How many airplain or heli crash in msia lately? WHY?

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but knowing this......knowing that what is the condition the nuri is.....either they got balls as big as my head.....or because of duty and loyalty to the country.....our brave boys still fly that junk........

those buggers are brave mate.....i sleep well at night thinking this kind of people protecting our security.....

*p.s: by i meen protecting is only to our armed forces....not the gangster in blue dress.
yea..i believe they must be praying hard all times when assign with nuris..furthermore,what choice do they have?..pity them...
but TUDM has no plans on grounding those nuris coz they say it's still safe to fly...
saga continue,
I would say that it's not about their balls, it's just that they're probably not too educated about the nuri or whatever, that they think it's fine to fly it. Loyalty to country? Imagine this. If all the armies in the whole planet quits fighting, there will be no war. The govt wants to fight, then let the govt themselves fight each other instead of sending out armies to die in the dozens.
c'mon really think the pilots are sent to fly after 2 day's course?of course they know bout the nuri...they have to know about it...before flight there are checklist procedure to follow before they even sit inside the cockpit...

your an army...its your job to fly it...saying no will result in being how?some of them dont even long they die for the country...enuff wat...

even with some of you being pissed with this least show some gratitude for the men and women who would be the first in line to defend it...they have their job to do and so do us...
Well if we would fly all the YB's, MP's, Dato's, DS's, TS's and especially "That" one the suggest we can still fly these under-maintained scraps in those Nuri's, I am certain they would have allocated the maintenance funds on them rather than in some MP's pocket.
saga continue,
I would say that it's not about their balls, it's just that they're probably not too educated about the nuri or whatever, that they think it's fine to fly it. Loyalty to country? Imagine this. If all the armies in the whole planet quits fighting, there will be no war. The govt wants to fight, then let the govt themselves fight each other instead of sending out armies to die in the dozens.

i dont quite agree bro....i do think our pilot have the "brain" for the proven back in 2000 when we have the "Five Power Defence Exercise" we have a mock up battle using our MIGs 29 and Aussies FA 18C that our pilot kick their buds.........tho' i have to admit our pilot have an advantage with our A8 Adder missile and can call shots before the aussie can make one....but without proper training and "brain" to integrated ur self and machine as one.......u might as well dont train them at all......anyway....if they dont have brain matey....why in the world Singapore Airline want them as their pilot rite......

world without war mate.....beside prostitution......being a soldier is among one of the oldest profession........we can never create babylon anyway....noble...but far fetched....
Blame it on the weather as usual ... even with radars on-board ...
Nuri helicopters will be phased out in three years, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said.

“We pray that such accidents will not happen again,” he said, adding that no one could guarantee such incidents would not recur.

Any aircraft without proper maintenance with be subjected to failures. Modern aircrafts are even more prone to it ....

We'll buy the aircrafts but the maintenance money will end up in some MP's pocket.
When u board d chopper, u'll noe d 1 can guarantee ure safe until u landed....last time i was boarding 'Super Puma' to offshore, n man!....onli god n me knows d feeling inside d chopper...balls in my knees!!....praying every sec.....heheh....wat i learnt from d chopper briefing dat once every 100,000KM ther will b 1 chopper goin down....scary aah!!
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yeah...riding a heli is friggin scary...its like roller coaster without safety belts...gerghhh....the shakings,the noise brrr...rode once...try not to go for 2nd...unless of course for offshore jobs :P
ohhh...shiet......ill be taking a kamov from sibu to my plantation in september....

im going to the mosque now....
saga continue,
ya ka? I heard of something else about our army too, which my friend who is keen on army stuff told me. He said that there was, some time back, a friendly "war" training between the whites dudes and us. We whacked the white dudes out flat in the forest. hahaha Looks like the white dudes can't live in the rough. hahaha
Really a uphill tak of retrieving the body... I respect the army personel
satria bro....true la the story bro....

i herd some delta force go to our Kota Tinggi junggle training centre.....thr rangers put those guys deep inside jungle and ask them to come out....they said its easy......their equipment got GPS some more......but what happen after that.......hilang 4 2 days.....our ibans got to find and take them out.....hhahahahaaa....belagak summore padan muka...
actually its kinda proven that the angmoh cant survive shits...take for example Vietnam and Iraq...

US relies heavily on technologies that when it comes to one on one they'll just wither into the our hutan got bigfoot wat...orang tak semayang mana selamat ahahhahahahaha...
That what you call "Hollywood Armies" or "Pampered Soldiers" ....
delta is more on fast in fast out action in urban area..... i think MEU or Ranger would be better in jungle tracking.

but if we have to pull the army into the jungle to trap the enemy it means we are already losing out main combat facilities such as airport and the cities....this is not a good tactics for defense....coz no matter how good are the soldier in the jungle, the supply can always be cut off easily.

i think the first strike and protection against enemy first strike is very critical in modern days......
satria bro....true la the story bro....

i herd some delta force go to our Kota Tinggi junggle training centre.....thr rangers put those guys deep inside jungle and ask them to come out....they said its easy......their equipment got GPS some more......but what happen after that.......hilang 4 2 days.....our ibans got to find and take them out.....hhahahahaaa....belagak summore padan muka...

If i am not mistaken the BLACK HAWK DOWN movie was fake...

My drill instructor told us... that "is us malaysians who save those American ass those time, was not them american who save them,"

My drill instuctor, i miss him. I remember when training he will wear his namibia or something bagde n a wear paratrooper baret with some wing ignisia. He even tells stories of the malaysian paratroopers.. (living n even the dead ones n dangers of it) n also skydiving.. really miss him...

He is not a show off like those other drill instructors with proud badges n proud barets...

anyway i respect them all drill instructors... miss those days...
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