
Drowsy Driving As Bad As Drunk Driving

n2004979_40171552_5951A recent study conducted by the American National Safety Foundation led to an interesting conclusion, something most of us don’t do anything about; drowsy driving. I’ve had some interesting moments with drowsy driving, some that ended up with me pulling up at some R & R area and passing out even when all cracked out on Red Bull. Other moments didn’t end up so dreamy, and those are the moments that are the scariest because you wake up in the nick of time only to realize the inevitable.

The American National Road Safety Foundation reported that more than a third of drivers have dozed off at the wheel and that the risk is greater during festive seasons and Malaysians aren’t exactly lacking on festive seasons.

“A day in the sun can make you tired,” says Adele Kristianson, director of marketing and legislative affairs at the National Road Safety Foundation.

“Drowsiness is a condition most drivers fail to recognize, and it can be as dangerous as drinking and driving,” she adds. “Studies show 60 percent of us have driven while feeling fatigued, and more than a third admit to having fallen asleep at the wheel in the past year. Drowsiness is a factor in a substantial number of traffic crashes.”

Experts list several signs that should warn a driver to stop and rest:

— Difficulty focusing, with frequent blinking
— Daydreaming or not remembering the last few miles driven
— Head nodding
— Repeated yawning or rubbing eyes
— Drifting out of your lane, tailgating or hitting shoulder strips

If you experience any of these warning signs, pull over at the next exit or a safe rest area and take a break or a 20-minute nap. Have a cup or two of coffee or caffeinated snacks and allow 30 minutes for the caffeine to enter your bloodstream. Don’t drink alcohol or take medication but I’m sure you know that already but trust me, those little road side naps actually do help, plus one Red Bull or two.

  • M
    Mr Y
  • Jun 3, 2008
but seriously, how could any one wont be Drowsy? take a look at eg: the highway from damasara to sri hartamas. the limit is 80km/h. there even safe long straight 3lane on the highway which last for more the 30km & the limit is only 60km/h. rest area are always far apart 70km apart, to me the should hv raised the speed limit on the straight from 60km/h on the straight 3lane to 90km/h & the 80km/h to 100km/h. not that im promoting speeding among motorist, just to make their Drowsyness eazed off quickly & to reduce bribery on the traffic enforcer. note : did any of you notice those Drowsy driver's hogg the road doing 40km/h on a 80km/h speed limit zone? Yes dont hogg the road its is promote to Drowsyness to other motorist.
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