Subaru WRX 8. Urgent Sale. Cheap cheap!

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Subaru WRX 8. Urgent Sale. Cheap cheap!


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Apr 25, 2010
Kuala Lumpur

Please close thread. SOLD.
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Singapore Car. But when you purchase it, we'll give you MY roadtax and number plate.

Cash bro. You can take personal loan. :)
SG car how can do insurance n roadtax in malaysia? iziit illegal?
pm me OTR price.
btw, this is converted or ori version 8?
pls lemme know details. thanks
It's illegal meaning? It's not a stolen car bro.

If you wanna make it legal, add 23k for documentations. I got people at JPJ to do it. :)
Documentations not just to declare. Documentations, everything. Roadtax, grant, insurance, reg card. Not imitation. I got lubang who can do it. Once done it, LEGAL :)

---------- Post added at 06:35 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 05:22 PM ----------

If can take by tomorrow, i'll let go cheaper. :)
Documentations not just to declare. Documentations, everything. Roadtax, grant, insurance, reg card. Not imitation. I got lubang who can do it. Once done it, LEGAL :)

---------- Post added at 06:35 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 05:22 PM ----------

If can take by tomorrow, i'll let go cheaper. :)

Hi guys,

Just to share with you all buyer here. My friend did bought this kind of car before. Endup trouble & his car got tarik from JPJ when road block.

You mention you know someone from JPJ? Is there any insurance you can give to the potential buyer? What if the JPJ officer not working thr anymore or being investigate?

Potential buyer please be very very careful before you buy. Think twice before you act. Or else, your destiny will be same like my friend.

You will not get saman or what, but end up, whole car gone. That's all...
Bro, please clarify with me before posting. Your friend buy, did they provide documents. Mine's provided bro. not imitation. Once documents done, can check at jpj.
Bro, please clarify with me before posting. Your friend buy, did they provide documents. Mine's provided bro. not imitation. Once documents done, can check at jpj.

Yes. My friend bought it with documents. almost same price like what you offer. I know there is documentation. But it's custom made.

In this case, if anything happen to the buyer, any insurance are you giving? As you said everything is legal from JPJ. If you can give this kind of assurance & warranty, I have nothing to say about.
You should follow me then to see the guy. :)

As you said, all documents is legal from JPJ. Which means once the buyer buy from you & get all legal documents. He can sell back to other ppl around RM90k, still can earn RM30k plus. That's great.

Or after buy this car, cannot sell the car & transfer ownership?
There's actually a guy doing this in JB. My friend. Instead of asking questions why dont you keep your thoughts, and follow me go see everything. :)
Jes to share, so far as i noe none of the Singapore car or motorbike can sold to Malaysia.
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