'Small' penis leads to suicide

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but ppl always said big cock can do it for long..but small one can do much more longer....

but small dick also noneed to die..still can find small hole wut? like big car find big parking lot and they are small parking lot for smaller car....
Sg ma.. kiasu..

always wan to be on winning side...

maybe the student envy abt american's penis..
he should hv sex first....

size is not important
power is not important
its how u control ur power.....

if ur cock is big and damm power but 'pancut' cepat also no use..

its how u control and play the game is important..
how big is big ? a 13 year old kid with 8 inch cock surely looks like a freak hahaha
size cannot big cannot small one.. must chun chun, and see your own endurance or power :biggrin: like saga lmst lar.. 13" sure more syok than 17", big is just for show nia liau :biggrin:
Sad to say this, it's not about dick size, although I admit it's very funny la!

But, depression is something most of us are not aware of. People in depression lives in another reality, any small matters will make them want to die.
a dick is a dick so cannot compare with other stuff la........so funny la you all comparing a penis with other stuff.......common la.....ask any slut and they will still go wow when they see a 8 inch dick.......so there goes the wow factor........before fucking.....when u fuck then the perfomance count la.....
cyclonite said:
Pls tell us where you learned this from and any proof you may have?


sorry guys, this is my personal belief and something that i have read before somehwere that i can't remember. and also my buddhist girlfren tells me the same thing.
so i don't have proof
and er sorry if i offended u guys, or started a new debate somehow

cheers ya?
since that guy guy oledi have gf mah....her gf oso din say anything y he wan suicide??short or long isn't a factor wat......aiseh...
it's not about what other people thought of him. i don't think he publicised this. it's more to do with what he thought of himself. some sort of inferiority complex perhaps.
Maybe he got ejeks from his so call friends gua. Cannot stand the ejeking then go jump building loh.
good riddance....maybe his gf also not satisfied and go on and suck on a bigger banana....rest in hell idiot!
i know there are ppl very kiasu out there........but this case became the extreme one!
wat, small dick oso wanna suicide meh?

may b he tried many methods to enlarge his dick but still failed.

may b got dick defect.
i once had a fren who faced d same situation...we all had to comfort him.. and make sure doesnt stick head in d blender and kill himself.. i'm so happy he finally got over it and shared such a story with the rest of the world.. Blacksamurai, we are so proud of u


hahha.... blacksamurai, u have such problem as well arr??... use those pump sold in lelong la... hahhaa.... they claim can increase size...
protonburuk said:
wat, small dick oso wanna suicide meh?

may b he tried many methods to enlarge his dick but still failed.

may b got dick defect.

he should read the junk mails in his hotmail more often..many enlargement advertisements there...
yah, mine this short only.
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