Tell Me Your First Love.....

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suddenly gastric becomes someone first love...
speaking of first love...come i talk about my other first love
when i first saw her...she wore full orange coat...of paint...
her body was massively hot...of fibre glass
she's from johor...forgot wt name garage...
her inside was sweet,especially when she's fully stripped...of door panels and seats
she was running superbly down the strip with a blue top...engine
as years passed,she got faster and faster down the strip...drag strip
11seconds and all its over...[if i still remmeber the time correctly]
she is[or was?]...[forgot garage's name] honda civic EG 2door
no ler.... went to so many pharmacy today... they say this medicine only doctor can approve... so they dont sell... i dun mind if it's expansive... hehe andy today i drank 6 cup of coffe liao... now having my 7th cup hehehe... i know but my stomach bleed twice adi... i did the operation twice... so consider as serious case adi... eat dun eat oso same... so... jus give up lor... hehe.. and i m a portuguese... eating spicy food is our tradition... so if nvr eat the food my gmother cook.. she think i dun give face... hehe
huhuh..first love?
mine is a sad 1
started when I was 18, at first I don't have the feel of love on her, but she started the 1st step and managed to grab my attention and this was how it started.
She was my 1st but I was her 4th
at first of coz everything went fine and right, but just after a few months (2 months perhaps) she asked to break up, becoz of some small argue, can't remember what exactly happened that time. No joke no kidding, she really wanted to break up and of coz I did all I can to save our relationship.but then the nightmare began, she could ask for break up so easily and seemed like I was not important at all. Everytime I need to beg and cry just to rescue my poor first love
I'm sure I gave her all my best, but so what? eventually she asked for break up as much as 11 times in our 1 year and 5months relationship.
on the 11th request for break up, I finally gave up and this was how I ended my first love...sad...
sad sad...but u'll find one better person... she dun appreciate u... bad bad..
andy: when u wanna go overseas keep us updated so we will tell u wat 2 buy.. hahaha..

nic, mel, simon, jeff n the others: some ppl just too stubborn.. when u tell them don do this or that they just wanna listen.. then when something happen they will only feel it that time n do it again the next time.. see like dee.. u all tell her not to eat spicy n drink coffee but wats the result.. at the end still wanna eat spicy food n drink coffee.. some more can proudly tell its 7th cup for the day.. do u think this type of person should be advised again?? dowan 2 listen 2 advice n always rely on med..

i'm used to no eating for days but still the same ler.. maybe cause always like that since small.. but some ppl can't take it they still wanna do it.. this type of ppl r just too stubborn n we should just save our breath talking 2 them...
deedee :
ur medicine is Doctor's Prescription!!
U cant buy OTC!!!!
Gosh.. u really need 2 cut down on coffee..
7th cup??? Mine goodness..
i lurve coiffee, too but i'm in control..
summore my place famous for white coffee!!!

bobo :
ur damn rite!! Ppl can be oh so stubborn..
No matter how much v advise, they wont listen until the situation gets WORST..
then they'll start 2 regret which might be 2 late..

andy :
Yup Yup.. i'm a caring & nicey person..:angel_smile:
err at times being taken 4 granted..:sad_smile:
got 1 floor staff borrowed $$$ from me..
& till now din return back..
& he had the nerve 2 pretend like he din owe me!!
so now i consider i've done charity!!!

Jeff86k :
ur ex-s was not meant for u!!
u should be glad u hv broken off..
dont be sad, u will eventually find one dat appreciates ur undying love!!

M-E-R-R-Y C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S to everyone!!
kinda same like my 2nd steady...oso shit happen de la...chillax,ok?
bobo...deedee...settle this among u two...
all i can advise u two is talk...talking and discussing over wat u guys aren't happy about...r'ship is about give and take,and it works both ways,not one party take,the other give...
deedee,if ur gonna continue "torturing" urself like that and come online to "brag about it",pls dun call me as u wish and complain "bobo emo,i need someone to talk to" ok?
as u know,my "wife" dun really like it,so,next time,try calling andy or melody,thanx
bobo,its ok to complain about ur gf behind her back...not on net where she can see it and create discomfort to u,ur r'ship,her or the rest of the forummers...if u think u cannot stand her attitude,leave her,thats all i can advise u...

sometimes,when 2 person loves each other,not necessary they can alwayz be together[like me and my 3rd gf,her mom's the problem,long story]
and a r'ship wun work even if its foundation is love
foundation of r'ship is happiness and trust...
if both of u guys are not happy...i guess its time to let go...

sorry for this uncle nagging...coz i've been in several deep shits coz of this
simonchangwaimun said:
kinda same like my 2nd steady...oso shit happen de la...chillax,ok?
bobo...deedee...settle this among u two...
all i can advise u two is talk...talking and discussing over wat u guys aren't happy about...r'ship is about give and take,and it works both ways,not one party take,the other give...
deedee,if ur gonna continue "torturing" urself like that and come online to "brag about it",pls dun call me as u wish and complain "bobo emo,i need someone to talk to" ok?
as u know,my "wife" dun really like it,so,next time,try calling andy or melody,thanx
bobo,its ok to complain about ur gf behind her back...not on net where she can see it and create discomfort to u,ur r'ship,her or the rest of the forummers...if u think u cannot stand her attitude,leave her,thats all i can advise u...

sometimes,when 2 person loves each other,not necessary they can alwayz be together[like me and my 3rd gf,her mom's the problem,long story]
and a r'ship wun work even if its foundation is love
foundation of r'ship is happiness and trust...
if both of u guys are not happy...i guess its time to let go...

sorry for this uncle nagging...coz i've been in several deep shits coz of this

wow... garang nya.... steady... steady....
cool down
sumtimes i just cant understand why parents wanna interfere in their son or daughter relationships!!! The parents are not gonna be with them forever!! It's the children who are facing their spouses..
melody said:
sumtimes i just cant understand...
Perhaps these are some of the many things that can't be understood simply because it can't be answered. If everything in life could be understood, then many people would actually understand the concept of life, which I strongly believe that if that happens, there would be a lot more peace and harmony in the world today.
wah dee dee drink so much coffee O_O,
better control leh,if not later cannot sleep for 1 week oor
talk about coffee im alergic to coffee but dunno why i can drink only penang ''kopi'o peng'' im also clueless lol
kelvio said:
wah dee dee drink so much coffee O_O,
better control leh,if not later cannot sleep for 1 week oor
talk about coffee im alergic to coffee but dunno why i can drink only penang ''kopi'o peng'' im also clueless lol

wait til u try ipoh white coffee!!!:embaressed_smile:
oh god talking bout 1st love arr...?!
damn funny n angry when thinking bc my 1st love was been blame n play by pg gal when i was on pg....
that time i was 16 n she was 18 who know wat she thinking....
after a month jus know god damn she blame me n etc....
y sum gal trying to like this arr??? or maybe they r too bored n try to find sum1 to play wit ni???
when think bc i fell i was a waterfish on that time muahahahah~....
wowww.. ipoh white coffee i c in astro b4 it look very nice da old chinese coffee shop...
Well.. this is mine... for real...
I met her during kindergarden, I didn't like her at 1st becos she was so active and noisy.. im just a cool quiet kid there. She talk to me a couple of times. One day in the class she suddently kissed my cheek. this went on a couple of times until 1 day she decided to kiss my lips. I fell for her during those times. When we got to standard 1 she left to another school without saying goodbye.
oh...ur memory so good, still remember kindergarden ur story sounds sweet..
Jeff86ks said:
oh...ur memory so good, still remember kindergarden ur story sounds sweet..

Thanks bro... until today I never seen or hear about her....
worr... stil remember til this long wor.... i think it must be very sweet momory for u when ur yong...try to sound where she go... asking for old classmate wil get it maybe...
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