ZTH Kepong Area's TT

yeah that jap buffet in federal hotel damn 7 syok.... ate 7 plates of abalone :thefinger:

Unker,are u sure tht 1 is abalone?? not siham??:rofl::rofl::smokin:

---------- Post added at 03:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 AM ----------

BLANk...it's ok lar...not ur fault......is tht fxxk*r@#$%@ policeman lar.......juz yumcha with my friend,he said tht petronas cant stay longer 1......he kena dis at same place too....his hp got many 4 ekor record sms.......the policeman putih-putih untung RM100...:banghead::banghead:
cheebye~~~when talk about those bastard...hampeh betol,i really angry about it~~~if u guys coming to kepong for TT again...we wait at the shell+esso+furniture shop there liao...

i shouldn't let u guys wait for me...im the one should wait u guys at there...because u guys are guest ma...

btw,i think i was "them" just now when i was hanging out at kesas highway awan besar R&R...6 ppl in a group~~~~
SF: well as i said 5115 is sifu of snooker hehehe:rofl::rofl:...tat why i dare not come over to play :listen::listen::listen: i think after the beer he even "geng" .:rofl::rofl:.. yea color is gold pearl actually the sample it taken from top secret so called dark gold la...:biggrin::biggrin: Hp wise quite long time din go dyno liao since seldom drive last time around 260hp.....

Damn nice car anyway. Looks also damn fierce...Do let us know when u plan to sell haha! 260HP Hmm...guess u seldom mod last time. I think now shud have 500HP on crank kekeke! Do come and join us next for snooker. Both of us can team up then only got chance to beat the sifu of Snooker

SF...u very lucky lo....fortunately unker didn't use the Q *snooking* ur sumwhere else....:rofl::rofl:
derrick....now u knw how skillful he *snooking* with his *Q* leyh....:rofl::rofl:
Yala he is using the proper snooker Q to snooker lar...the other type of 'Q' he may keep it for serbis or etc...cuz I may prefer to use my own 'Q' for something else haha!:biggrin::thefinger:

SF, my car is not nice...Hahahaha....old car....blank is the taikors of the taikor....
Gosh, now until snoking already....hahaaha:rofl::rofl:
Old Car? Hmm...I wonder...I think yours might be 500HP AE86 :banghead:


SF:honestly it's just luck for me on the 2nd game,lets make it some other days since i still hv alot to learn from u.next time we play at menjalara :biggrin:
Sam Chong Place also can lar but a bit more expensive than other place lar...menjalara is better than the Wai seik kai one...not run down lo...If u want to learn from me, i think is learning how to 'yam sui' only...:banghead:

cheebye~~~when talk about those bastard...hampeh betol,i really angry about it~~~if u guys coming to kepong for TT again...we wait at the shell+esso+furniture shop there liao...
i shouldn't let u guys wait for me...im the one should wait u guys at there...because u guys are guest ma...
btw,i think i was "them" just now when i was hanging out at kesas highway awan besar R&R...6 ppl in a group~~~~

Actually is okay to wait at petrol stations or anyway else just dun stay next to the car...go in and buy some snacks or so on but of course park the car somewhere bright and not that suspicious such as the Petrol station's Restrooms, but best if got rest house then wait at rest house. Like that can avoid all these 'kopi O' Bastards:slug:

that's a champion look :rofl: even the way he puff also champion
Lolz! After seeing his picture, all comment adi lolz! Ya, damn handsome and cool with the cigarette. The Photographer deserves a credit for that picture
cheebye~~~when talk about those bastard...hampeh betol,i really angry about it~~~if u guys coming to kepong for TT again...we wait at the shell+esso+furniture shop there liao...

i shouldn't let u guys wait for me...im the one should wait u guys at there...because u guys are guest ma...

btw,i think i was "them" just now when i was hanging out at kesas highway awan besar R&R...6 ppl in a group~~~~

i offer myself to bring all the seremban taikor next time TT in kepong :wavey::wavey: if i'm available hmmmm...i dun thk the stupid fella police will make kacau kacau ...hehe :rofl::rofl:
unker was having a photo shooting session for Marlboro ma....:rofl: sure la need pose champion abit...if u got chance to meet him u find that he is actually a nice fella

derrick:if u guide them sure la PRDM give face,they takut ur monster boost kaw them all the way to skyline ma :rofl:... so coming friday teach us snooker?or u prefer snooker with other opponents?
Ya man, I think fstrader hold the cigarette with with more spice and style than brad Bit. Real 'Ying' Ar!!

khoo: IN future i got chance to test drive your MR2 bo? :biggrin:You bought last year from the owner or long time adi? Cuz ur MR2 looks familiar with one of the MR2 i saw for sale last year. He sold the car and the extra spare parts for the MR2 as well. Well taken care of like urs...whole body go 'Bling Bling'

Khoo when coming TT with us again? Or when shud we go seremban and TT? lolz! Anyway, actually i thought of asking a fren of mine to go TT with us in Sunway for him is nearest lar...Driving Toyota Soarer 2.5 1jz-gte. Selling 90K by the way cuz lots of mods done.

5115: If derrickho come, i think we will kena sapu by his snooker skills adi...Don't know whether he will bring his Own 'Q' and snooker or not...i think sure sapu us 147 Points - 0 Points lolz!:thefinger:
5115 & SF : i got my own "Q" la hehe.... but long time din play liao la now very "cacat" :slug:... all need to start from begining leh... sure will come this friday since both of u all dy high hand and good opponent liao :smokin:.. i also need ur both advise and learn from two taikor here....:biggrin:
wei.... i think should be other way round izit SF sapu 147pts.....:rofl::rofl:
aiya derrick,dun be too humble...

my skill=1 Q max 10 points,SF skill=1 Q min 10 points...tats y i said it's actually my luck to win him at the 2nd game.:adore::adore::adore:
very funny la ppl in zth,when ppl blow water (M3 800hp,vios supercharge,seg 400hp) got ppl kasi pm me or ask me in person where is ur monsters....but when i tell the truth,nobody wanna believe....:banghead:

susah la nie~
very funny la ppl in zth,when ppl blow water (M3 800hp,vios supercharge,seg 400hp) got ppl kasi pm me or ask me in person where is ur monsters....but when i tell the truth,nobody wanna believe....:banghead:

susah la nie~

who ask u always act bobby... now no one believe u liao... :thefinger:
i did not act boddy la,in fact,i really looks like boddy :bebored::eek::sheep::help:
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