i park outside my house also can get SAMAN 3 times

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Drifter & Racer
Senior Member
Jul 4, 2004
park outside my own house also can get bloody saman
i hate those blardy buggers.. i have no place to park my car and they wanna saman me soommmor... what stupid idiots... i hate those idiotic morons!... MPSJ!!!
You can bring your water bill or electric bill to MPSJ to deal with them. They might cancel your saman.
they will tell you that outside your house is goverment land, so they have rights to saman you. If MPSJ/MPPJ/DBKL, i just dun bother to pay the saman, coz the system is not yet link to JPJ, they can't blacklist your car yet.
More over when the time come, you will get discount for paying saman.
Yeah just take ur bills and they would cancel ur summon.. i have to park my car outside my house too... my neighbour worst.. 3 cars outside..
Next time, write a note and put it on your dash stating that you live at No XX blah blah...
damn tiu lah these fellas. damn quick to saman and they disappear just as quickly. sorry to hear about your situation dude, it's damn absurd.

i once parked my car and went walked to the nearest ticket dispensing machine that was some distance away. i put in my 60 cents and got my ticket. when i got back to my car, the fulat had left a summon there and disappeared! i drove around looking for him knowing that he cannot do anything about it but was damn mad and wanted to give him an earfull. bastard. this happened like 2 yrs back and i've not paid the summon till now coz i think it was a dumb thing for him to issue it in the first place :mad:
I got the samething before. Don't waste your time to argue with them. If other cars can get tickets from parking at in front of your house, your own cars make no difference. That's what I was told.
if u got saman while u were buying the parking ticket, u can bring both the saman and ticket to mppj and cancel saman
zero4 said:
if u got saman while u were buying the parking ticket, u can bring both the saman and ticket to mppj and cancel saman
but how would they know if i'm lying ler? after they say i tipu, i got no evidence also. anyway it was 2 yrs back, don't know where the saman gone liao.
acura said:
park outside my own house also can get bloody saman
i hate those blardy buggers.. i have no place to park my car and they wanna saman me soommmor... what stupid idiots... i hate those idiotic morons!... MPSJ!!!

Screw the local council... don't even pay the summons and let them send the piles of legal letters. I received lots and turned all into paper planes and burned the rest during CNY.

The worse is MPSJ! So-called richest local council in Selangor...

Bunch of GOBLOKs! :mad:
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headache if it wuz me...da car sure gone case adi..
muahhahaha...y so polite to those brainless ppl...

acura ...ya mayb u can put a note u stay opposite...
when u saw them com by...go out tiu gao them nicely...
or call ppl surround them hehehehe... (this is bad)
u take the saman then put back into the tree(saman back their tree)...jus like wat i doing after get DBKL saman...kekeke..
Theres a lot of people parked their cars in front of my house. I wish I could saman them. :p If a car blocking my path to go out from home, can vandalise the car or not?
Woo parking infront of my house.. last time when i was staying in SS2... right at the back oh chow yang.. every thrusday... my god... i feel like crying.. can't even get the car into my own house.. and worst part.. there was once there was an emengency.. and those idiots really just park the car infront of my house n walk away n shop.... my my my... me n my dad was so mad.. he made sure he couldn't move... until he came out n appoligize.... sheesh now a days.. ppl.. horrible
BlackSamurai said:
they will tell you that outside your house is goverment land, so they have rights to saman you. If MPSJ/MPPJ/DBKL, i just dun bother to pay the saman, coz the system is not yet link to JPJ, they can't blacklist your car yet.
More over when the time come, you will get discount for paying saman.
dude... u have to pay... I ignored my dbkl summon which was issued last year... and i've just received a court order letter. I'll have to attend the court session next week. MCH... i went over last week to ask if i can just pay the damn summon instead of wasting time at court.... they replied.. "tak boleh.. sudah ade court order.. so u pegi sana rayu la" ... ohhh bummer!
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