PICs: Merdeka Night Convoy + TT

Actually, the real King that night is standing beside me wear black shirt lor...............Hehehehehehehe...

Salute to the KING OF THE &*(*)())*^&^...Hehehehehe...

P/S: If u guys need to know the truth...I only ate 2 otak-otak that night lor....Serius..
lucky it's blader not bladder, haha... i tot we'll meet in oct right?

Nobody hold ur handbrake, but ur holding spotlight to shine the road right?hehe...
torchlight ah, so cant see the road clearly is it... no wonder u drive so slow la that night... if spotlight all kena tapao d... :P
wah wah wah....why suddenly off topic liao ? imported SportLight n Torch Light with LED Bulb ??
should update the topic to:
Merdeka Night Convoy + TT + SportLight + Torch Light + LED Bulb
Yeah...neither spotlight nor torchlight, both with little bulps huh...lolz
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