnt knoe food frm china smelled bad..hahaha nvr came across it before anyways... funny..hmmph..
Throw him off the balcony. Snap photos of his expression while he's falling down and also his state when he splats on the ground.
twisted angel,
do you know which part of china is he from? or should i say do you even bother where he is from? ahaha..

i have many frens from china when i was in uk and all of them are pretty decent...sizuan is a bit funny though, cant bear with their curry hotpot...yuckss..deeping all the stuff into oil before eating....yuckss...that really mess up the kitchen! ;)
Originally posted by twistedangel@Apr 17 2005, 09:09
<!--emo&:angry:--><img src='style_emoticons/default/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle'
alt='mad.gif' /><!--endemo--> well im currently renting a room in a 3 bedroom flat here in london..
n i share with a guy frm china and a polish girl...

the china guy is the main tenant..so we n the other gal pays rent to him..
its a private property so the rate is higher..
the plc is rather small but i have a double room..
we only have 2 common areas..basically the kitchen n the bathroom...

n this bloody farkin annoyin china guy is just filthy...
when me n the polish gal moved in he kept goin on n on about keeping the plc clean..n how we are not to make too much noise...

we have a cleanin roster so we do take turns to clean...but this bloody fucker is darn dirty...everytime after using the damn kitchen all the pots n pans are dirty even after its washed there's bits n pieces of wat he last cooked on it...

n his bloody dirty gf comes to stay with him every weekend too..n adds more to the mess he makes..we sat down to talk last week but he is add it again n i just couldnt take it.. everytime they leave the bathroom its the same..soap n hair all over the bathroom..n blaming me ...wtf!!!

i find myself cleanin up after the mess all the time coz i just cant take it hate seeing the plc dirtyyy..n grossed out...today i couldnt take it..when i found the damn multi purpose scissors full of soap powder kept in the cutlery drawer where there were clean cutlery in there!!

i wrote a nasty long note n pasted it on the fridge..explanin n tellin im tored of cleanin the damn mess...

he comes back n tells me it isnt him...n i knoe for a fact the polish girl doesnt even cook...WTF...then who else could it be if not him...!!! ARGHHHHH....

i cant move..out..n im not goin to for the time being but damn i guess i dont mind hearing suggestions hahahaaa...

coz i would have just taken my knife set out frm my case n stabbed him n the bloody gf to death ...let them bleed slowly in thier own filth....arghhh... <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='style_emoticons/default/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle'
alt='mad.gif' /><!--endemo-->

i think you should be patient for now...and wait till its the right time to move out...i also use tho have this problem when i was studying...until i almost mixed rat poisent for this useles house mate....cause always bugging me and ask me to keep the house tidy,clean up my own room,stop repairing stuff outside the house.....until when i got so pist off i poured used diesel which was used for cleaning engine components near his favorite pokok bunga...so the trees died slowly...so when i completed my studies the tree died....since this idiot who proclaimed himself to be very religious even told me not to bring girls to the house on weekends(he not around on weekends..he balik kampung) so i would try my best to bring back a girl to the house so i can have fun with them in house ... i even let my friends use his room to screwgirls when he not around....cause i dont like other people to use my room to screw.....so if this asshole is in this forum.....u know what happend when u were not around...... :D
:lol: hahahahaa pretty mean huh...
:P yea but im not moving out...hahahaaa
so just gonna withstand it..
Originally posted by twistedangel@Apr 21 2005, 19:23
<!--emo&:lol:--><img src='style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle'
alt='laugh.gif' /><!--endemo--> hahahahaa pretty mean huh...
<!--emo&:P--><img src='style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle'
alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo--> yea but im not moving out...hahahaaa
so just gonna withstand it..
so be patient for a while..and keep the anger elsewhere...cause when you feel anger towards your housemate it is only going to make u stressed up..so relax...
:lol: true i guess its best..to stay calm.. n get even some other time maybe hahahaa...

any suggestion on gettin even for ltr..hahaha u knoe just my pen down some ideas..n keep it safely hidden till i need it .. muahahahahahahahahaha

anyways... annyone else in LONDON???
Originally posted by twistedangel@Apr 22 2005, 08:43
any suggestion on gettin even for ltr..hahaha u knoe just my pen down some ideas..n keep it safely hidden till i need it .. muahahahahahahahahaha

anyways... annyone else in LONDON???

go buy a D cup sexy lacy bra n throw it in his room...when his gf sees that, she'll freak out, accusing him of sleepin wif a hooter... :lol: not sure if he has a gf anot tho..din read thru...

me used to be in london...but for oni a wk before i came bek..departed fr heathrow...my godmom stays in london...is the london eye still a big attraction?? the que was like 10 miles long when i was there...so din get a chance to have a ride...
Its not recommended to stay gals and boys together :)
Better stay with those you know well..
I could only suggest you make a pictorial example. Take a picture of the clean area at time and day. Paste it on the bulletin board. Then if it gets dirty for no reason paste it again and confront him.

If he don't admit it, never mind just hide the post and pans, so he can't cook. If he ask where the pots and pan are, just say, you don't know. Since you and him don't know whether he is cooking and not cleaning up, how should you know who took the pots and pans? Make him eat his words.

Make your point. Else make him this offer, pay you for your cleaning on the pots and pans. Cut the amount from your rent. hahaha. See if he dare to be dirty anymore.

But in the end its better to move in and probably bunker up with your friends who live nearby. It is true that the Chinese people in China are one kind. Makes me sad my decendants come from there. You can't make them change their behaviour overnight. True we cannot judge all of china in one sweep. But unfortunately many who came here are from the deep country side, and made their fortune in the city. When they have money, they still keep their spitting habit. Its little wonder they are not afraid of themselves except their army.

Anyway killing the guy isn't an option. He could have done that to you too. And those nasty post about rat poison, pushing him off the balcony isn't helping to solve the situation. An sadly i begin to thin our society never thinks hard anymore to solve the problem rather killing and doing bodily harm.
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When he's out, plant some fungus on his bed. Maybe then he'll realise how important hygiene is.

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