Subaru WRX 8. Urgent Sale. Cheap cheap!

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Subaru WRX 8. Urgent Sale. Cheap cheap!

If Singapore car can sell in to Malaysia, i bet there will be a lot off sport car in J.B liao.:proud:
JPJ is okay i used to have a skyline frm singapore also.. custom only... cause no tax one ma... if u say 23k plus declaration of tax then ok la take tmr but if jpj only not worth it la..
Same thing happened to my cousin also, he got the car from Singapore through an agent from JB. He paid slightly more but ended up being handcuffed by undercover police at Kelana Jaya when he was driving to college. He had all the documents, grant, roadtax, insurance... etc.. but still no use.
I'm not saying the thread starter is doing something illegal but from what i've been seeing and hearing, lots of SGP cars sold here ended up having the same fate.
Perhaps the thread starter could be much more transparent in the entire process.
all i can say is do you have AP to bring in the car? Show us the AP if there is no AP it is 200% stolen car...SG car can always drive to msia but what if they are not returning to SG? meaning it will be recorded as stolen car...

20 years back maybe this kind of deal can be done but not now when all the documentation is computerized...TS say that documentation can be custom made but as far as i know it is just bullshit it will not enter the whole JPJ if you buy it sure die during road block
Don't disturb TS thread , there are many other thread and people doing this . If you want to comment & criticize "Singapore Car bringing in to Malaysia" , open up a thread and discuss it there !!
cheap things not good, good things not cheap. if its so legal and whatever then everybody also can buy a subaru wrx at about 50+k not just u. if u have to go tru some secret lubang here and or there, then its not legal already

best thing is to always take a loan from a bank even when u can afford to pay cash, banks will be the judge if its legal or not

I agree with bro MDQ. Being a car dealer myself, I know better that Malaysian law requires all car importers who import cars into malaysia need AP (Approved Permits). There are different types of APs available be it for sole use, trade, embassy etc. Mind you, a KL AP is worth around Rm20k To Rm40k each. All CARS imported in here must have their duties and excise paid at Malaysian customs before REGISTRATION at JPJ. Duties and Sales Tax comes up to around 100% to 200% of the price of car price purchased at the origin country (Japan, UK) depending on car model, year etc.
To make it easy to understand..... an unregistered Subaru Impreza STI Version 8 is being sold at Recond Car Dealers in Malaysia is around Rm130k depending on model and spec. That is including the cost of car, shipping, AP, Customs Excise Duty, registration and of course some profit for the dealer.
So now, our bro is is asking for Rm58k for the same car with registration with JPJ. Its almost half of what you pay at any recond car dealership. So....Think for yourself. What you pay for is what you get. You want to pay Rm58k for a car worth Rm130k and you are still asking the seller if the car is legal???:stupid:
Anyway, if it is so easy to import cars into Malaysia, I dont think there is a need for APs. We wont have politicians, businessmen arguing and fighting over who should be getting the APs from our government.
Think about it and judge whether its a good buy. To be fair, do not flame the seller. If there is a willing seller, there always is a willing buyer.
Just my two cents
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SG chassis number is easily identified by authorities here. They are not as stoopid as u think. And there are NO cars imported from SG... so go figure...
hahaha funny laa u people...
who got money buy who no money dont buy..
who makan chili sendiri rasa pedas...
dare to buy dare to take the consequences...

common la need to shoot here shoot there...
we know wat type of car this is..
remember where we stay in MALAYSIA!! hahahah
satu negara,satu bangsa,satu malaysia!

This thread reminds me of one movie.. "Gone in 60 seconds" cast by nicolas cage..
Same thing happened to my cousin also, he got the car from Singapore through an agent from JB. He paid slightly more but ended up being handcuffed by undercover police at Kelana Jaya when he was driving to college. He had all the documents, grant, roadtax, insurance... etc.. but still no use.
I'm not saying the thread starter is doing something illegal but from what i've been seeing and hearing, lots of SGP cars sold here ended up having the same fate.
Perhaps the thread starter could be much more transparent in the entire process.

yeah! all my drift car! ended up same fate too! don't know why ! i hate september !what a bad month for me! :bawling:

my track car was from singapore too...! there was car crime out there .. trying to hunt those track car.. most of them some they disguise as goverment enforcement they came with the KASTAM uniform and KASTAM car to a house . They told you that car is a stolen car or no kastam decalartion form , they need to pull back the car .. some pretend serious buyer... asking many detail about this car.. , test drive.. hi-jack car..

sometimes our lack of knowledge and stupidity will let others alert to take advantage of us, as such if the weaknesses are revealed, the thief/culprits/maniac will just wait and wait until it is time to strike.

Boss! u mana ada lubang ! kalau lu ada lubang ! sendiri korek tanam sendiri je lah! :stupid:
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I agree with bro MDQ. Being a car dealer myself, I know better that Malaysian law requires all car importers who import cars into malaysia need AP (Approved Permits). There are different types of APs available be it for sole use, trade, embassy etc. Mind you, a KL AP is worth around Rm20k To Rm40k each. All CARS imported in here must have their duties and excise paid at Malaysian customs before REGISTRATION at JPJ. Duties and Sales Tax comes up to around 100% to 200% of the price of car price purchased at the origin country (Japan, UK) depending on car model, year etc.
To make it easy to understand..... an unregistered Subaru Impreza STI Version 8 is being sold at Recond Car Dealers in Malaysia is around Rm130k depending on model and spec. That is including the cost of car, shipping, AP, Customs Excise Duty, registration and of course some profit for the dealer.
So now, our bro is is asking for Rm58k for the same car with registration with JPJ. Its almost half of what you pay at any recond car dealership. So....Think for yourself. What you pay for is what you get. You want to pay Rm58k for a car worth Rm130k and you are still asking the seller if the car is legal???:stupid:
Anyway, if it is so easy to import cars into Malaysia, I dont think there is a need for APs. We wont have politicians, businessmen arguing and fighting over who should be getting the APs from our government.
Think about it and judge whether its a good buy. To be fair, do not flame the seller. If there is a willing seller, there always is a willing buyer.
Just my two cents

nice stuff from you bro! You earned my respect hehe...
anyway good luck to TS hope you can find a potential customer...
If there is a STi around this price i seriously dont mind getting it haha:driver::driver::driver:
trying to sell a car of this sorts on a forum is commercial suicide in my opinion.

its called a FORUM for a reason...there are going to be good comments, negative comments, and people purely here for the flaming (me inclusive) :biggrin: someone is definitely going to "rat" you out....

and besides... customs officers will definitely be surfing ZTH as well because its one of the biggest marketplaces in asia (true statistics)

so please stop being an idiot. :)

stop trying to tell people to "shut up" or "go away, stop bothering my thread" because this is what a forum is all about... its about people coming together to share ideas, comments, and thoughts.... and even if the thoughts are bad or uninformed ones... they're still legitimate because its what someone genuinely feels....

besides....WE ALL LOVE FLAME WARS! :biggrin:
Oh Boy, not another 'One'. There are so many sellers recently marketing Singaporean much was discussed in other threads...with some sellers posting using different nicks (as if we dunno)...then when the final answer came to only Student AP can be used, then suddenly a thread popped up offering Singapore cars via Student gudness, how original. But do you know that even if the Student's AP is for real (more likely a duplicate), the car has to be under that student's name for the next 2 years, at least. If found out that the AP was misused for the purpose of escaping tax and resale, SITA will be waiting. Besides, you must obtain the student's approval to transfer the car after that period (if u can locate him/her by then, or if he/she even knows about it!). The student can even lodge a police report that the car was stolen by you, then your impounded car will be the least of your'll potentially be looking at jail time!

Btw, I truly agree with NukeeZoid. This is what Forums are all about. We are not trying to spoil your sale for fun or anythin of that nature, but we are trying to bring out the truth so that our true ZTH brudders are protected from scheming scumbags who are lurking around waiting to rip off their hard earned money. They come in here seeking for car-related advice, and that's what we do, to the best we can, based on our opinions and experience which are opened for discussion.

So, my 2cents to the matter: Stay Away From Singapore Cars. Either fake AP will be used, or some unknown student AP (unlikely true, but even if it is, it will be under the real student's name), or some scrapped/total loss car's pink slip, 'lubangs', etc...ALL of which will be in the running to have your car (bought in cold hard cash as always) towed and stowed away by the authorities. No matter how hard you try to conceal, no matter how 'geng' your documentations are, once you veer into the any of the above, please be prepared to face the consequences. Remember, the chassis no for Singapore/Thai cars are very easily differentiated by the authorities when compared to Malaysian counterparts as there is strict regulation against importing cars from our immediate neighbours. Moreover as mentioned earlier, most of these falsified records are only pieces of paper which doesn't jive with the various authorities' systems.

hmm... so if i've been studying in aus for 2 years how
do i apply for the ap? and i could only take cars from aus right and not sg
Oh Boy, not another 'One'. There are so many sellers recently marketing Singaporean much was discussed in other threads...with some sellers posting using different nicks (as if we dunno)...then when the final answer came to only Student AP can be used, then suddenly a thread popped up offering Singapore cars via Student gudness, how original. But do you know that even if the Student's AP is for real (more likely a duplicate), the car has to be under that student's name for the next 2 years, at least. If found out that the AP was misused for the purpose of escaping tax and resale, SITA will be waiting. Besides, you must obtain the student's approval to transfer the car after that period (if u can locate him/her by then, or if he/she even knows about it!). The student can even lodge a police report that the car was stolen by you, then your impounded car will be the least of your'll potentially be looking at jail time!

Btw, I truly agree with NukeeZoid. This is what Forums are all about. We are not trying to spoil your sale for fun or anythin of that nature, but we are trying to bring out the truth so that our true ZTH brudders are protected from scheming scumbags who are lurking around waiting to rip off their hard earned money. They come in here seeking for car-related advice, and that's what we do, to the best we can, based on our opinions and experience which are opened for discussion.

So, my 2cents to the matter: Stay Away From Singapore Cars. Either fake AP will be used, or some unknown student AP (unlikely true, but even if it is, it will be under the real student's name), or some scrapped/total loss car's pink slip, 'lubangs', etc...ALL of which will be in the running to have your car (bought in cold hard cash as always) towed and stowed away by the authorities. No matter how hard you try to conceal, no matter how 'geng' your documentations are, once you veer into the any of the above, please be prepared to face the consequences. Remember, the chassis no for Singapore/Thai cars are very easily differentiated by the authorities when compared to Malaysian counterparts as there is strict regulation against importing cars from our immediate neighbours. Moreover as mentioned earlier, most of these falsified records are only pieces of paper which doesn't jive with the various authorities' systems.


well said. insightful stuff.

the truth is.... if you dont have the money... dont buy a car thats out of your league...

yeah sure everyone wants a sports car. everyone wants something fast. but if you cant afford paying the installments everymonth... what makes you think you can afford the maintenance?

buying these "lubang" cars is no different from falling for "get rich quick" schemes.
so tell me... would you invest your hard earned money in ONE HAND of blackjack? i think not...

note: i could be wrong because apparently there are idiots that would risk it all just to get rich... :biggrin::biggrin:
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