Our Salaries........

not totally the government's problem. actually our business culture is also a problem. Msia business community are not fast enough to adapt the global trend and not interested on the human resources planning. Not many company will be interested to help their staff to build a career path and develop the staff to higher level. Many of the talented msians are flowing to overseas. I have seem a few working with Apple , IBM , Dell in China and they all are quite smart and wel educated people.

our later generation may not be that lucky, as our country are going backward and we will expect new generations lack behind the global competition. The chinese and indians are catching up and surpasing us in a very very vast speed.


agree with this.

as for private sector in msia i feel they are stingy in employing talented worker. they will try to hire a less yrs of experience worker so that worker wont demand high pay. as for those really experienced worker, it is damm sad cozs the bosses only think for themselves; which is less salary the better. they never think of how the experienced worker will help them in business. all they care is salary how much. the cheaper the better. they never have strategic planning for their business in future.
while some co. at here will give u big salary if u hv been working for a long time with the co. and u also need to learn how to angkat. angkat is more valuable than ur talent in here. correct me if i am wrong.
even though u dont know how to work but u know how to talk to impress or take ppl heart sure u are the one to naik pangkat. those smart and talented ppl will remain the same position to carry out the work based on ur smart talking.
so need to train ur mouth not to eat but talk smart and lihai lihai b4 applying a job at here.
basically, the company need to grow and they need more talented people and loyal staff. American and Japanese companies are pretty well in these 2 area thats why they dominated the fortune global 500 company list.

I cant see much of the msian company able to get into global market but there are many msians behind those MNCs in the global competition. But most of them are quite senior and the younger generations could not succeed the kind of global management skills and vision they have.

We always heard fellow msian thought they know many languages so have advantages in china, but infact the market dont bother how many languages you know but more interested in what you can make for them...Many White Men dont know mandarin and they just pay rmb3k can get a very very good translator already....

Basically, i heard singaporean saying we are kiasu in china, infact they were supposed to be the kiasu one......aiks....sien
once goto globalization msia sure susah.
in fact india and china are prepared to already.
where are ya, csl?.. Russia?..
i wanna feel the cool winter..
can get to wear nice fur clothes mah..

Yes. Today snow storm hit my place. Really jialat. If I can find your email, then I'll email you the pic (big size). But no beautiful scene, cuz as I said, now snow storm :smokin:
We are in the mode of changing. Sure need to suffer a bit. The main thing now is to minimize the subsidies. Else, talk what also no use. But most of our rakyats' bad habit, that, like to focus on hot spot in stead of widely open their point of view, had form a great resistance to the gov to get the whole thing done properly. Not to forget that the races thing also a big burden. Not easy to convince people with a real fact, when 9.999999 out of a million cannot control their emotion. When I to convince people that, let the NEP help the poor one, we have hands and legs and we still can find our route out even though with a longer road. But normally end up with surrounded by a group and being fired. They only can see the instant benefit but never want to know about the long term side effect. But end of the day, if the gov give them some benefit, then everyone will happy and stop arguing.

But I dare to tell you, regardless how bad they pay you now, don't worry, they will increase your salary. Because, end of the day, high spending power will make the businessmen earn more but if the other way round, they will eventually need to end their business. It will balance up automatically. Just need time for it. Of cause, there is a faster way, if the country suddently have 30 million job opportunities from all sectors.

For the younger generations, don't blame the gov because they can't get you a RM10k job. Wanna blame, blame yourselves for not being smart enough to earn that with your own hands.
For the younger generations, don't blame the gov because they can't get you a RM10k job. Wanna blame, blame yourselves for not being smart enough to earn that with your own hands.

fresh graduate read ur post sure jump from KLCC. haha. u hurt their feeling so deep!!! haha...........
i notice that msia co. prefer to employ less experience to the professional job. if can they hope they can hire a diploma ppl to do a profesional job which requires a more experience than that ppl to do it. at the end those less experience ppl cincai bikin to finish the professional job to praise the boss lorr. the boss happy since with the smaller salary he paid out the professional job was done. but done in wat way? quality good? got side effect?
I just want the people will be more independent. We can't rely on the gov too much. We have hands and legs, why need people's donation?
ya, i think we also have to work things out ourself....sti there and wait definitely wont gain much....

when i grad it was really bad shape in econ in msia, it took quite some harship for me to make my plan works...again its still a lot more ahead..we are not only facing competition in our own country, we are facing the global competition as well......

cant depend our current gomen too much, they just too busy to make $$ with their power....
You guys can also find some interesting figure here :
Salary Surveys & Industry Insight

although its singapore survey but i think its similar amostphere in msia.....can notice those monetary expectation of the employees are nearly 50% behind what they actual received in major industries....
The reality is different lar. And they more pressure than us. Earn RM1k still can survive in Malaysia. But in Singapore, S$1k seems to be........spend half for renting a room?
Many analyst believe this year the econ in US will be down due to the mortagage problem.

US dollar will continue to depreciate and they will have inflation due to low dollar value on imports and low interest rate..........So many business will be quite sensitive to this and tend to be more conservative in the 2008.

but if you have money then can consider go to US buy property, its pretty much a great deal with low dollar value, fixed low interest rate and good bargain price.....

but global wise, we should expect inflation in this year as well, major exporters such as china will have their RMB going strong and the oil price will stay high......

Lets see how things go....
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I'll only move after the 2008 US election. Now is too risky, as, a lot of new regualtion will come out from no way to help on the economy (a lot of countries). For the employee level like me, I just need to be patient and follow the trend.
hopefully not obama.....he might not as good as hillary clinton and John McCain to handle the crisis left behind by bush.........Clinton has good record of keeping the US econ up and McCain is an experienced politicians........
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