National Automotive Policy 2009 Review Results

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My opinion is that a Petition will go a long way in helping everyone voice their opinions , And to let the Ministry Know that there are flaws in the Policy which requires attention , to be fully effective , a Letter should be drafted which incorporates the most pertinent facts which can be easily Substantiated , so that the organisers never get into a Situation where the Powers force us into a Corner from which we cannot escape , remember they are pushing to introduce this and we are pushing against it , so Effectively a clear , Consise , Factual basis that incorporates everyones idea for the Argument would be the best way to go , Add to this a Signing point , where everyone who agrees can put down their details , I think a dedicated thread of this Nature can go along way , as its easy to forward the Email with a link to the thread far and wide and whoever agrees can simply add their name to the list , If a Substantial amount of supporters can be raised then the Impact of this will help to easily achieve the Objective.

Is it possible to Create a Thread on this forum where even Non Members can add their Name , ie , they would not have to register to be able to post in this particular thread , this may make it an Attractive Option which will appeal to a variety of Individuals

we can use the Online Petition too , that may work well too
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who can copy paste all we wrote and send to the ministry?

lets get some signatory and send over to the right ministry.

we are replying with tons of valued points and objections over this NAP thingy, why not put it to good use?

Uncle, why not you and others ZTH moderators(so quiet ah ?) do something about it ??
You oldtimer maa:biggrin:
I posted this in the toyota forum

Guys: Put simply is like this

1)If its cheaper say overhauling the engine with new and original parts then surely we would use new and original parts

2)Insurance company wont pay you new part prices even in 'knock for knock' or whatever claims even if your vehicle is 3-5 year old.

3)Next they will probably up the loading again-the last time was because a few of them lobbied the G for it.

4) In US;sometimes insurance cost more than a car and since they dont have road tax some cars run without insurance.So in Msia case probably you will see more kereta hantu+duplication or no insurance and no road tax.So they will employ more police... and queues at puspakom get longer...Vicious circle!!

5)The G thinks this will increase demand for proton but it could be the opposite.Demand for second hand proton is because of a 'cheap' shell that you can mod evo engines and parts into it.Some may remember what happen to Motoria which was suppose to 'maintain' a second hand car market for proton.

6)Why buy Myvi and not savvy...simply because I can get daihatsu or toyota support for parts(and mods plus bodykits etc).Nobody likes being held by the b..ls____ some more got to wait and so forth.
so guys can we say proton buyer is loser?
If you guys wanna go piket and tiu the goverment, count me in!!! I'm driving a 30 year old car!!! 2 times more likely to be baned from the roads!:banghead:

I posted my thoughts in Najibs 1 malaysia site. Go and put you minds there. Be reasonable please.
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netmatrix & jombiee,

sad to hear that, Gov will make a big cut from the car inspection...waste more money to get the car pass
hmmm..this is one of hot issues for at radio also talked about this..major of our citizen is not agree..scrap car,petrol subsidies,no recond mean no half cut..seyhh..:banghead:
One of my fren from my other forum post this in a local dailies


Saya merupakan salah seorang di antara pemilik kereta yang berumur lebih dari 15 tahun yang dilaporkan berjumlah mencecah 2.7 juta buah di Malaysia yang tercinta ini. Saya amat tertarik dengan berita-berita di akhbar mengenai Dasar Automotif Negara (DAN) yang telah diumumkan oleh kerajaan baru-baru ini. Walaupun DAN ini dilaporkan secara ringkas sahaja tetapi hati saya mulai gusar dengan apa yang bakal berlaku selepas ini.

Saya menulis ini berdasarkan pemahaman saya melalui laporan di akhbar-akhbar kerana saya ini hanyalah rakyat biasa, seperti kebanyakan rakyat di kampung atau luar bandar yang rata-rata tidak begitu mengerti dengan dasar-dasar yang kerajaan akan laksanakan. Saya bukanlah di antara orang-orang yang mampu menukar kereta bagaikan menukar pakaian sahaja seperti towkey besar, pegawai eksekutif atau pun ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat di luar sana.

Sejak akhir-akhir ini, saya lihat pelbagai peraturan telah dikenakan kepada saya serta orang seperti saya untuk meneruskan kehidupan dengan memiliki kereta-kereta yang berusia. Tidak cukup dengan kenaikan premium insuran pihak ketiga dan keengganan pihak insuran untuk menerima kereta-kereta kami ini, kali ini kami dikejutkan pula dengan DAN yang saya lihat akan banyak menguntungkan ahli-ahli korporat dunia automotif sahaja.

Dengan adanya DAN ini yang kononya dibuat atas dasar membantu merancakkan industri automotif negara, kami dipaksa secara halus untuk melepaskan kenderaan kami dan membeli kenderaan baru yang didakwa lebih moden serta berteknologi tinggi. Bagi kami, kami tidak memerlukan kenderaan yang moden atau canggih untuk ke tempat beribadat atau untuk ke tempat kerja. Cukup lah dengan ketenangan fikiran kami yang kini bebas dengan hutang pinjaman kenderaan. Kenderaan yang moden dan canggih tentu sekali datang dengan tag harga yang kami tidak mampu membelinya secara tunai. Tetapi jika DAN ini terus menekan kami, maka terpaksalah kami membelinya secara hutang. Kami ingin bertanya kepada pihak yang berkenaan, adakah dengan berhutang ini menandakan kita telah maju dan Negara akan makin cepat membangun?

Saya juga amat tertarik dengan Menteri yang berkaitan mengenai kenyataannya untuk menghentikan kemasukan alat ganti kenderaan terpakai ke Negara ini serta komitmen beliau untuk memberi insentif kepada mereka yang ingin membangunkan alat ganti automatif di dalam Negara ini. Saya berpendapat, tindakan tersebut hanya akan menguntung sebelah pihak sahaja dan tentu sekali pihak kami iaitu rakyat biasa akan rugi selamanya. Mungkin antara kami mampu untuk membeli kenderaan baru secara hutang tetapi belum tentu kami mampu untuk mendapatkan alat ganti kenderaan dengan harga yang munasabah. Jika kemasukan alat ganti kenderaan terpakai dihentikan, kami terpaksa mendapatkan alat ganti baru yang bukan semuanya datang dengan harga yang mampu milik. Sebagai contohnya, harga gearbox canggih kereta nasional yang dilancarkan dahulu bagaikan mimpi ngeri kepada pemilik-pemiliknya. Harganya mencecah belasan ribu dan tidak sepadan dengan harga keretanya yang kini dalam promosi mudahmilik oleh pengeluarnya. Ianya bagaikan kata orang-orang tua di kawasan kampung, mahal tali dari lembu. Inilah yang menjadi persoalan kami, adakah DAN ini akan memberi jaminan kepada kami untuk mendapatkan harga alatganti dengan murah dan berkualiti? Berdasarkan pengalaman kami ini, kebanyakan alatganti buatan tempatan terlalu rendah kualitinya dan ianya boleh membahayakan pengguna seperti kami ini.

Oleh itu, kami amat berharap kerajaan dapat mengkaji semula DAN ini demi kepentingan seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Kami bukanlah menentang pelaksanaan DAN ini tetapi biarlah DAN ini dapat memberi manafaat kepada seluruh rakyat, bukannya kepada pihak yang tertentu sahaja. Dengarlah rintihan orang-orang seperti kami. Jangan hancurkan kepercayaan kami yang sekian lama diberikan. Jika rintihan kami diabaikan, maka konsep 1Malaysia yang dicanangkan akan gagal ditengah jalan kerana apa yang kami lihat, keutamaan hanya diberikan kepada pihak-pihak yang tertentu sahaja.

Sekian. Terima kasih

sorry, it's in malay.... but we can also voice our concerns at our fave local dailies...

the more voice the better

p/s: why all hafkat taukey are quiet about this? They do have their 'persatuan' rite?
Nice man..agreed,we are not like japan,US that 50/80 years modern than us..even broadband also can't maintain 1 mbps,no coverage all times,TV signal also still in analog(astro)..
One of my fren from my other forum post this in a local dailies

sorry, it's in malay.... but we can also voice our concerns at our fave local dailies...

the more voice the better

p/s: why all hafkat taukey are quiet about this? They do have their 'persatuan' rite?
Open your mouth in protest and the harassment by the government will never end.
Hear from TV news that MCA jr. will bring up to Gov regarding stop recon part at 2011.
Ask them to re-consider.
Hear from TV news that MCA jr. will bring up to Gov regarding stop recon part at 2011.
Ask them to re-consider.

now we're talking... my runner friend was very suprised when he got a blank stare when he asked his fave hafkat taukey about this issue
if there is a petition going on please do let me know as well...

my family have a modded proton wira, a modded daihatsu charade and a toyota land cruiser mark II to worry about... all 15yrs or coming to 15 years old....

darn... what if one day my wira GB kong which its showing some symtoms already... a new piece cost more than RM10K and a recond ones is around RM2k... that much difference... if i take the recond models it would make our life more easier and able to make a better living as we have budget for other stuff as well... in turn this is the way to restore the economy and give the people a better living... so far the way i see the G's way is to concentrate on one sector and then kill another, half way through that sector give up and start supporting another sector... and much too often these sector are only beneficial to the bumi people...

my opinion about the proton management: if the bumi cant manage them well, then let the people manage them... and seriously the G people has to hands of these companies so that it grows... look at air asia, no G = successful; perodua, minimal G support = succesful.

and well companies that the G supports: proton, tragic down fall; mas, beaten by a young company - airasia...

havent come out of University already screwed by the G... next general election i am gonna register and VOTE AGAINTS THEM!!!
Fuaks! Just when I am dead broke the gomen wants to junk my old 910!! Fuaks!
the country is actually ran by chair-crazy idiots.

So, the real problem is still come back to many car owners that cannot afford to maintain the car in a real world. I know I'll definitely get fired by 99.999% of the people but hei, one of the reason why old car will never stop to visit the workshop is because of using used or cheap imitation parts. Some road accident also cause by that.

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