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TOE PECK said:
i stand corrected...all the cars u mention are stupid..especially smart..so understeery...

what makes you think that the above mentioned cars are stupid fren??? and what makes you think an understeery car as you mentioned is stupid??? if not stop crapping here and go lay ur crap somewhere else...

huakenny said:

we dun judge intelligence by car wan...we judge by their owners...
And please don't try to condemn people about their choice of car. If you think others is driving stupid car, first u must look at yourself whether u are qualify to condemn people, there is always others that drive better car and think your car is also a stupid car.:angry_smile:

Additional point to consider is if u like to play ice like me, u might wish to consider the atos have a more quiet enviroment inside the car compare to kenari.:regular_smile:
wah..getting hot in here......must to 7-eleven and buy slurpee already...to cool all teh taikor here.....
so u like understeery cars...heheheheheh...buy the smart for two la...forever understeer...

it's ur cash...ur life...ur opinion...why u guy are sooo stuck up with my opinion...like i said...all ur cars are lousy...my opinion anyway...why u care so much?haahahhahahaahahhah

i will always state that those cars are lousy no matter what u guys say..
tested it....conclude...LOUSY!period!
TOE PECK said:
so u like understeery cars...heheheheheh...buy the smart for two la...forever understeer...

it's ur cash...ur life...ur opinion...why u guy are sooo stuck up with my opinion...like i said...all ur cars are lousy...my opinion anyway...why u care so much?haahahhahahaahahhah

i will always state that those cars are lousy no matter what u guys say..
tested it....conclude...LOUSY!period!

i oledi tested alot of car...y dun u tel us ur CAR....see wat is my komen ma.......

oversteer o understeer is depends on driver la.....i drive kenari..ok oso a....maybe is ur SKILL and DRIVING XP problem.....wuahahahha :hahaha:
TOE PECK said:
so u like understeery cars...heheheheheh...buy the smart for two la...forever understeer...

it's ur cash...ur life...ur opinion...why u guy are sooo stuck up with my opinion...like i said...all ur cars are lousy...my opinion anyway...why u care so much?haahahhahahaahahhah

i will always state that those cars are lousy no matter what u guys say..
tested it....conclude...LOUSY!period!
Hahaha, very funny.

Guys, You may feel angry about his reply, but I'll suggest that we ignore those funny post from him. Replying his post will actually make him more excited, because that's what he want. Just ignore him and he will bark else where.
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yaa..kenari very good..upon approcing a chicane u a s corner,,,just try and carry more speed into the corner..what's that u miss the apex?understeery...no problem,fun what?..then turn the opposite lock for the opposite corner in one swift change of the direction...wallla...oversteer...slam on the gas...under..oooo...panicked there mate..lift offf...over again...wahhhhh...so cool this kenari...all in one tall centre of gravity package....hahahah...very safe for stupid P licensed drivers...buy one..free casket...hahahahaha
TOE PECK said:
yaa..kenari very good..upon approcing a chicane u a s corner,,,just try and carry more speed into the corner..what's that u miss the apex?understeery...no problem,fun what?..then turn the opposite lock for the opposite corner in one swift change of the direction...wallla...oversteer...slam on the gas...under..oooo...panicked there mate..lift offf...over again...wahhhhh...so cool this kenari...all in one tall centre of gravity package....hahahah...very safe for stupid P licensed drivers...buy one..free casket...hahahahaha

Normally we drive KENARI seldom take corner so fast one la...we DRIFT......hahaha

u IDIOT>>>> SHUT UP la if u dun own a kenari...come in never contribute anything...plz read the RULES and REGULATION

Quoted from Tom :~

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Recently we have found much UN-NEEDED lame postings.
Don't be annoyed. Zerotohundred.com is not being unfriendly but is trying to make the forums more useful to the public who needs their questions answered and etc.

as noticed, some topics are unnecessarily laughed at, critisized at, commented at, diverted from and so on.

To be a useful and resourceful forum, all posts and topics need to be realistic and useful.

I hope everyone understands what i'm trying to stress here..

As mentioned,
please do not post if you:
-have nothing useful to add to the topic
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basically what this Warning actually mean is:
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lame posts will be deleted and lamers will be banned.


no need to get angry,i already sent pm TOM about the bad post someone doing,just leave it to TOM to do whatever necessary. Peace.:regular_smile:
Haha this Toe Peck guy very funny la , reading ur post makes me laugh out loud ! Keep posting u idiot ! We all very looking forward to seeing ur jokes . Siau .

Guys just ignore him la , let him play by himself , syok sendiri .

Go for Kenari ! Perodua cars are quite reliable I think , and the design quite smart , my fren owns one and have driven before , the handling of coz u cant expect too high but its value for money . And the design better then Atoz ( again this is only my opinion ) Coz ive seen lots with nice bodykits <checkout DJgErM's signature> and last but not least , fuel consumption , even ur in traffic jam the fuel cons is not gonna be affected . Very low ones . The aftermarket parts are everywhere so it'll be easier to choose .

Ur money ur choice :_:
ahhahahah..so funny...all of u cannot take critism...u all should be ministers la i think..
TOE PECK said:
yaa..kenari very good..upon approcing a chicane u a s corner,,,just try and carry more speed into the corner..what's that u miss the apex?understeery...no problem,fun what?..then turn the opposite lock for the opposite corner in one swift change of the direction...wallla...oversteer...slam on the gas...under..oooo...panicked there mate..lift offf...over again...wahhhhh...so cool this kenari...all in one tall centre of gravity package....hahahah...very safe for stupid P licensed drivers...buy one..free casket...hahahahaha

yeah...everyone is entitled to their own personal opinions and everyone has a freedom to speak...so am i entitled to call you a "Coward" and "Idiot"???

btw, nobody uses a Kenari nor Atoz to race anyways... however the car handles or what it gets into is the consequence of the driver's actions... what guarantees that an F430 would not understeer??? moreover the above mentined cars were not built for performance in the first place...it's you idiots who use it like it is an Enzo FXX then crash it in the first place and end up blaming Perodua or Hyundai for bad designs and shit...i say it's your stupidity that got you in it in the first place...

and fren, as a friendly advise...you better scram before tom hunts you down and do damage to your account...
why u want to call me idiot..the thread asked for opinion..i say those cars are lousy in my opinion...so that's my opinion...i guess what u guys are saying is that all persons opinion must follow ur opinion...cannot take critism...i still stand by my verdict that those cars are lousy...
TOE PECK said:
why u want to call me idiot..the thread asked for opinion..i say those cars are lousy in my opinion...so that's my opinion...i guess what u guys are saying is that all persons opinion must follow ur opinion...cannot take critism...i still stand by my verdict that those cars are lousy...

FYI, this thread does not ask for your opinion on this 2 cars being compared with the others... the thread starter just wanted to know whether which is better...not only did you not contributed any opinions, you came in here to intimidate some members...

"it's ur cash...ur life...ur opinion...why u guy are sooo stuck up with my opinion...like i said...all ur cars are lousy...my opinion anyway...why u care so much?haahahhahahaahahhah"

and should i remind you who posted that??? you have ur opinion and i have mine... why u care so much? ahhahahahah...you did not gave the right opinion...so what makes me wrong by giving the opinions which are not related to this thread??? and btw..Satria GTis aren't any where better than Kenari's...and i thought you where at least driving an NSX or some european sports car haven said what you said...
hahahahaha.....so u guys are asking just a few guys for opinion that wont hurt your feelings la....like that just say..all cars are good la.i totally agree although i never driven both..hahahahah...but me?...those cars are lousy...my opinion...period...ahahahha....
anyway i just stopped by to give my opinion.taht's it actually..but u guys acted like my opinion is important now.must change toe peck's opinion on lousy car's..hahahahahahahahahahh
TOE PECK said:
hahahahaha.....so u guys are asking just a few guys for opinion that wont hurt your feelings la....like that just say..all cars are good la.i totally agree although i never driven both..hahahahah...but me?...those cars are lousy...my opinion...period...ahahahha....

TOE PECK brother...i think you either should have your eyes checked or you should attend back Elementary Year 1 english classes...

The thread starter posted

"kenari vs atos..
right now i'm wanna buy a 2nd hand k-car..kenari n atos caught my eyes..but i can buy only one..so frens..let's war begin..which one is the best.."

obviously shiosis has already narrowed his choice to this 2 cars and he wants to know more about both of them... that is why he ask for opinions between this 2 cars... Atoz and Kenari...nothing more...

so if you are trying to talk him out of buying a k-car do it somewhere else...

if you don't understand english you can always surf to http://babelfish.altavista.com/ where it provides services to translate English into Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portugese, Russian and Spanish...

so Shiosis, back to topic...sorry we veered off so far...the way i see it...Atoz is more of a family man's car...small family of course...sturdy little car, comfort and subtle...ride quality is quite good and the road noise are muffled to a comfortable level...and what Tohsan said about ICE is quite true also...the negative is that the Atoz has a higher fuel consumption which might hurt your wallet in the long run...

Kenari is a much more economical car..and also a much more economical interior...the ride quality sort of worsens after a while and after a while the interior sort of loosen a bit and you get some plastic panel shaking noises coming from the front and back...and sometimes the car gets unsettled over uneven roads when driving in speeds in excess of 100Kph...here the Atoz feels a bit more heavier and comfortable...and not to mention the Kenari's worse problem...the annoying wind noise when travelling at over 100Kph...some says 80Kph...but the Kenari as a lot of members say has a lot more interesting mods...no matter interior, exterior of power...so it is still up to your verdict...or did Mr. TOE PECK suceeded in convincing you not to buy a K-Car...heheheheh

sorry but i dun have much details and information about the Atoz...as i am more familliar with a Kenari..maybe you should go and ask some Atoz owners around ZTH...i am sure there is a lot here...
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kenari..good for unsafe handling and might tip off roll over,cheap plastics,low quality,idiotic seats that wont hold anything,expensive spare parts..and soo boring---but quite reasonable resale value.

atos..good for unsafe handling and might tip off roll over,cheap plastics,low quality,idiotic seats that wont hold anything,expensive spare parts..and soo boring--horrible resale value.

kenari slightly better *if* and *when* to sell back..hahahaha

my verdict----both are lousiest lamest cars...
kenari seems more stylish,kn..btw can anybody explain to me y n y did kenarian down graded their engine to L900 turbo?..i mean from 1000 cc to 660 cc..don we supposed to put more powerful engine than the stock one..btw..how many hp the L900?..n the price..if the yrv turbo is so expensive then i'll go for L900 la..

another thing is there was a used car salesman one time he told me if i wanna buy a 2nd hand kenari look for year 2002 and above.he said the model before 2002 is not so good..really ha???..
shiosis said:
kenari seems more stylish,kn..btw can anybody explain to me y n y did kenarian down graded their engine to L900 turbo?..i mean from 1000 cc to 660 cc..don we supposed to put more powerful engine than the stock one..btw..how many hp the L900?..n the price..if the yrv turbo is so expensive then i'll go for L900 la..

another thing is there was a used car salesman one time he told me if i wanna buy a 2nd hand kenari look for year 2002 and above.he said the model before 2002 is not so good..really ha???..

i think the ones after 2002 is the peanut lamps one...so maybe he think that is more worth it...

L9 i think has almost the same power rating as EJ-DE..but a different spec final drive hence higher acceleration rate...but results in higher revs at high cruise speeds...
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