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You think I print money?
Helmet Clan
Mar 3, 2005
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – A prominent Malaysian official Thursday encouraged young Muslim teenagers to get married if they cannot resist having sex and promised money to help them start a family _ a stance that drew criticism from women's rights activists.

Mohamad Ali Rustam, chief minister of southern Malacca state, said the moves could help reduce a growing problem of babies being abandoned by girls who have unwanted pregnancies.

Muslims are permitted to marry after reaching puberty in Malaysia, as long as they obtain consent from their parents and Islamic Shariah courts. Nearly two-thirds of Malaysia's 28 million people are Muslim.

For non-Muslim Malaysians, however, girls must be at least 16 and boys 18 to marry.

Underage marriages are not common, and authorities have voiced concern that unmarried teenagers are having sex, sometimes resulting in young mothers killing or abandoning their babies.

Encouraging teenagers to marry could be "a good way to solve the problem" of babies being dumped, Mohamad Ali said.

"These people, you can't just stop them from having sex," Mohamad Ali told The Associated Press. "Muslim girls also want to enjoy (sex).":stupid:

Officials in Malacca plan to start providing 500 ringgit ($160) in financial help to young couples who want to get married. They are also considering building a special school for girls who become pregnant, since regular schools would expel them, Mohamad Ali said.

So far this year, Malacca authorities have recorded 174 babies born out of wedlock, he said. Fourteen were to girls under age 16 and 60 to girls between 16 and 20. Three babies were found abandoned. Similar problems have been reported in other Malaysian states.

Mohamad Ali said Muslim girls who have sex out of wedlock also risk being thrown out of their homes by their parents, with some becoming prostitutes to make a living.

Women's rights activists criticized Mohamad Ali's views, which he first expressed to Malaysian media earlier this week.

"It's a regressive move. ... We all know that child marriages are an aberration," said Ivy Josiah, executive director of the Women's Aid Organization, a private group.

Laws that allow marriage below the age of 18 should be scrapped because they might encourage pedophilia and undermine the physical and emotional health of teenagers, Josiah said.

Mohamad Ali stressed he did not support teenagers having sex out of wedlock, but said it would be all right if they were married.

Government and public opinion about teen marriage has been mixed, with some other top officials and activists strongly opposing it. Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, the federal Cabinet minister in charge of women's and family matters, reportedly said recently that marriages of young teenagers were "morally and socially unacceptable."

My view, even if they are allowed to married just because they get pregnant....can the young couple afford to feed the baby? if can't, still they would throw it away...

The mentality is not even mature....even by giving them money...I doubt it would be use for the would instead be used to satisfy their own needs.

Important is self control....
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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2004
malu seh i call myself Malaccan....

this is what i call "easy way out" or "knee jerk solution" n "half past six thinking" that only lazy people can achieve....i know a few from my company that are only in their early 20s that are divorced with 2-3 kids cos they got married too young n learnt that the person they lusted for isnt the 1 they want to grow old with...sad.

reminds me about something i read a while ago that over in the north, girls as young as 11 are wedded to old 40 year old uncles? anybody remember?


7,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 13, 2010
The Mines
that one uncle is syndicate..more to "haram" movement....

haiyyioh....what happen to ppl nowadays....with young kids oso want to "cocok".....there's many widow outside....

just a few days ago a "grandma" nabbed sleeping with younger men woh....


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2004
pomen....the 108 year old grandma n the 30+ year old guy ar? heard she use special urut method to keep him loyal to her woooor


7,000 RPM
Helmet Clan
Senior Member
Apr 19, 2004
Sahara Desert
gomen kasi put up TARFEIKEI ministry laa, sure got a lot of crony join 1

can make money to their deep pockets, can enjoy themselves everyday.


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Oct 18, 2005
salam, bismillah..

they are trying to help out the unfortunates, and u r ashamed of it? iam not proud of the solutions they came up wit, but at least we are trying to solve this problem instead of pointing fingers, no? if u have sum other better ideas, y dont u channel sum constructive ideas to the ministry instead of biatching about it here sir? i'd luv to hear sum too, if u dont mind sharing it here. my friend got married (dia kena pinang, lucky guy!!) right after he finished school, and yet still performed in uni. from what i saw, he got more responsible after getting married, he studied harder, works harder to provide for his new wife and soon to be children, i dont see anything wrong wit dat, do u? i guess what dat menteri is hoping is for the best to happen once anybody gets married, no? dont go on ungkit things like ur office mate, lets look to the bright side of things, shall we?

i was happy when the first baby was slipped in the baby bank, at least a new born is saved because of dat idea, alhamdulillah.. hopefully more to be saved as that fortunate child in the future. i hate those who opposed dat idea, to me the outcome is good indeed..

i hate to see babies die, i cried blood when mine died. especially when i keep remembering dat it was me who bathed him, kapan'ed kan him, prayed him, carried him, put him in the liang lahad, said the prayer (doa), and tanam'ed him. i hate those babies killer, and those who allow it. i'll make sure they get what they deserve if i ever see one!!!!

if these ideas can be one of the solution of the babies killing, then so be it, insyaAllah



500 RPM
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Jan 17, 2005
Drag City
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Yeah, since there a lots of babies trowing away now a days, not the best but at least they tried to prevent more cases like this happen. Pity for innocent child that been born with good health condition, but been dumb at the moment they been born.

Youngster now a days is really eager in doing anything, cannot blame them because the first lesson they learn is from home or where ever they stay. All parents / guardians must play important roles to keep their child's attitude in a good behavior.

Just simply advise them, keep advise and advise with the pray to the God.
Prevent is better than cure..:nurse:
Still not to late to changes! :proud:


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2007
i got married early too..... sad to hear bout yr baby bro..i know how u feel.

every day after work i will go home & bathe, change nappy, feed her, play wid her, bring her to supermarket, im bonded to my daughter.....there are so many cases in child care, even i told my wife to stay home & look after my daughter 24hrs......

imagine other ppl can just throw away their sad hearing it.....
klu mau kongkek, kawin dulu la......

---------- Post added at 05:44 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 05:43 PM ----------

pomen....the 108 year old grandma n the 30+ year old guy ar? heard she use special urut method to keep him loyal to her woooor
yeah, heard bout it few days ago on the radio...i tot that the grandma cooks good food that make her 30 yr old new husband love her....i also heard that it was her 23rd marriage, something like that.


500 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 21, 2005
that one uncle is syndicate..more to "haram" movement....

haiyyioh....what happen to ppl nowadays....with young kids oso want to "cocok".....there's many widow outside....

just a few days ago a "grandma" nabbed sleeping with younger men woh....
MKMD428 like this post..hehehehe

with the eagerness and self anxiety..and now with this law...i wonder how are they going to stop the future mishap such as divorce that will grow knowla...young people get married..

but maybe not all teens are like that me thinks..hihihihihihi


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2004
extremeleo....sorry for offendeding u. it was never my intention. i was just stating that i think their solution is short sighted and a knee jerk response which was made in response to the current situation without considering the long term effects. by enforcing this solution, isnt it akin to promoting young marriage just to satisfy lust? i think it would be more effective to teach that marriages should be based on love and not lust. call me old fashioned but i still believe love exists heheh. about me bringing up my colleaques was cos she is going thru a rough time now n she told me she married very young n regrets it cos now she has to care for her kids n parents all cos she got married when she was too young too know what forever and ever meant...but lets just leave it at that.

i am sorry to hear about what happened to your baby. this should not have happened to anybody. i dont have any kids, yet, but i hope u believe me when i say i can sort of imagine how it feels like.

i agree with u on the baby shelter. it was a very good idea but going forward, shouldnt the problem be nipped in the bud? again with education on pre-marital sex? even if the person would want to have pre-marital sex, there are many ways to prevent pregnancies. education would be the best way. i learnt about sex from experience n the pasar malam rm12 vcd that my frens would share n watch. looking back, the only official education i ever got about sex was a quick 2 chapter bio class which lasted 2 hours cos the teacher was too uncomfortable to explain in detail n the girls were shutting their eyes n closing their ears cos they thought it was taboo.

MrNazmi...i agree that it comes from upbringing...also parent support is very important...but i cant imagine teaching my kids about sex. however open minded i am, i still feel very awkward thinking about talking about such sensitive things. imagine talking about sex to your parents? damn pelik la haha


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 29, 2009
They never teach the use of "condoms" at that state ?


500 RPM
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Jan 17, 2005
Drag City
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MrNazmi...i agree that it comes from upbringing...also parent support is very important...but i cant imagine teaching my kids about sex. however open minded i am, i still feel very awkward thinking about talking about such sensitive things. imagine talking about sex to your parents? damn pelik la haha

arturo, I didnt mean that we need to teach / give advise our children regarding sex matter on the early age. What I mean, start from the beginning of our children age, we need to be focus in their life activity, asking them everyday what happen, be closed to them, be friends to them, always support them, hear their problem....

Most parents now days quite busy with their jobs, sometimes they return home at midnight, no time to talk to their children. If this happen, find another ways to get closed to them, spend every weekend with them for example. And when they start to turn into teenage ages, then it was the good time to talk to them regarding sex education, try to start in simple words / ways so they wont get surprise. If still have no idea, can ask motivation sifu, sure they can help. For me it's quite impossible to do that but for sake of further brighter future of our own children, I think we can start to change by doing it that rite now, give early education regarding sex activity to our children when they are ready, always advise them and don't simply give up in giving advise because they are our own matter what happen, they will be our children so no point more if "nasi dah jadi bubur"...:hmmmm: So all my friends, start doing our responsibility and try to prevent it before it getting worst to our society and Malaysian's people..:proud:
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1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 22, 2005
Marriage based on sexual desire will create more social problem. Only allow a place for those teenager to watch xxx films and self masturbating will solve the problem. There are plenty of these type of thing in Europe. room is about 1.5m x 2m x 2m. Got a TV and a chair inside. The joystick is for selecting different movie and the small little rubbish bin is for condom and tissues disposal. Cost is EU$2 per 30 minutes.

The whole country is effected by western culture so need to use the western way to solve the problem. There is nothing wrong with masturbating except religions made it become a sin. When a small thing like masturbating is a sin, pre marriage sex also a sin, rape also a sin, people will sure will opt anything when there is a chance. But if there is a legal choice, then the pressure of urges will be released before they need to think about the illegal ways. Of cause, there will be a small amount of people like to enjoy participate in criminal.

I suggest to open a red light district which has masturbating centers and blow job service. If don't want local women involved, can import from other country :burnout:


Known Member
Senior Member
Nov 2, 2009
hahaha funny GOV we have in M'sia not to say y go to sekolah agama? our GOV oredi spent so much money by building it.din those schools teaching ppl to be GOOD?( im not racialism:proud:)

if this reli happens to encourage YOUNG muslim kids to kahwin cepat2.....our future GOV will become dumb n dumber.

jus my 2cen
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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2004
arturo, I didnt mean that we need to teach / give advise our children regarding sex matter on the early age. What I mean, start from the beginning of our children age, we need to be focus in their life activity, asking them everyday what happen, be closed to them, be friends to them, always support them, hear their problem....

Most parents now days quite busy with their jobs, sometimes they return home at midnight, no time to talk to their children. If this happen, find another ways to get closed to them, spend every weekend with them for example. And when they start to turn into teenage ages, then it was the good time to talk to them regarding sex education, try to start in simple words / ways so they wont get surprise. If still have no idea, can ask motivation sifu, sure they can help. For me it's quite impossible to do that but for sake of further brighter future of our own children, I think we can start to change by doing it that rite now, give early education regarding sex activity to our children when they are ready, always advise them and don't simply give up in giving advise because they are our own matter what happen, they will be our children so no point more if "nasi dah jadi bubur"...:hmmmm: So all my friends, start doing our responsibility and try to prevent it before it getting worst to our society and Malaysian's people..:proud:
if only all fathers think like u...

i really like the way u think. how many kids u have? i think they're lucky to have a father like u.:biggrin:


7,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 13, 2010
The Mines
yep...agree with mrnazmi..

actually parent have to teach do's and don'ts about almost everyhting in related in everyday life....

teachers only teach on survival/knowledge of the parents shouldn't put 100% the burden on teachers..because parents actualy spent most time with their child compared to a teacher....lack of communication between parents and children proved to be major contributor of children misbehaviour....parents can't rely 100% on school to taught everything in everyda life...

to think it back....this maybe root from our secular syllabus in school...lack or moral value/religion subjects during school period.....

if parents do their part well and teacher was given more opportunity to teach students about moral value this case would be reduced tremendously....


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 7, 2007
Johor Bahru
This is why our country always have this kind of funny ideas and perception come up often when officer got their post through connection and not qualification... :stupid: I appreciate their effort, but not their solutions... Underage marriage, well... i have seen more tragedy than happy endings, teenagers are growing faster physically but their mentality still childish.

Anyway, I also think that sex knowledge ought to be taught, education is the only way to go for solving almost all social issues, not duck feeding style of teaching but more to open minded one, we have a very serious problems with our education system...

Underage marriage, well... i have seen more tragedy than happy endings, teenagers are growing faster physically but their mentality still childish,


500 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 17, 2005
Drag City
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if only all fathers think like u...

i really like the way u think. how many kids u have? i think they're lucky to have a father like u.:biggrin:
Thanks arturo! :driver:

---------- Post added at 03:35 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 03:34 AM ----------

yep...agree with mrnazmi..

actually parent have to teach do's and don'ts about almost everyhting in related in everyday life....

teachers only teach on survival/knowledge of the parents shouldn't put 100% the burden on teachers..because parents actualy spent most time with their child compared to a teacher....lack of communication between parents and children proved to be major contributor of children misbehaviour....parents can't rely 100% on school to taught everything in everyda life...

to think it back....this maybe root from our secular syllabus in school...lack or moral value/religion subjects during school period.....

if parents do their part well and teacher was given more opportunity to teach students about moral value this case would be reduced tremendously....
Thanks ^pomen_GTR^! :driver:


You think I print money?
Helmet Clan
Thread starter
Mar 3, 2005
extremo, I partly agrees on your statement....some might be successful even marrying young that I'm happy for them but how many % is the successful rate over the unsuccessful rate?

I'm also quite sad to see baby dumping but we should know what causes this to happen in the 1st place? lack of self control, lack of proper moral teaching? lack the appreciation of life? lack of sexual knowledge?

Even if accidentally pregnant, throwing the baby isn't the option, they should face the problem instead of running away from it. Lack of responsibility on both party?

Giving money to help them is not going to last for long will they be able to pay? forever?

If marrying just because to satisfy the sexual desire.....a marriage won't last long....
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