Mat rempits are putera umno's asset!!??

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1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 17, 2003
Petaling Jaya
Khairy needs all the support he can gets if he is to beat Najib in the next elections. He needs to convince stupid people to vote for him and these rempits are as stupid as they come. He is a very smart opportunist and will probably give Najib and Hisham a run for their money.

oh and GTI, Kadazans, Ibans and etc are also granted bumiputera status.


Over 10,000 RPM!
Senior Member
Nov 13, 2004
Char Kuoy Teow
encikmasen said:
differ: the law itself doesnt oppress one group of people and close one eye on the other is the ppl who interpreted the law..the law itself are perfect becos we muslims believe the law come from god..

tohsan: in the late 14th century, southern peninsular, riau, and sumatera is under the majapahit sultanate..and parameswara is majapahit prince who try to find his own piece of land..and to be precise, the local people, orang laut, is their first citizen..and at that time there are no differences between bumi or non bumi..the differences is created during the talk to gain independence from the british, to differentiate between the local and the immigrants that the british brought in..

IMHO, after 49 years of independence, the term is not suitable anymore because most of the malaysian population are born, brought up, learn, eat, and sleep as a malaysian regardless of their races..

just my 2 cents..
we already independent for 49 years, why still tack people with bumi and non-bumi status, pardon me that time during the British time we don't even have a proper birth cert,who is there to check whether u are born here or not, the system is so lousy that the person can even lie about his age.

Duke Red

2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 27, 2005
All this talk about social standing is disturbing and matters have steadily become worse for us non-bumis. You know what I noticed during Merdeka Eve? I was in Phileo Damansara and during the countdown, no one bothered. I find it hard to be patriotic to a country that treats me like a 2nd rate citizen. Maybe they should address this issue to instill patriotism instead of forcing us to sing the national antheme or fly the 'Jalur Gemilang'. What's the point if it's all just for show?

Anyway back to the topic on our future leaders. ARE YOU TAKING THE PISS???? Are we taking a step back from a developing nation to becoming an under developed nation again? Do we want to reinforce the Western perception that we all still live in trees? Judging from the supreme intellect displayed in such statements, maybe it won't be that much of a difference if they were to become our leaders.


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 17, 2003
Petaling Jaya
Put it this way, the Malays (the select anak bangsawan few at least) will never be willing to relinquish the privileges they have enjoyed for the past 3 decades. Like 'someone' has already pointed out, they have grown too reliant on their 'crutches'.

The term bumiputera is an obsolete item from our colonial past which still is being used by opportunistic quarters in the Malay race to gain electoral votes. Which brings into mind, who is the bigger fool? The people who preach it or the people who believe it?

And yes, the syariah law doesn't discriminate but the self-righteous hypocrite muslims that enforce them do.


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 16, 2005
hmmm did any 1 watch edisi siasat yesterday arrrr
veryfunny right after the gathering or the mat rempit club they creat havoc again
and they attack the siasat crew also
dunno khalid got watch it or not


Senior Member
Senior Member
Thread starter
Nov 18, 2003
Kay Ell
KJ and his putera gang must be cowering under pak lah sarong by now I guess , a good case of smelly foot in mouth hahahahaha

rempit ON!


6,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 2, 2004
Tohsan said:
R = Ruthless, robbers, rapist, racist, rats, rascals
E = Embarrashment, emotionless,
M = moron, monkeys, monsters, mou yoong, melampau, menyampah, memalukan
P = pushers, punks, pantat, pukibabi, perogol, perompak, pembunuh, penagih dadah,
I = Idiot,
T = Troublemakers n Thiefs
That's all I can think for now. Brains tired already. hehe


6,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 2, 2004
Tell me about it. They now know that if they travel in groups, they become kings and nobody so far has defeated them yet. If only I had money to buy a truck. I'll ram all of them down over and over again.


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 2, 2004
satria_95 said:
Tell me about it. They now know that if they travel in groups, they become kings and nobody so far has defeated them yet. If only I had money to buy a truck. I'll ram all of them down over and over again.

right on dude.summore with approval from the Putra UMNO, i guess things will getting worse.

no need truck lar. a used land rover will do

i bet you will LOVE to ram em those so called king of the road like this eh satria_95? : )


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