maf sensor circuit

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Oct 25, 2004

i've just did my ecu diagnosis ecu came with one led light.

signal came 12..and its meant for maf sensor circuit.

can anyone explain 2 me if my afm got problem?any other way can i rectified this problem. I believe my car is running high on fuel .
if your MAF is fouled you won't be able to drive it any faster than 20km/h, you sure it the MAF?

Everyone who owns an a31 complain of its high consumption. To be expected maa .......

change MAF and redo ecu diag and see if it still blinks 12
Originally posted by devious17@Jan 18 2005, 15:50
if your MAF is fouled you won't be able to drive it any faster than 20km/h, you sure it the MAF?

Everyone who owns an a31 complain of its high consumption. To be expected maa .......

change MAF and redo ecu diag and see if it still blinks 12

weh... my car got no adjustable fuel pressure regulator, rite? what's your setting aa before? hehehe.. will be getting one next month la.

wei! selling the car edi,why you want to get it installed laaa? but it was at XXpsi before hahahhahahahah
Originally posted by devious17@Jan 18 2005, 15:58
wei! selling the car edi,why you want to get it installed laaa? but it was at XXpsi before hahahhahahahah

errr... dunno yet. hehehe.. but i like to sell like that la. completed.. just like my 32 b4. got lotsa stuffs. new owner also happy... me only not that happy. hehehe

will call u later! hehe
change the afm yesterday...check the ecu..came out 12.

i don't think normal if the car is running at 18L/100km especially for manual transmission.
Originally posted by ajirock@Jan 18 2005, 16:35
change the afm yesterday...check the ecu..came out 12.

i don't think normal if the car is running at 18L/100km especially for manual transmission.
get yourself SAFC and dyno tuned.

ask devious. he did for me.. and now i'm enjoying the good life! hehehe

18L / 100 km.. pergh.. killer.
no need to check so many thing
just plug it to nissan diagonisis machine
can help you spot the problem imedietly
hehehe...sounds just like my car consumption ler!
My SAFC tuning all chalat oredi me tune oso plsss!!

btw topui...fuel pressure should be 36psi/43psi
36 at idle, 43 on full load
where did u get the adapter tht sits where the existing regulator goes?
I need to get one myself ler, got regulator but right now its regulating air on my study table! :lol:

wei u selling your car arr..sell to me some goodies ler... :P :rolleyes:

done it with nissan diagnosis machine ..msg..mass air flow sensor..

problem is...where can i get it fix ?
safc is the last option...anyone know a expert for this..let me know.

how bout u devious....can help me r not...
I can help but I can guarentee you would get the same milage as my car did as driving characteristics,condition does play a big part.

You mentioned the diag points to MAF but you have changed the MAF and problem still persists?? so which is faulty now? the diag or the MAF?

18L to 100km is indeed bad, it should give you at least 130km depending on condition.
have you verified whether the swapped MAF is working accurately?

also the ctc points on rb's get oxidized pretty bad...can cause inaccurate reading...try ctc point cleaner and tooth brush/thin wire brush on the connector and MAF pins....followed by silicone so tht in future easier to open connector...(wth the heat they often get stuck and break while opening)

if MAF is confirmed ok then check the ground wire of the MAF harness..if need be then re-ground, all else a ecu reset...start up and see if it makes any diff since it wont hurt.

really dun know which one is correct..but the afm i've changed i got it from chop there's no guarantee also.

i got one Full Auto Timer and the problem is when being installed ,it doesn't work .Took for a drive and then off the ignition, the timer is off immediately.Check the wiring and setting ,everthing ok.

Why this happen ?Anything wrong with the ecu or wat?
wah..ur luck damn terra man!

Is it the apexi pen timer wth a/f reading? I have the same and trust me the a/f reading is not accurate..cannot trust...

Even when i got the timer went off when i turn ign off...only if i turn fast enuff will it stay on...basically wrong wiring, the wireman screwed up the power and a/c wire.

whatever brand the timer is, did u buy brand new or second hand...if its new, just go back and gosok the buggers abit...if its second hand then i guess its down to whether the seller gave u a short warranty....check the wiring first and see whether tht may be the problem
its damn new ,my brother got it from Japan..Greedy FAT..complete with attack meter,voltage,speed meter..but damn it .The wireman told me something wrong with the wiring since the timer didn't read the reading on the rpm and signal doesn't go the ecu .Now have to stick to manual timer la.

I think my mech really screwed up the wiring during the engine transplant.
Originally posted by zephuros@Jan 20 2005, 11:03
wei a31gtst,

become quite the pro already with RB fuel pressure? Heheh
he learn from u maaa.. u the sifu!

a31gtst dude...

i haven't got the FPR yet. i'm toying around with the custom made one, someone doing it in the for sale forum. quite cheap but dunno how reliable. might try it since i got extra rb20 regulator... eh.. u got also rite? hehehe..


ajirock, seems like your wiring is not properly done. my bro-in-law experience the same thing. turns out his conversion wiring wasn't done properly. it was VR4 RS into Wira 1.8. So, he managed to get lancer dashboard and decided to redo the wiring. also, check your alarm wiring. sometimes, u need to bypass the alarm by adding a relay. works on mine. :)

that's what i hate about auto timer. all in 1! haih... better get SARD STACK! hehehe

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