Satria GTi Owner Headcount

Salammm...tumpang lalu....anybody know or wanted to sell used 4g93na performance camshaft? plzzz let me know
seriously....tombstone's married. and when was that, bro?, expecting already?

no need to find 2nd wife, bro...carik la girlfriend, yg ngam...but a bit difficult find the one who really knows who we are - that is , a married man. no commitment.she's gotta understand that no way i'm gonna leave my wife and kid...if there is a girl like this, then i guess there'll be lesser men died becoz of heart attack - which starts from hypertension,high blood pressure and so on...

i wish there's one......................................................................but even i cant describe the type of relationship like this.someone who'll always be there - anytime. someone who understands when you dont call or pay a visit. someone whom i can tell everything about the happenings in my real life, yet understands that she has to be invisible all the time....except when i come to her ....

i think that's a bit too much to ask.selfish.
arrghhh..f#%k!!!......women.........they could never understand completely a man, i guess.......................................sigh
whats this abang man...dun go astray

stay true....

how's ur daughter? still asking about mizi? hahah :)
allo kawan2....hav some question...Gti VDO trottledody cannot pasang SAFC-2 ka???

u ccan tune to whatever u want, after a while, it will reset the settings to factory....thats why siemens ecu pplz say cannot modify anything....anyhow, there is hearsay that speedworks can do it for u ...

but i highly doubt it...
thanks tomstone for friend also can do i hav to change to change to MMC 1 laa....huyyoo...anyone wanna sell ..hehehhe
Joke joke only la bro shadowfax....couldnt get another wife also cannot jaga...even she didnt understand men's toy i appreciate her so much...this is what we call life...nobody is perfect n nobody can change like how we expected....that was a challenging to us, n we hv to know how to manage it...apa org kata tuh...haaa...nak tgk kematangan kita...


btw, i'll leave my car alone in less than 2months...very sad...ask my father to take care of it...dunno la what will happen to my GTi...i'll leave for UK for 3yrs...then come back here kereta sudah habis bayar...
haiyah...not going astray la bro...u'll feel bored sometimes...biasa la...had too much of each other!but then, she's still my best friend lah and i am what i am today mostly because of daughter??hehehnot asking about mizi anymore...heheh..going to Sri KL for std 1 next year...haih!dah besar anak aku.!!yesterday she's still a baby.............................

leaving for UK, bro? work or study? takpe la...leave it with your dad...any chance he'd fall in love with the car after having too much of her? heheheh...

what say if we meet up before u fly? have a nice, long chit chat...and we'll wish u farewell and good person...
think about it la, bro...3 or 4 days before you go..the last one or two days sure you'd want to spend with your family....

thinking of going to new zealand...and stay there for a couple of years...but dont know where to start. should i go to NZ embassy? i wonder if they have kaki kereta there...i know there's one good bike, one of the most beautiful bike ever built - Britten...the founder is their peak of glory...winning races here and there...

nice place to retire....beautiful country....
after a while nz gets boring...

can count sheep la...

went there about 4 years ago....

very peaceful and serene lifestyle....
yeah..sure can meet bro...i'll fly on 4 November...

actually my wife rcvd an offer to further her studies in lancaster she want me to follow her... i agreed coz this is the chances for me to live in other country..

but what will happen to me there??...just like mat mat indon here la kot..hahaha...hv to find part time order to survive n make money...Pound tuhh...times 7.........
yes of course bro....can TT with them pulak....

but then have to bring my GTi that can go for a Sunday Drive...


btw thanks for the links....
if you guys read their post there..u'll be amazed how much they appreciate GTi and our very own coupe (putra)..and comments bout NeO and Savvy r3 was marvellous!

btw,if you guys feeling like driving Gti in game mode..i mean computer games and PS2,drop by to this webpage and download the free demo..the free demo lets you drive your gtI in virtual mode! hehe :biggrin:

PRO Race Car Driver :
TOCA Race Car Driver Demo - European Download - FileShack - Download PC Video game patches, videos, betas and trailers for PC, PlayStation, Xbox 360 and Wii



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waa...outsiders appreciate malaysian product???heheheh...satria GTi indeed is a good car.better than some with higher price and longer in the market.

ya la tombstone...i guess anywhere also the same...except in heaven...heheh
now come puasa month must taubat and pray a lot....insyaallah...

so guys, my muslim friends - selamat berpuasa!! to you guys non muslims, if you want to try and fast, you are most welcome! anyway, its a good thing to your health. it has been researched by medical experts around the globe and they found various advantages in fasting....

try'll feel proud of yourself by end of the day...

talking about puasa, cant help thinking about raya and balik kampung. balik kampung kalu....if i'm not mistaken la, from the news i've heard recently, speed limit reduced to 80 km/h???!!..can somebody verify this??

ohh i hate this sami la....he thinks, in fact they all think that all their rakyat are stupid. sometimes when u look at them - quarrelling in the parliament, the topic that they debated ......ini debat sekolah menengah punya tajuk la....
most of them dont do their work kah?nothing to do till bring up small small matter to debate...

now the highway to the north is closed but one lane...from three to a single lane...not all the way, but long enough to make you out of vocab of cursing words!

macamana laa diorang pikir ni..??..why didnt do since the beginning??..if cost is the main hindrance, then i think it is worse now - price of everything, including construction materials are shooting sky high..being as "clever" as a minister should be,cant they think about this before?? if they cant, means that they are not fit to lead a country!apa punya pemimpin macam ni?
benci betul aku!imagining his face appearing on national tv again, with another lame excuse...........................

why pay same toll rate?you reduce the lorong till one-third, why not reduce toll to one third also? it make sense, rite? we are paying because we have the right to use good roads, with no obstacles and can cut short our travel time effectively...but now what's the point?

and they still think that reducing speed limit is the best way to curb road accidents...sigh...ini mentality jaman bila ini...!!???waduhhh....

look at autobahn,germany.there's no top speed limit. there is a minimum speed must drive/ride fast there.and u must have certain qualification to use that road.

i tend to fall asleep when i drive slow.....................dulu masa susah, pakai keta kancil pekak, lari dalam 120 mcm tu...after that change to kenari...average speed balik kampung up to 140 mcm tu...then with GTi.... paling best, especially at those hilly roads after ipoh....
now with a turbo inside, kena bawak 80 km/h???!! lancau lu sami...!!!

it is not the speed that kills.mentality.road condition.vehicle not well equipped - look at our national cars - only H line variants come equipped with airbag, EBD, ABS and so on....but how about the lower variants??
ini lah hadiah dari kerajaan malaysia kepada rakyatnya....di tambah pula pentas jalanan yang hendak dipandu/tunggang kenderaan tadi dalam keadaan yang macam mana???

nak naik flight pun takut.diorang tak bayar bonus.itu yang flight banyak delay baru2 ni.that's the true story.only selected few are paid with bonuses...yang tak dapat tu macam mana?? kena yang tak dapat tu mamat mekanik yang jaga maintenance kapal terbang yang kita naik mcam mana?...aaahhh...kerja lebih kurang dah la...bonus pun tak dapat..?..

just my 2 cents.
Then our "country" airlines pilot also bengang coz they didnt get ESOS (company share)....but why their CEO drivers can get it...this is all politics la bro...kroni kroni..........

Until at the end of day, whatever happen we still not agreed with the G rules n after day it become worst.........never suit our life.......

dont know long as we can live peacefully here...
"now the highway to the north is closed but one lane...from three to a single lane...not all the way, but long enough to make you out of vocab of cursing words!

why pay same toll rate?you reduce the lorong till one-third, why not reduce toll to one third also? it make sense, rite? we are paying because we have the right to use good roads, with no obstacles and can cut short our travel time effectively...but now what's the point?


dats wat they alwiz sez..hehehe :stupid: going north of coz terible now,they promise by end of ramdhan all should be i went back to my wife kampong in johor..few month back,haiyah! boleh accident laa..jalan one way then 2 way then back to one way..all sudden brakes summore! sometimes even the barrier also fall middle of road (maybe bus or lorry hit the barier)..still remmeber one day i call them almost 4 times (the toll free line) just to alert them bout their barriers and cone..

i think the PLUS concession will never end coz the money dat malaysia borrow from japan just for that PLUS hiway project still belum habis bayar lagi laa..some more maintainance pon kena bayar( pay staff,toll gate gals, lorry, spare parts and for steel barrier..bla bla bla)..all cost sum up sure mahal never ending story laa..then pinjam lagi dgn china bank untuk buat 2nd bridge for penang..our government no money also i think, rakyat want this and that..if tak bagi kena pinjam laa kasi dulu rakyat happy..otherwise our new putrajaya sure at kota bharu ler..hehehehe :proud:

alooeee guys...
sory klo mnyampuk...
bila lagi ade TT.
bly gak nk join u in GTi clans..

Need help, my clutch is slipping. could you guy recomend me some product that is cheap and nice?
Steve, just go for organic type Exedy. But if urs are turboed or sc-ed, go for semi-r one. If not then its not necessary, only will exercise your left foot during traffic.

Abang man mengamuk weyh ! But seriously I dont think our g has no money, money is always there, if not Sami's grandchild drive an S class to secondary school and PakLah bought another private jet and build a bungalow in Ozzy. Mana dapat duit ? Huargh nak kutuk sampai esok pun tak habis !!

gti is using 4g93p right
do u all know the price for 4g93p head complete set with ECU and wiring?

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