toyota hiace swaying problem


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Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
hi...i have a toyota hiace 2.0 petrol 2005 not the current 'box"model ...mine is the former model...the van is being used to transport people but what i noticed was that when i drive with full load of people the van "sways" (i dont knw if this is the right sort of layang-layang side ways) at highway speeds (110-120)...

it is more obvious when overtaking other tall heavy vehicle... i do understand that the high centre of gravity plus the high profile tyres which the van came fitted with may contribute to this but i feel the swaying is too obvious to be dismissed as a van 'thing"... there may be a problem i just assume....reason being i have 2 other vans (ford econovan & merc benz) ..the merc is also the same height and uses high profile tyres but its very stable when fully loaded and so does the ford which is 21 yrs old ..the swaying is just too minimal to be noticed in these 2 vans..

so pls tell me if this is usual with the hiace or smthing needs to be checked ??
thank you very much
Hmmmm ???? no body has any ideas ah....or no one ever used this van before :bawling:
tks bro....anyway it has already been sent to umw toyota b4 & they said there nothing wrong wt the suspension or anything...the tyre pressure has been checked regularly....the problem persists only when the van is loaded wt passengers....otherwise when driven empty there is no swaying...

apart frm tht its a excellent vehicle...
tks bro....anyway it has already been sent to umw toyota b4 & they said there nothing wrong wt the suspension or anything...the tyre pressure has been checked regularly....the problem persists only when the van is loaded wt passengers....otherwise when driven empty there is no swaying...

apart frm tht its a excellent vehicle...

change to better absorber/spring....

since it only happens when full loaded, i guess the suspension is dead/cant absorb anything when facing full loads
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