Sexy chick!

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May 19, 2005
Hey guys.. wanna ask u all something...we all know dat guys tend to look or even "kacau" when they see a sexy chick on the road, in clubs, mamak etc... seems dat sexy chicks turns them on....but wat do u guys feel when ur own girlfrens dresses sexy when they are out either with/ without u???? Will u mind or will u feel proud cause all ur frens will be looking and checking out ur chun chick??? lets hear ur views .... :D
i would feel proud that my gf attract such attention but as far as it goes there is a limit....looking is ok.. but anything physical or verbal would be off limits... that is what i think
how do you feel when u go out dressing sexy?
Most of the guys are the same, we see sexy ladies and think of "something" in any way we like and want, any time any where, doesn't matter if that lady is with her bf or whoever. However, if we know that other people are doing the same to our own gf as we do to other ladies, haaaa, then that's different story already. why ah? :rolleyes:
argued about this matter with the gf last time..
her reason: i sexy for you! you should be very proud!
my reason: sexy for what? want to attract other men? you already have a bf (me)!

and it never ends
but for me i think some time sexy some time not is the best!!!

will also turn you on man!!!!!
if your gf always wear sexy the sure cannot tahan mah!
but if you gf always all part cover then u will feel no mood to ..............lah

so for me some time sexy some time not!
have to see the place and even lah!!
for me,face sexy already enough... :D
mafia_boyz said:
i would feel proud that my gf attract such attention but as far as it goes there is a limit....looking is ok.. but anything physical or verbal would be off limits... that is what i think

i totally agree wif u mafia_boyz.

i feel the same. why should we be insecure? she's already yours.
slight disagreement with mafia_boyz.

slight scanning is ok...but not the hamsapfied perverted look.
sometimes, somewhere, somehow, someasshole really do not know how to respect ladies. They will fvcking stare and focus while totally ignoring everything else in the world.

freaking sex deprived lowlifes.
SnooPDoGGY said:
like to see sexy dressed ladies...
dont wanna hv a sexy dressed gf/wife...

gotto agree with this.. but if gf want to be sexy.. can.. but make sure when theres no one else around but me...
hmm..this one abit susah to say why la...i think it'll be never ending la

who wants their gf to reveal to other people?
i don;t want lor....if gf already then sudah ade copyright/privatise edi...

i also look at other girl la...when i know the bf is around them also..but look la..dun go and stare like mad people...

i think what best is to limit not overcross the line...

anything beyond the line is consider sexual harrasement la...
i don;t knwo whot o put it in words but basicly its about the same la

man are selfish
we want to look at others but we don;t want others to look at ours.
i wonder if babe18 is a sexy chick.... that's why she is asking this question...
once in pyramid shopping center basement carpark... was crossing the 'lane' to get to my car with my gf... there was this piece of shit who slowed down his car and slowly drove infront of us checking my gf out... blocking our way... i pointed at him and said Mong Mat Chat? i think he got d msg and quicken d pace....

sometimes pple say they dont mind having their gf checked out by "pple on d street"... sometimes pple say they are proud...but when it actually happens... things can be quite different...
wah,,,abang bryan...need to scold them bad words meh...just give them your scary eyes mai enuff lo

actually in these situations..i do mind la..if people look at my gf....
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