looking 4 4G92mivec valves(exhaust)


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Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003
Subang Jaya
hi guyz...
need help...does anybody noe where i can get 4G92MIVEC valves(exhaust)? am in need of da valves(exhaust), bcoz while i wuz in da midst of rebuilding my engine, my gud fren who wuz helping me wit da engine rebuilding regretfully noticed & pointed out to me dat believe it or not, jus 1, 1 my valves(exhaust) koyak oledi...pls help if anyone out there noe's how or where 2 get these valves(exhaust)...pls reply or pm me if you've got da necessary info or contacts..TQ
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maybe you can do a search on the marketplace... the probability of finding the stuff u need there is higher...
well ken yeang...
wat i mean by koyak is da valve is worn out oledi, imbalanced...:sad_smile:

hi alexklg...
i dun mean 2 pollute da CarTalk thread wit my topic post, i jus posted dis topic of mine in da CarTalk thread 2 find out n c if there's anyone who frequents da car talk thread dat might noe where 2 get 4G92MIVEC Valves(exhaust). Ive oledi posted dis same topic in da marketplace thread(looking for section) & da mitsubishi thread. i posted my topic in da car talk thread bcoz there might b somebody who frequents da Car Talk thread who noes how 2 get da MIVEC 4G92 Valves(exhaust), but onli logs on to ZTH in da Car Talk thread & not any other thread such as da marketplace(looking for)..i wont simply post dis topic of mine ere n there without a validated purpose..u hav a nice day :regular_smile:
my word....

well ken yeang...
wat i mean by koyak is da valve is worn out oledi, imbalanced...:sad_smile:

hi alexklg...
i dun mean 2 pollute da CarTalk thread wit my topic post, i jus posted dis topic of mine in da CarTalk thread 2 find out n c if there's anyone who frequents da car talk thread dat might noe where 2 get 4G92MIVEC Valves(exhaust). Ive oledi posted dis same topic in da marketplace thread(looking for section) & da mitsubishi thread. i posted my topic in da car talk thread bcoz there might b somebody who frequents da Car Talk thread who noes how 2 get da MIVEC 4G92 Valves(exhaust), but onli logs on to ZTH in da Car Talk thread & not any other thread such as da marketplace(looking for)..i wont simply post dis topic of mine ere n there without a validated purpose..u hav a nice day :regular_smile:
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