Idiot Drivers

Personally, I find that quite nice and sporty... It's like a track car, hitting the brakes and flashing red is warning "Caution!!! Violent Stop"!! Haha... But if it is to bright it is really annoying la... And to be honest, I've read in jpj website that that is actually illegal. Haha... Don't have one myself yet.... Have plans to get in the future but thinking twice because i will look like a wannabe... Haha... :biggrin:
hahahaa.... if red ok maa... but got few with WHITE blinking led....lagi gila....

It was a blue one! :stupid:

---------- Post added at 09:02 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 08:59 PM ----------

hahahaa.... if red ok maa... but got few with WHITE blinking led....lagi gila....

Personally, I find that quite nice and sporty... It's like a track car, hitting the brakes and flashing red is warning "Caution!!! Violent Stop"!! Haha... But if it is to bright it is really annoying la... And to be honest, I've read in jpj website that that is actually illegal. Haha... Don't have one myself yet.... Have plans to get in the future but thinking twice because i will look like a wannabe... Haha... :biggrin:

In broad daylight, it is OK because the blink isn't too obvious. When night falls and you're behind one of these idiots during a red light for 90 seconds, you'll understand the power of the blink.
It has been awhile since I last met some real idiotic and arrogant drivers
on the road...3 days ago which is 2nd day of Hari Raya Puasa.

Early in the morning at around 7am. One numbskull driving Silver Waja, WJD 8987.
Driving like an ass as though he is damn bloody hardworking rushing for work
early in the morning driving recklessly. So, my dad was driving at that time,
I usually car pool with him to KL since parking fees are just damn "cheap".

So, we manage to get ahead of him 1st since he was driving recklessly without
using his head and think, he got stuck on the wrong lane. Well, me and my dad
was driving at a normal and safe speed limit almost reaching to Masjid Jamek
LRT Station. So, since this bugger was tailing us, so we give way by moving to
the left lane...

Instead of appreciating, he was like so angry and gave us a long we
return a long horn to him as well and he tried to cut into our lane recklessly but
failed to do so. He was in front of us but on the right lane instead...

Stared at us, so my dad did a hand gesture by asking him to come over..out of
a sudden, he seems like lost his sense or his balls shrunk? He started to adjust
something below his stupid car (I think increasing the volume of his radio)
and then start swinging his body from left to those Antique clock
which goes from left to right continuously..look like someone with mental problems
if you were to see him doing that...:hmmmm:

I was like, what's wrong with him? Too scared until he lost his sense? :stupid: :stupid:
It has been awhile since I last met some real idiotic and arrogant drivers
on the road...3 days ago which is 2nd day of Hari Raya Puasa.

Early in the morning at around 7am. One numbskull driving Silver Waja, WJD 8987.
Driving like an ass as though he is damn bloody hardworking rushing for work
early in the morning driving recklessly. So, my dad was driving at that time,
I usually car pool with him to KL since parking fees are just damn "cheap".

So, we manage to get ahead of him 1st since he was driving recklessly without
using his head and think, he got stuck on the wrong lane. Well, me and my dad
was driving at a normal and safe speed limit almost reaching to Masjid Jamek
LRT Station. So, since this bugger was tailing us, so we give way by moving to
the left lane...

Instead of appreciating, he was like so angry and gave us a long we
return a long horn to him as well and he tried to cut into our lane recklessly but
failed to do so. He was in front of us but on the right lane instead...

Stared at us, so my dad did a hand gesture by asking him to come over..out of
a sudden, he seems like lost his sense or his balls shrunk? He started to adjust
something below his stupid car (I think increasing the volume of his radio)
and then start swinging his body from left to those Antique clock
which goes from left to right continuously..look like someone with mental problems
if you were to see him doing that...:hmmmm:

I was like, what's wrong with him? Too scared until he lost his sense? :stupid: :stupid:

These are one of those stupid try hards... Want to act tough and gangster but when confronted, balls become squares....
These are one of those stupid try hards... Want to act tough and gangster but when confronted, balls become squares....

Agree, too many road bullies on the road these days..Will tell another idiot driver later
driving a Black Mercedes S350 later on. :top:
yesterday night around 8pm,a light blue colour Nissan sunny 130y,forget abt the number plate coz...tat bugger suddenly switch from middle lane to fast lane without using his indicator light and smoking inside his car???damn old man,near hit into his car and do some emergency braking,where it was still mahameru highway right before junction to go to PJ....zzz...
Idiot drivers are every where & their number seems to be growing by the day. Nowadays daily commuting to & fro work has became more like a survival quest & trying hard to control your blood pressure. Here are a few examples of the daily encounters:

Arse wipes who are damn kiasu; you try to switch lane (to the to te right lane) & the arse wipe is like 7~10 cars behind you, slow moving & the moment you signalled & switch, they will accelerate & force you out, only to drive ultra slow & you can see at least 10 to 20 cars cutting in front of this arse wipe in the next 500m or so.

Arse wipes who thinks that their grandpa owns the road; they will drive parallel to you & force their way in & to them it's their right & you have to slam your brake to avoid accident

Blind arse who can't see further than 5m; you are stuck in slow moving traffic (10~20kph) bumper to bumper crawl & you have this arse wipe behind you tailgating & flashing at you, expecting you to move a side & let him pass when

'P' drivers (not to be mistaken as Professional; these fresh out of driving school arse with rich papa & mama driving as though they own the damn road & act as though the world revolves around them. They will either just stop in the middle of the road to try & switch lane, unsure of where they wanna go, over / under steering at even the slightest bend or driving ultra slow in the middle between 2 lanes.

Malaysia really really boleh!!!
yesterday night around 8pm,a light blue colour Nissan sunny 130y,forget abt the number plate coz...tat bugger suddenly switch from middle lane to fast lane without using his indicator light and smoking inside his car???damn old man,near hit into his car and do some emergency braking,where it was still mahameru highway right before junction to go to PJ....zzz...

bro...isit a rugged light blue nissan suny, bumper paint all retak & using chrome signal lights?
i try to take pic of the car...tmr i will post it here.
hate those idiot who drive slow in fast lane, low down the window, lay out his hand and made a long q behind him
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bro...isit a rugged light blue nissan suny, bumper paint all retak & using chrome signal lights?
i try to take pic of the car...tmr i will post it here.

cant remember well,but the driver is bald and a smoker...kinda idiot,nearly hit into his car den he went back to his lane,luckily din hav any car behind me...
i took pic edi..but left my data cable at home.....
cos there is 1 blue nissan sunny staying at my apartment...old chinese bald guy...
i also suspect he dented my rear door on my kancil..........he's too old to drive anymore i guess.

will upload the pic tonite.
Just out of curiosity, who here knows that when driving on a 3-lane highway :

1. The left lane is for slow drivers
2. The middle lane is for fast drivers sticking to the limit
3. The far right lane is for overtaking only

So technically those driving at the limit on the far right lane are doing the wrong thing. So if there isn't heavy traffic, unless you're speeding like a duck with its ass on fire, you should give way to those faster than you and stay on the middle lane.
Too bad many do not know the rules on the road and said "I'm on the fast lane and I'm traveling at the speed limit of 110km/h...:stupid:

"Let them tail me, who cares, I'm traveling on the maximum speed limit shown
on the signboard"

I said to them "So, what if you are traveling within the speed limit, if someone who want to travel faster than you, you should give way." There is a reason why it is call the fast lane and is not up to us to control how fast others want to drive. Is their own risk they are taking.
It has been awhile since I last met some real idiotic and arrogant drivers
on the road...3 days ago which is 2nd day of Hari Raya Puasa.

Early in the morning at around 7am. One numbskull driving Silver Waja, WJD 8987.
Driving like an ass as though he is damn bloody hardworking rushing for work
early in the morning driving recklessly. So, my dad was driving at that time,
I usually car pool with him to KL since parking fees are just damn "cheap".

So, we manage to get ahead of him 1st since he was driving recklessly without
using his head and think, he got stuck on the wrong lane. Well, me and my dad
was driving at a normal and safe speed limit almost reaching to Masjid Jamek
LRT Station. So, since this bugger was tailing us, so we give way by moving to
the left lane...

Instead of appreciating, he was like so angry and gave us a long we
return a long horn to him as well and he tried to cut into our lane recklessly but
failed to do so. He was in front of us but on the right lane instead...

Stared at us, so my dad did a hand gesture by asking him to come over..out of
a sudden, he seems like lost his sense or his balls shrunk? He started to adjust
something below his stupid car (I think increasing the volume of his radio)
and then start swinging his body from left to those Antique clock
which goes from left to right continuously..look like someone with mental problems
if you were to see him doing that...:hmmmm:

I was like, what's wrong with him? Too scared until he lost his sense? :stupid: :stupid:

Wahahhaaa, that's sillysea!
Just out of curiosity, who here knows that when driving on a 3-lane highway :

1. The left lane is for slow drivers
2. The middle lane is for fast drivers sticking to the limit
3. The far right lane is for overtaking only

So technically those driving at the limit on the far right lane are doing the wrong thing. So if there isn't heavy traffic, unless you're speeding like a duck with its ass on fire, you should give way to those faster than you and stay on the middle lane.

Many on the overtaking lane think they are the fastest. I once drove at 200km/h had to give way to a Civic:stupid:
There are more and more ppl now have a 4th brake light fitted on their cars, particularly at the middle bottom of the rear bumper. This 4th light will blink whenever the driver brakes. I have absolutely no idea why they would want it fitted on their cars.

Personally I find it very very annoying. Tonight I was behind one of these idiots that have the 4th brake light, we were at a red light and his freaking light kept blinking. It was bright and blinked very fast. After about 10 seconds, I already feeling dizzy and my vision is blurred. I really felt like getting out of my car and kick that freaking light off.

Those idiots must have no ideas this kind of light can be harmful to ppl with migraine or epilepsy.

see what I spotted some time ago :biggrin: if u find one blinking/flashing brake light annoying, wait till you see this super creative way of using flashing brake light, six units of flashing brake light surrounding rear windscreen...... u will not only feel dizzy, u will be fainted immediately once the driver step on the brake :biggrin:

Warning! Pls get ready your sun glasses when u are following this car :biggrin:

‪Creative way using flashing brake light.MOV‬‏ - YouTube
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Many on the overtaking lane think they are the fastest. I once drove at 200km/h had to give way to a Civic:stupid:

Holy crap... how fast was the Civic going man???
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