Satria Neo CPS problem

Hi guys! New owner here too. Collected by black CPS (Manual) yesterday. Engine still very new, so running it in now. Some issues though:

1. Car alignment a little out
2. Rusted wiper arm joint
3. Seatbelt indicator (on dashboard when u not wearing seatbelt) is not working
4. Faint windnoise when i hit 90kmh above

Lets see what else comes up before i hit the 1000km service :)

Also a query guys. Our bulb size (low beam) is H1 right? Thinking of changing it, but how do you remove the back headlamp cover?? The one of the left size also is difficult to reach as the wiper fluid container is blocking access.
Hi guys! New owner here too. Collected by black CPS (Manual) yesterday. Engine still very new, so running it in now. Some issues though:

1. Car alignment a little out
2. Rusted wiper arm joint
3. Seatbelt indicator (on dashboard when u not wearing seatbelt) is not working
4. Faint windnoise when i hit 90kmh above

Lets see what else comes up before i hit the 1000km service :)

Also a query guys. Our bulb size (low beam) is H1 right? Thinking of changing it, but how do you remove the back headlamp cover?? The one of the left size also is difficult to reach as the wiper fluid container is blocking access.
When our cars were assembled at factory, they didnt bother or align the vehicle so i guess our cars are pretty much out.
The seatbelt indicator i think is there for fun...It is not working anyway...I have asked before in this forum.....
yitjin: Yeah get the buggers to fix ur alignment. Usually it's a small problem. As for seatbelt indicator, that thing is always redundant.... not just the Neo but across the Proton car range so I think nothing can be done on that one. Wind noise might be an issue. After service try hitting 120 and above. I had the same problem. If it persists then we will have something to discuss about :) believe me rusted wiper arm joint is nothing as long as ur arm doesn't break haha.... mine broke TWICE
for seatbelt indicator it works on saga bLM, there is actually a wire connecting under the seat for the seatbelt sensor to be work..... i drove before my company saga blm
Jason and ldhong,

Thanks for the reply guys. Yea, come into Proton COE (what excellence??) late morning and now typing this reply still waiting for the alignment job on my ride (slow internet wifi here BTW). Initially, the first SA told me 'alignment not under warranty', although i told him i collected my car less than 48 hours earlier! Luckily my sales guy came over and sorted this issue. Sighhhhh

Met another nice Neo owner here. He bought his last year and had told me to be prepared. He had been here numerous times (even kept a folder where all his receipts and complaint forms were kept!). Think i am gonna get lots of white hair already soon...

The wind noise, some rear seat rattling etc will be addressed when i hit my 1k service. Updates as they come :)

On a brighter note, I am planning to change my bulbs to Philips x-treme power and full exhaust change (hotbits?).
Jason and ldhong,

Thanks for the reply guys. Yea, come into Proton COE (what excellence??) late morning and now typing this reply still waiting for the alignment job on my ride (slow internet wifi here BTW). Initially, the first SA told me 'alignment not under warranty', although i told him i collected my car less than 48 hours earlier! Luckily my sales guy came over and sorted this issue. Sighhhhh

Met another nice Neo owner here. He bought his last year and had told me to be prepared. He had been here numerous times (even kept a folder where all his receipts and complaint forms were kept!). Think i am gonna get lots of white hair already soon...

The wind noise, some rear seat rattling etc will be addressed when i hit my 1k service. Updates as they come :)

On a brighter note, I am planning to change my bulbs to Philips x-treme power and full exhaust change (hotbits?).
i guess most neo have some QC issues>>>those who have a problem free neo are the lucky's one....personally i dun think need to change bulb or exhaust....the original 1 are good enough...u shud really get familiar with the car first and taste the powEr first>>>rev kau kau....

u wouldn'T what will happen after u mod ur car>>if everything is ok better dun gatal2 touch it>> if there is something wrong and u go for warranty claims or etc, SC/COE will blame u for modifying ur neo and this might void the warranty...
Hi yitjin,

Actually alignment can do outside, no need to suffer at COE. Lots of really good alignment shops outside that can do good alignment.

After driving my car for almost a week, i realize the Neo's quality seems to be a bit lower than Protons of the past.....someone correct me if i'm wrong. I owned 2 protons before, a Wira 1.6 (final batch) & a GTi....both seemed better built overall, i am not talking about ride & handling, but the quality of parts, interior etc. My ride's central locking seems so crude, opening the door is like breaking open a cardboard box. Maybe its my unit.
Hi yitjin,

Actually alignment can do outside, no need to suffer at COE. Lots of really good alignment shops outside that can do good alignment.

After driving my car for almost a week, i realize the Neo's quality seems to be a bit lower than Protons of the past.....someone correct me if i'm wrong. I owned 2 protons before, a Wira 1.6 (final batch) & a GTi....both seemed better built overall, i am not talking about ride & handling, but the quality of parts, interior etc. My ride's central locking seems so crude, opening the door is like breaking open a cardboard box. Maybe its my unit.
Totally agreed with the QC issues...really sucks big time...In fact, i personally have appointment with COE this Friday over some QC problems...haih, CENTER of EXCELLENCE it seems....
Hi all,

Is anyone facing this with their NEO CPS's? My car is quite noisy when travelling on highway stretches in 5th gear & above 80 kph, its not wind noise but engine noise. Its like the 5th gearing is so low that the engine is straining, and the rpm at 100kph is about 2.5k closer to 3k. This is probably why some ppl have said the CPS consumes a lot of petrol on highways. My car is only a week old, so maybe its not 'loosened' up yet, but was wondering if anyone else out there with new CPS's face the same issue? Thanks.
Hi all,

Is anyone facing this with their NEO CPS's? My car is quite noisy when travelling on highway stretches in 5th gear & above 80 kph, its not wind noise but engine noise. Its like the 5th gearing is so low that the engine is straining, and the rpm at 100kph is about 2.5k closer to 3k. This is probably why some ppl have said the CPS consumes a lot of petrol on highways. My car is only a week old, so maybe its not 'loosened' up yet, but was wondering if anyone else out there with new CPS's face the same issue? Thanks.

Not a concern for a sport car.

For mine, the bumpers all out, front and back, spoiler is not even - paint job by Proton need to be redone because of teardrop. And if any of you could feel there is a loud thug from the rear is actually the narrow gap between the exhaust chamber and the under foil - guess what? - in order to solve it Proton actually 'trim' my under foil. Cool? Better now, those bumpers will still be under warranty, but while waiting Proton to fix it, and someone knocked onto your car, will Proton getaway with the warranty?

the alarm now squeaks intermittently if i activate / deactivate it. And when I called proton yesterday, they told me that they could have a look at it and maybe if it's fuse problem - that could be charged.

Yes, the wiper is hitting the driver's side pillars.

The jerking could be felt shockingly on 3rd gear within the 2.8K rpm range. Nothing could be done, according to the man on the Proton line.

Now of all the posts above I read if it's correct, all these must be featured in the NeoCPs fact sheet given out to you to lure you buy a Neo CPS.
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Yes, at higher speeds, the Neo is practically screaming. At 100kmh, you are right, its close to 3k rpm. So nothing abnormal there. I don't mind the engine noise (maybe time for some soundproofing/autofoam) but the wind noise is driving me nuts!


Now that you mention it, yes, i do hear a loud thud occasionally coming from the mid/rear section of the car when i go over bumps. Sounds like the exhaust is hitting something. Oh man, another thing to complain about, or maybe change to custom exhaust :)

I think for those who have not done the 1k service yet, lets get together at COE and protest when we do!

EDIT: I feel the engine jerking too at 3rd gear. But i read somewhere Proton may change the ECU or something. Not sure if it would solve the problem.
Hi are absolutely right, they should put it in the fact sheet & displayed in every PE showroom for the Neo CPS. Heh heh heh, brochure should read as follows:

* 125hp
* 150Nm Torque
* Kerb Weight 1212kg
* Complimentary jerking anywhere from 1st to 3rd gear & below 3k rpm as a failsafe switch to prevent over revving the engine
* Wiper will occasionally hit your pillar to ensure water is completely shaken off before next cycle
* Extra high fuel consumption on highways and above 100kph to discourage speeding
* Poor NVH to simulate driving a track car i.e. Lotus
* We have engineered other problems into the car and programmed them to pop out within a year to ensure you are forced to bring it back to our SC for extra care and continued after sales service.

Yitjin, thanks for confirming the low gearing at 5th gear, at least i know its normal. The upside is that the car is ok driving in a jam, i can use 2nd & 3rd gear easily even after the car slows to an almost stop, and i can overtake easily on 5th. Downside is the screaming engine noise & relatively high consumption. As they say, can't have everything.
Damn funny ur fact sheet, chris :)

---------- Post added at 11:53 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:45 AM ----------

OK guys, as u can see....i'm the thread starter plus my self hav my probs wit my neo cps....

For you guys who didn't read from page 1 till now, let me tell u.....i've in and out from COE for like 40 over times? but definitley more than 30times......lost count recently.
Till now my cps still havin some minor probs such as rattling sounds everywhere! which i already giv up to hope tht COE can fix it for me.....
Waiting in COE for ur car to service or repairs is a hell pain in the ass.....

If for normal service, it will takes minimum 4 hrs of ur time....but if u request for extra thing "Complain" then ur car will b release back to u in the late afternoon...around 4-5pm.

Well, i've wasted more than tht end up i gave up my hope to Proton...sorry Proton, i wished i can hypnotise myself to believe in u guys....but tht piece of junk is totally a crap wit recently survery shown tht customers satisfaction for Proton is the lowest!

Bear in mind, witout us.....Proton will never succeeded in where u r now.......
an update on the problems that might happen in the future!
As im doing overhaul now, my mechanic found out that my car is not the 1st case there are already a few "stock" cars that have the same problem having already claimed the warranty at COE. Since i modified my engine internals so i guess proton won't give me my warranty eventhough it has nothing to do with my modifications. The story is, this is a defect at the engine block. The 3rd cylinder block is a bit bigger than the piston and would easily blow the piston ring(eg. high rev) and then your engine eats your engine oil and white smoke will come out of your exhaust. But i think if you just drive normally it's ok and dont high rev. Now my car is in the workshop for a week T.T
So i hope this defect only applies to the already few of us only.
My god ceejay ur problem is damn major wei.... CPSlover: Guess what I've been reading ur story from Paultan till here..... I really feel sad for u..... Wow, there are so many of you guys facing so many different problems. Well, I've been there and some of it I have solved. 1.) The wiper hitting the A-pillar: Can be adjusted if you guys have the right sized spanner. I did it already. Personally I feel the NVH is fine, it's not as bad as other cars and I work in the automotive industry :) My exhaust doesn't 'thud' either. And cmon guys, it's a Neo, it's not meant to be a highway cruiser that has whisper quiet engine note and insulation. For the price we're paying.... I think it's fair. What's stupid is the host of other major problems that you guys have eg piston problems, paintjob problems etc etc.
an update on the problems that might happen in the future!
As im doing overhaul now, my mechanic found out that my car is not the 1st case there are already a few "stock" cars that have the same problem having already claimed the warranty at COE. Since i modified my engine internals so i guess proton won't give me my warranty eventhough it has nothing to do with my modifications. The story is, this is a defect at the engine block. The 3rd cylinder block is a bit bigger than the piston and would easily blow the piston ring(eg. high rev) and then your engine eats your engine oil and white smoke will come out of your exhaust. But i think if you just drive normally it's ok and dont high rev. Now my car is in the workshop for a week T.T
So i hope this defect only applies to the already few of us only.

Wow, tis is major man......

Which yr is ur car? 2009 or 2010?
mine is yr 2009 got my car on september 2009.
i still don't know how true but mechanic found out that the 3rd cylinder block is slightly bigger.
Mine yr 09' too......hopefully no prob.

Wat u had mod for ur engine?
i just did port and polish to the head.
do you notice your blowby at the PCV valves kick out lots of oil and vapor?
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