Confusion on chosing Impreza Sti Ver 7/8 between Evo 7


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Oct 30, 2006
Halo all MLOCians !! Reli confuse lately coz dunno wad car 2 chose !! Actually myself prefer evo7 but when i heard that the maintaine of the evo is quite hard the i start to consider bout impreza !! Is the many type of oil evo nid 2 change regulary like AYC oil and other la ..... izzit hard to maintain the evo ? But 4 impreza i heard that its more ezy to maintain but i reli dun hv much knowledge bout both dis car !! Can anybody correct me if i m wrong o tell me bout those things nid to b careful in maintain evo !! if it not so hard as i heard i will definately go 4 evo coz i luv evo so much but impreza is oso a gud choice 4 me...i oso wana ask that those evo now selling in ZTH izzit in good condition o mayb someone know bout the condition of those car....Pls share wit me... dun wanna buy a problem many many car .....Here r the evo ..

Thanks 4 da help.....:confused_smile:
problem maintaining evo? in terms of money or getting parts or hassle bringing it to service?
Evo vs Subaru...........

The topic thats never ends..both are great cars man...........
the 3rd pic are out, i think the owner never take car of the car, just look at the air filter.

i dont think oil change for evo are expensive, should be around 600 only.
first car is out too....this car had been involved in accident.
This issue of choosing an Evo vs an Imprezza has been a burning issue for the last 10 years. I am driving and own Imprezza, I have driven the 7,8 & 9 many times. I like the raw lane changing power of the Evo, I like the fact that there is hardly any understeer in this car, for track use there is nothing faster than an Evo. The last time Top Gear tested the 9 on the track in UK, the 9 even beat a Galardo 4WD and that is a Super Car.
But still, I like my Imprezza some how, it has a very manly feeling, like a Evo is a
F16 & an Imprezza is a F15 Bomber. Every thing in an Imprezza requires more effort.
In both the Evo & Imprezza, you will have tasted slightly how a Rally car drives, so I am sure that any additional cost in maintaining these Rally monstors is worth it, ie for me definitely more than paying for an expensive bottle at a night spot.
first car is out too....this car had been involved in accident.

Serious Bro?
Izzit this car really involve in accident?

wat happen n how it happen?

how serious is it?
need your help Urgently.

thk u..
both oso gr8 cars,

look for top gears review on both cars, in you tube,

i will help u decide:regular_smile:
hhmm, first of all coming to a "mitsubishi" forum and asking for advise on this topic.. Of course lah we will be telling you to get an evo!!!! hehehehe it will be the same if you go to the "subaru" forum and asking them this question (they will ask you to get an impreza)..heheheh....

it really depends on your feel bro, some say good.. some say bad... honestly... Evo's and impreza of the same spec. are actually pretty much the same.. just different makes... which ever car make you feel good driving it.. then you decide lor
i drive an impreza STI, yes, that not means i am biased towards Subaru...
Both Evos And Stis are good cars, i have tested both of them and would love to buy both, but i can only have 1 choice..
So its up to your choice, your personal preference...

No point Debating Evos Vs the Subarus..
Both are Great, Enuff said..

Gd luck on your purchase..

Peace :_:
Mmm... Own both Ver 8 STi n Evo 9 n jus sold off de Scooby...

My opinion: Scooby is more comfort n Evo is more racing feel... Engine, performance n power, both cars r almost similar... As for maintainance, both cars oso pretty much de same in terms of $$$ wise... Parts availability, Evo used to b easier to source as in Msia mkt... But since lately there r lotsa grey importers bringing in Scooby Ver 7, 8 & 9, so i guess Scooby parts r getting popular too... So no worry for both cars...

Mmm... Evo or Scooby r not hard to maintain... Both r turbo cars which is slightly diff from our normal NA car in terms of maintainance where u need to change engine oil n etc often... Other than tht, its nothing to worry abt....

:_: Happy hunting!!!
But how bout the AYC oil in Evo ? Is there oil like that in impreza?
to me its like this..if u wish to use ur car as standard as the original..i mean no mods in exterior or interior (exluding engine wise) then go for STI as they are beautifully crafted...

evos..those who r into modding..minor or to the extreme type...have u checked out the ori evo rims???...e7, e8, e9??? they are friggen yucky heheh
both r very nice cars....but from personal exp with evo....its really a car a lady aso can drive as long as u remember the basics in handling the ayc....hold the throttle while in midst of cornering :D

as for sti dccd.....hmm....heard its very pro for drivers.....never exp it b4....but think it something veyr nice n different just as well......S9 should know dis better :D

as for outlooks...both scores la......performance wise likewise hehe....but maintenance ah...can be quite subjective....depending on how bare minimal or how extravagant u willing to spend on your toy :D
Both are fairly well maintain cars'' and both take almost same value of keeping it healthy actually. Is very depend on how you drive it or mods' it :) Is Evo required oil change, mean subaru need it too. Cheers!!
Anymore important thing that i nid 2 look 4 or pay attendtion to keep the car in good cond..?
Stay stock if u dun wanna headache with ur car... Buy a stock car n jus drive as it is... No modd on it... So it wil definately cut less lotsa maintainance headache... And save lotsa $$$ too... :_:

Basically not much u hv to worry abt for de mentioned 2 cars... Jus need to make sure u buy urself a healthy car la...

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