Idiot Drivers

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Actually, they do checked their mirror. But a lot of malaysian driver adjust their mirror incorrectly. Half of the mirror showing their own car's door. This will creat a very2 big blindspot. Sorry to say, even some driving school instuctor (mayb JPJ tester too) dont know about this.

You might be true, but there's a backview mirror for godsake
In this case, be it a convoy group behind us or anything, is still wise we give way if we are traveling slower than them
in the fast lane. If not, it made us the idiot who hog the road instead.

Even if a Raging Bull is going faster than your car, you still have to give way. Don't hog the lanes.
Maybe the Myvi driver thinks his car is simply THE BEST, since P2 has been using ""lagi best" in their advert....

Just to share with you all, I get cucuk by MYVi many times along Cheras/Kajang highway too.
Myvis that has fins, spoiler, blinking lights, horsepower-inducing-stickers, etc. Stylo milo drivers inside...

"Move it! My Myvi is faster than any bigger cc cars out there...!" :rofl:

I can't agree more with you. Not to generalized as well but most of them do
drive like idiots.

They just have to stop for awhile and check out the crash rating of a Myvi which
some of them have been trying to deceive themselves that they are driving
a supercar...then they might think twice...better than Saga BLM rating but
then still not a high rating...

Experienced a lot of them tailing me before from out of nowhere when I check my rear
view mirror, suddenly a myvi cucuking me. Don't really experience that on highway but
in LDP or highway around the city...yes.

Myvis... whenether I'm making a pass on a highway, chances are 1/3 of them will tailgate me EVEN I've moved back to middle lane after making a pass... :hmmmm: Some of them even followed so close to my car at the Puchong exit on Kesas highway which is a S-type corner where typical driver only move at 40 to 60KM/h....:mad: Seen bunch of myvi-passo-whatever with big 17", big-ass spoiler, HUGE ultra-racing stickers, illegal HID tailed Polo hatchback on Kesas, too...

So, for Myvis to tail ppl must have:
1. Big ass spoiler
2. Big ass Ultraracing stickers
3. Big ass rims

Myvis... whenether I'm making a pass on a highway, chances are 1/3 of them will tailgate me EVEN I've moved back to middle lane after making a pass... :hmmmm: Some of them even followed so close to my car at the Puchong exit on Kesas highway which is a S-type corner where typical driver only move at 40 to 60KM/h....:mad: Seen bunch of myvi-passo-whatever with big 17", big-ass spoiler, HUGE ultra-racing stickers, illegal HID tailed Polo hatchback on Kesas, too...

So, for Myvis to tail ppl must have:
1. Big ass spoiler
2. Big ass Ultraracing stickers
3. Big ass rims


4.blonde hair
5. arm out the window with ciggarette in hand or making a call.
6. playing techno music with boom boom boom
7. fake gucci sunglasses.
8. blonde mat salleh wanna be lala girlfren sitting beside
9. driver seat reclined back..

4.blonde hair
5. arm out the window with ciggarette in hand or making a call.
6. playing techno music with boom boom boom
7. fake gucci sunglasses.
8. blonde mat salleh wanna be lala girlfren sitting beside
9. driver seat reclined back..


Oh yeah, heard some of them cranked up "Oppa Gangnam Style", then followed with loud, fugly sound of Vroommmmmmmmmmmm!...

and they'll just 1/2 car ahead of me.....
if the Myvi driven at night time, the myvi will have glowing lights at the car door handles...

4.blonde hair.
At first, I thought they got a dead raccoon on their head

5. arm out the window with ciggarette in hand or making a call.
Wanted to show of their latest smartphone. Unfortunately the user isnt smart pulak.

6. playing techno music with boom boom boom.
Canot blame them, becoz their family last time used to see ciplak cassette at pasar malam. This is a profession habit.

7. fake gucci sunglasses.
Due to selling ciplak cassette at pasar malam until late at nite, and had to wake up early, they need to wear big-ass glasses to cover their baggy eyes.

8. blonde mat salleh wanna be lala girlfren sitting beside
This blonde-wanna-be mat salleh not just desired to be mat salleh. This fella oso add ENGRISH name for himself. Donno His Engrish name purposely spelled wrong, or donna spelling (example: Jayson. Whelson, Alexon,some even sounded like Electrical appliances made in china. Some got weird name s like Sky, Wind, Sun, Star, etc)

9. driver seat reclined back..
What to do?? Selling cassette at pasar malam involves back breaking heavy lifting. So have to do physical therapy inside car, to cure backache.

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wahlauweh.. don liddat la. I'm a Myvi driver and I aspire to be an ahbeng. But I got no money to Tron-ify my Myvi leh.


wahlauweh.. don liddat la. I'm a Myvi driver and I aspire to be an ahbeng. But I got no money to Tron-ify my Myvi leh.



hehe, not all myvi drivers are like that. Some myvi driver are good. :biggrin:
I was on Federal Highway, somewhere near the Brewery, that time the road was really congested. I was driving the company's Hiace when a 3-tonne lorry swerved in front of me into my lane as there was very small gap between the car infront and me. He neither gave signal nor hand signals but instead he just block my way. I stopped for him but it turned out to be he was turning his steering too much and his lorry's side was dragging my side mirror. Being pissed off that moment, I tried to get to his side to ask what was his problem to do such driving and without further due, he yelled "Lu bodoh punya melayu, lu sudah nampak worang masuk kenapa lu lagi jalan? Lu bodoh ka? Pukimak betol"

I myself could not hold my anger, asking him to pull over to settle this mess. He tried to escape while showing up his middle finger, he thought that he could run away, that he used the fast lane all the way to the Batu Tiga toll. He was doing ard 110-120kmh on a 70/80kmh lorry and guess what, he got stucked at the toll and I was using Smartag. I waited for him at the road side just after the toll, and he quickly changed his lane from the furthest left, to the furthest right lane after the toll booth.

I was still aftering him until we both were stopped in traffic jam somewhere in PJ. I followed his way that he was able to squeeze his lorry between those small gaps between the traffic. He took the 'Jambatan Pulau Pinang' flyover exit and thats it, it was red light. He brake checked me and his 'kelindan' jumped out from the lorry. I assumed that they were confronting me, to say sorry perhaps, or maybe to start a fist fight (haha) but it happened that the 'kelindan' was just to delay me as he started to get out of that place. He took the junction to Kelana jaya and yes he managed to escape leaving behind his mate with me.

I have no problems with the 'kelindan' but with the driver and this was what the man told me;
" Abang mintak maaf lah itu saya punya kawan banyak sorry sama you. Dia cakap tak sengaja abang. Dia cakap sorry sangat2. Jangan la ini macam kita kan satu Malaysia. Tak baik lah gaduh gaduh abang. Sorry la bang. Sorry yaa." whilst bringing his two palms together symbolizing Sorry.

The apologising man was in his 30's. I felt ashamed that he had to apologise for others' rudeness. I was rather calmed down, dont want this prolonged, forgave and continued my drive towards KL.

This is our Malaysian mentality my brothers. Drive safe.

WPC 8146
Red Daihatsu lorry
Federal Highway
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I was on Federal Highway, somewhere near the Brewery, that time the road was really congested. I was driving the company's Hiace when a 3-tonne lorry swerved in front of me into my lane as there was very small gap between the car infront and me. He neither gave signal nor hand signals but instead he just block my way. I stopped for him but it turned out to be he was turning his steering too much and his lorry's side was dragging my side mirror. Being pissed off that moment, I tried to get to his side to ask what was his problem to do such driving and without further due, he yelled "Lu bodoh punya melayu, lu sudah nampak worang masuk kenapa lu lagi jalan? Lu bodoh ka? Pukimak betol"

I myself could not hold my anger, asking him to pull over to settle this mess. He tried to escape while showing up his middle finger, he thought that he could run away, that he used the fast lane all the way to the Batu Tiga toll. He was doing ard 110-120kmh on a 70/80kmh lorry and guess what, he got stucked at the toll and I was using Smartag. I waited for him at the road side just after the toll, and he quickly changed his lane from the furthest left, to the furthest right lane after the toll booth.

I was still aftering him until we both were stopped in traffic jam somewhere in PJ. I followed his way that he was able to squeeze his lorry between those small gaps between the traffic. He took the 'Jambatan Pulau Pinang' flyover exit and thats it, it was red light. He brake checked me and his 'kelindan' jumped out from the lorry. I assumed that they were confronting me, to say sorry perhaps, or maybe to start a fist fight (haha) but it happened that the 'kelindan' was just to delay me as he started to get out of that place. He took the junction to Kelana jaya and yes he managed to escape leaving behind his mate with me.

I have no problems with the 'kelindan' but with the driver and this was what the man told me;
" Abang mintak maaf lah itu saya punya kawan banyak sorry sama you. Dia cakap tak sengaja abang. Dia cakap sorry sangat2. Jangan la ini macam kita kan satu Malaysia. Tak baik lah gaduh gaduh abang. Sorry la bang. Sorry yaa." whilst bringing his two palms together symbolizing Sorry.

The apologising man was in his 30's. I felt ashamed that he had to apologise for others' rudeness. I was rather calmed down, dont want this prolonged, forgave and continued my drive towards KL.

This is our Malaysian mentality my brothers. Drive safe.

WPC 8146
Red Daihatsu lorry
Federal Highway

Bro salute your bravery but be careful with those stpd drivers... who noes what weapon they carry... This kind of idiot is a disgrace to us...:mad::mad:
i feel u bro.
it actually just need to raise hand in gesture to say sorry rite.
rather then shouted and cursing.dat just intimidate us.
i hate those kind of driver and would probably do like u.
most would just chicken out when u ask them to pull over and settle it at the roadside.
i hate chasing in the busy road cuz end of the day it just gonna waste my expensive/precious fuel.
and will not gain anything....
is right for big bike cony on highway?using fast line for cony but ride about 100km/h,i think they better using slow line cony more cony if u wan cony in 100km/h,we are pay toll but u not,stop bull us.
I would just make a police report instead. Whether the police will take action or not, at least I had taken an action I feel is right.
hi sifus,

Just wanna check out on your opinion on something that i frequently encountered while driving to work in the busy morning traffic....

You are stuck in terrible jem (very often now days) and out of sudden you see some traffic police ask u 'tepi tepi' to allow a VIP to go through the traffic jem...

I know they are very important person in the society and they pay higher road tax and income tax (yet some even dont pay). But everytime they do like that, i feel damn irritated and pissed....

How you all feel guys??
hi sifus,

Just wanna check out on your opinion on something that i frequently encountered while driving to work in the busy morning traffic....

You are stuck in terrible jem (very often now days) and out of sudden you see some traffic police ask u 'tepi tepi' to allow a VIP to go through the traffic jem...

I know they are very important person in the society and they pay higher road tax and income tax (yet some even dont pay). But everytime they do like that, i feel damn irritated and pissed....

How you all feel guys??

Nobody likes this. except the VIP (very idiotic prick) but they call the shots and we're just the peasants so like it or not, we still gotta give way.
The thing about this VIP, it seems they always like to hit the roads during peak hours.
Ya, you just have to give way whether u like it or not.

We are just normal citizens and they are the big shots. Unless rich enough to hire the outriders ourselves la :rofl:

Anyway, here is a picture. Either he can park properly or couldn't careless. P license already still cant park, L license more

Never like such parkers, always cause others to have problem parking and yet we still care whether these
type of parkers can get into their considerate can we be even with such people.

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