Idiot Drivers

Drivers in Penang island are really eco-friendly... after my last run in with an idiot that does not turn on his head lamp at the middle of the night.. yesterday just meet another idiot driver this time is a myvi 1.. want to save power by not turning on his headlights.. :stupid: i purposely slow down summo dun want to over take me.. cannot take his picture.. now this has becoming my new hobbie..
At least this time the myvi was silver / gray.. so can still see in my rear view mirror.. da last time 1 da idiot car was black...!!
woah champ . if ur lucky enough to run into an uncle from the opposite direction who has a lot of time like the one time i saw, he'll stop in front of that car and won't budge. lol
One F**K from me as well... Hate those wannabe all show no go... Like to mod wira into some shit batman vehicle.

I once owned a matte black car. Parked at a R&R, in between cars, car in front of me is Saga with people inside. Then go out and stand beside my car, waiting for despatch to send me a package.

Then came this big MPV (Alphard if I remember), parked in front of the Saga. One guy came out of the MPV looking like VIP, and 3 big-sized people came out from Saga to discuss something. Then they go back inside their cars, suddenly the Saga reversed and bang my car! My car was not even moving, yet he can still hit it!

I shouted and cursed like hell and went to the Saga. 3 people came out. MPV 2 people came out oso and surrounded me. Driver and me standing eye to eye, shouting match. I was so damn pissed I slapped the driver. The drive swung a punch, I ducked my head, hit my ear a bit. Then MPV guy came and pacify the Saga driver. They all went back inside their cars, and drove off. Only when they were driving off, my despatch arrived. Express bus drivers came from petrol station, asking me what happened. Told them all this Saga reversed and hit my car. Those drivers told me, if they have known, they would have helped me confront those men. Yeah right... I thought you saw yet why wouldn't you came earlier? Takut izzit?

My car's front bumper dented a bit. Not much but still money lor. But driving back I thought what stoopid thing I did confronting those 5 men and slapping the driver. If they brought out a knife I could have died and not write this post today. For a bit money, not worth it lar.

Oh yeah, and when you paint your car matte black, very hard for people to see. You can, people can't. C-A-N be a magnet for accidents.
but y u raised your voice at them? u got ask them to pay for the damages?
but y u raised your voice at them? u got ask them to pay for the damages?

This was in the heat of the moment. I was so damn pissed of the stupidity of the driver hitting a non-moving object: my car, which was properly parked.

I did ask for compensation but in between my curses lar hahahaha... on hindsight, I think I should not have done that lar. Very dangerous, nowadays I thought what stoopid thing I did that night... no amount of money can compensate for life... people spend hundreds of thousands to get cancer treated yet I could have been killed for few bucks... chialat...

Can send this photo to the authorities, I dunno what website jor, if u send to them they will send a summon to such drivers. Got one forummer post that website before but I cant remember where is it. Could be somewhere in this thread.
Can send this photo to the authorities, I dunno what website jor, if u send to them they will send a summon to such drivers. Got one forummer post that website before but I cant remember where is it. Could be somewhere in this thread.

Once I kena like this.

That time at Zoo Negara, brought Oz brother-in-law and his family to Zoo Negara, when returned I realized I forgot to bring my steering lock keys! Went back by taxi, and when I returned to Zoo to fetch my car, found out a storm just happened, and some cars hit by fell down branches. One big tree fell down and block the exit from the car park.

Mine was the earliest car that arrived, and I parked by the roadside, put my hazard lights on, and helped out some folks to break the branches. Then more folks came to help out, got electric saw and all and it became a party. Already a traffic jam formed on both sides of the fallen tree. Those cars just waited in line without helping.

Once the tree cleared, quickly a lot of bikes went through when the opening not even big enough for cars to pass. I then returned to my car, and when I wanted to join the queue, I was like this Volvo lah! Only my front was a bit inside. Some of the cars and bikes from the opposing direction, honked at me like mad, sh*t, they didn't even helped to clear out the tree! Only want to wait in their cars!
I once owned a matte black car. Parked at a R&R, in between cars, car in front of me is Saga with people inside. Then go out and stand beside my car, waiting for despatch to send me a package.

Then came this big MPV (Alphard if I remember), parked in front of the Saga. One guy came out of the MPV looking like VIP, and 3 big-sized people came out from Saga to discuss something. Then they go back inside their cars, suddenly the Saga reversed and bang my car! My car was not even moving, yet he can still hit it!

I shouted and cursed like hell and went to the Saga. 3 people came out. MPV 2 people came out oso and surrounded me. Driver and me standing eye to eye, shouting match. I was so damn pissed I slapped the driver. The drive swung a punch, I ducked my head, hit my ear a bit. Then MPV guy came and pacify the Saga driver. They all went back inside their cars, and drove off. Only when they were driving off, my despatch arrived. Express bus drivers came from petrol station, asking me what happened. Told them all this Saga reversed and hit my car. Those drivers told me, if they have known, they would have helped me confront those men. Yeah right... I thought you saw yet why wouldn't you came earlier? Takut izzit?

My car's front bumper dented a bit. Not much but still money lor. But driving back I thought what stoopid thing I did confronting those 5 men and slapping the driver. If they brought out a knife I could have died and not write this post today. For a bit money, not worth it lar.

Oh yeah, and when you paint your car matte black, very hard for people to see. You can, people can't. C-A-N be a magnet for accidents.

Wow I really love Matte.. Didn't know that Matte can give such a trouble... Thanks for sharing experience.
Once I kena like this.

That time at Zoo Negara, brought Oz brother-in-law and his family to Zoo Negara, when returned I realized I forgot to bring my steering lock keys! Went back by taxi, and when I returned to Zoo to fetch my car, found out a storm just happened, and some cars hit by fell down branches. One big tree fell down and block the exit from the car park.

Mine was the earliest car that arrived, and I parked by the roadside, put my hazard lights on, and helped out some folks to break the branches. Then more folks came to help out, got electric saw and all and it became a party. Already a traffic jam formed on both sides of the fallen tree. Those cars just waited in line without helping.

Once the tree cleared, quickly a lot of bikes went through when the opening not even big enough for cars to pass. I then returned to my car, and when I wanted to join the queue, I was like this Volvo lah! Only my front was a bit inside. Some of the cars and bikes from the opposing direction, honked at me like mad, sh*t, they didn't even helped to clear out the tree! Only want to wait in their cars!

Majority Malaysians are like that, is hard to find people who is willing to help each other. Be it on the road or anywhere. People who are willing to help of course still exist but not many. Most of them love to watch what is happening rather than doing something about it. Just like some idiot drivers on the road who love to go real slow to see an accident that had already happened.

So, really hard to find helpful ppl on the road. Nowadays people are getting more and more selfish. They care only for themselves. If someone's car break down, I dun see many would actually stop to help out. Mostly I can see is Malay people who are the one helping those who is in need for help. They help regardless of race. I was helped once too by a good malay chap in a parking lot. Tyre puncture and friend's car nuts are kinda rusty. Since, he is big size, he help me out. I offer him some money as an appreciation, but he refused to take it. :adore:
Majority Malaysians are like that, is hard to find people who is willing to help each other. Be it on the road or anywhere. People who are willing to help of course still exist but not many. Most of them love to watch what is happening rather than doing something about it. Just like some idiot drivers on the road who love to go real slow to see an accident that had already happened.

So, really hard to find helpful ppl on the road. Nowadays people are getting more and more selfish. They care only for themselves. If someone's car break down, I dun see many would actually stop to help out. Mostly I can see is Malay people who are the one helping those who is in need for help. They help regardless of race. I was helped once too by a good malay chap in a parking lot. Tyre puncture and friend's car nuts are kinda rusty. Since, he is big size, he help me out. I offer him some money as an appreciation, but he refused to take it. :adore:

SF : i agree. not that msians are not helpfull, just that they are scared, cos to many theft syndicates use that tactics to lure other ppl. if there is a car broken down by the roadside & im with my family, i will definately not stop due to the safety for my family. if im alone i would stop la.

---------- Post added at 04:26 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 04:24 PM ----------

This was in the heat of the moment. I was so damn pissed of the stupidity of the driver hitting a non-moving object: my car, which was properly parked.

I did ask for compensation but in between my curses lar hahahaha... on hindsight, I think I should not have done that lar. Very dangerous, nowadays I thought what stoopid thing I did that night... no amount of money can compensate for life... people spend hundreds of thousands to get cancer treated yet I could have been killed for few bucks... chialat...

sometimes when we get angry, shit happens :biggrin:
just lucky u were not hurt.

but if SF ah, he will show his 11th finger & then tapau all 5 of them. :adore:

---------- Post added at 04:29 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------

Night time. But broad daylight oso I was hit from behind while waiting at the traffic light, not because of difficult to see, but plain carelessness of the driver behind.

cos the saga rear boot is kinda high quite hard for them to see....or they were bz chit chatting with each other until the driver forgot to look behind. :hmmmm:
I once owned a matte black car. Parked at a R&R, in between cars, car in front of me is Saga with people inside. Then go out and stand beside my car, waiting for despatch to send me a package.

Then came this big MPV (Alphard if I remember), parked in front of the Saga. One guy came out of the MPV looking like VIP, and 3 big-sized people came out from Saga to discuss something. Then they go back inside their cars, suddenly the Saga reversed and bang my car! My car was not even moving, yet he can still hit it!

I shouted and cursed like hell and went to the Saga. 3 people came out. MPV 2 people came out oso and surrounded me. Driver and me standing eye to eye, shouting match. I was so damn pissed I slapped the driver. The drive swung a punch, I ducked my head, hit my ear a bit. Then MPV guy came and pacify the Saga driver. They all went back inside their cars, and drove off. Only when they were driving off, my despatch arrived. Express bus drivers came from petrol station, asking me what happened. Told them all this Saga reversed and hit my car. Those drivers told me, if they have known, they would have helped me confront those men. Yeah right... I thought you saw yet why wouldn't you came earlier? Takut izzit?

My car's front bumper dented a bit. Not much but still money lor. But driving back I thought what stoopid thing I did confronting those 5 men and slapping the driver. If they brought out a knife I could have died and not write this post today. For a bit money, not worth it lar.

Oh yeah, and when you paint your car matte black, very hard for people to see. You can, people can't. C-A-N be a magnet for accidents.

wow..damn yeng, its like watching action movie
Night time. But broad daylight oso I was hit from behind while waiting at the traffic light, not because of difficult to see, but plain carelessness of the driver behind.

talking about being hit while other driver reversing..

i kena once....

at petronas petrol pump....u know la parralel parking....

there is one wira park in a parking lot....(he wasnt park properly and slightly off the parking box).....and as i leisurely drove to the empty space beside him (on his left)...and not yet open switch off my engine...i saw him looking behind to reverse out....BUT!

that guy reversing while turning his steering to turn around..not reversing straight....

lucky not fast...bump....and even more luckier that his front tyre hit my front damage on both car......

good thing is he apologize...if not.....sure he kena lecture one thing or two....

(yes he didn't aware of me coz my car was silent....stock exhaust.... :hmmmm:
SF : i agree. not that msians are not helpfull, just that they are scared, cos to many theft syndicates use that tactics to lure other ppl. if there is a car broken down by the roadside & im with my family, i will definately not stop due to the safety for my family. if im alone i would stop la.

If all hot chicks, I might consider using that tactic :rofl: But 5 people surrounding u is really not a right move to slap that person. Nowadays people dare to do a lot of things despite there are laws enforced but just no action usually taken even after reporting. Not strict enough in handling cases whereby they think is just a small matter. When it involves death baru they take action :banghead:

Yes, I agree. Some are just pretending that their car broken down. If in a group and busy road, I guess is okay to help. So far, I only heard that there are syndicates that will bang ur car and hope u will get down at lonely area. Then rob u.
On Thursday, my car was being "sandwiched" F**K d lala driver.

my partner is using my car and stop by the traffic jam long before the Summit USJ traffic light from Subang Airport. as per what my business partner said, he stop at least 2m away from the front BLM taxi, and suddenly being hit from back, there's no break sound and after hitting the Hi-ace behind still keep pushing till hitting the front car and then another car in front.

U know what d stupid lala chai said? he said I mistaken step on the accelerate pedals as break pedals

this is typical "Kopi O" license issue
found this idiot driver at my usual mamak place,i think the car widebody is too big for 1 parking space,tat's y have to park 2 parking space.or maybe the driver is juz plain retarded..:hmmmm:
sorry for the blurry picture.


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stupid..!!!really cant believe our road got so mnay selfish driver,always thinkin want easy but give other trouble (OKU) .did they feelin shame when they parking their cark on OKU park space just for near with enterance door.shame on ppl like them. BOO TAK MAHIRRR....!!! balik sekolah belajar lagi.
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