While we do not hear much about ‘rempit’ problems happening outside Malaysia, large hordes of bikers taking the roads are causing a menace once in a while. Of course, we could not generalize this to all the bikers that travel in convoys as there are others that follow the rules and respect other road users, but sometimes things get out of hand.
Going viral on the net these past few days is a video where a large group of motorcyclists was seen travelling in New York City, on the way to what is said to be an annual bikers’ meeting. The bikers took most of the space at the freeway and in the middle of the group was a black Range Rover. It was seen that the Range Rover bumped into the back of one of the bikes, which brought the whole convoy to a halt.
While some of the bikers were seen approaching the Range Rover, in all of a sudden, the huge and robust SUV stomped on the gas and made a run for it, mowing down several bikers in the process. This led to a chase between the bikers and the SUV, in which the Range Rover was desperately trying to shake off the pursuing bikers. But luck was not on the SUV’s side as when it hit traffic and came to a halt once more, one of the bikers used his helmet to smash the window on the driver’s side, possibly injuring the driver as well.
In a glance, this all looks like the Range Rover’s fault, where he should not have ran over the bikers in the first place. Then again, the biker that rode so close to the SUV and made a sudden stop should also be looked into. And reports are saying that the driver of the Range Rover was a man in his 30’s and was travelling with his wife and a toddler. If one was in the SUV and a large group of people were converging into you, there is not much that one could do or think of except for the safety of himself and his family.
Then again, this video provides a limited angle of the incident, and there might be more into it as police are digging into this case. Like the controversial incident where a Ferrari 458 Italia ran over a cop’s foot, who do you see is in fault here, and why?