RED Civic EK stolen...WEQ3993

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Thanks guys for the support....the owner really love his car...hope can help him get back his car...
if really wanna do something big, com'on every1... come out TT....
i think this is the third or fourth ek stolen during this month...what is happening in malaysia right now!!! damnn!!! btw..i wonder..why the owners of those stolen ek did not install sumthing like captor security system which has gps detecting system?? at least they can detect the car as quick as they realized the car was gone....
geez, no cars are safe enough in kl..almost every week i can see posts on stolen cars here..sigh..
No more enjoy when to drive our lovely cars in the road now days, last two days, one of friends drives EK 4 door, told me that he been followed by two cars from Ampang till Wangsa Maju, then he decide to stop for a moment at Shell Wangsa Maju, pretend to call someone and wait till two cars go, and then he could go home safely...very scared, they are now may take any chances just to "rembat" our cars.

Careful guys, if this situation happen, just stop anywhere safe, wait until they go, so they wont follow you till your home. Once they know where we parked our cars, then its highly probably we will loss our car then...:bawling:
Agree, best to just mark down the suspicious cars number plate and details of the cars. In case, touchwood anything happens, we have some info on suspected ppl..

Everyday, reading cars missing in ZTH really kinda scares us a lot...worries me also...
But mostly they are targeting performance cars...haih
becoz there are into performance too ... most probably they are viewing this thread with us..
we all oso know, some1 will watching us behind the screen...
ya true...only reveal the master plan if u all plan to TT.
where got taiko bro..small potato only...
i think if i go we all talk bout cars...until forget to talk bout the master plan haha...
if bring SF & arturo worst...i think no need to go till next morning.....
This is a very well done EK. WE shall keep an eye if there is any suspicious people selling performance parts for EK especially.. the rollcage.
where got taiko bro..small potato only...
i think if i go we all talk bout cars...until forget to talk bout the master plan haha...
if bring SF & arturo worst...i think no need to go till next morning.....
hahaha... yup, thats right, both of them r the new gen of Tok Kok King in zth...
not really wat plan, just share some info in preventing car crimes, altho i'm stupid, but i'm still will to help out... wat i wan is, Man Power to discuss with PDRM...

This is a very well done EK. WE shall keep an eye if there is any suspicious people selling performance parts for EK especially.. the rollcage.
if bro seeing anything belongs to EK for sell, pls drop me a PM... thanks...
the owner only can recognise his item if sold on the net,especially

u got connection with PDRM ah?
the owner only can recognise his item if sold on the net,especially

u got connection with PDRM ah?
i can recognize for him as well... nothing runs out of my sight.. especially... nice chicks..:proud:

nop, i dun hav & not intend to get any connection with them... but i do got plan for them & us...
just simple suggestion for them only...
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