E39 questions

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Jun 13, 2005
PJ & Sandakan
hi there.

I'm wanting to know the price of the manual gearbox for the E39 using the M54 engine(year 2001 onwards). Would like to know the current going price as half cut, and if possible as new from BMW parts dealers.

Also, could anyone tell me how to access the BMW owner's club Malaysia's website. Tried googling it once, but couldn't load it.

One more thing, anyone knows the power limit of E39's autobox?

Thanks for your help.
ModMaestro said:
hi there.

I'm wanting to know the price of the manual gearbox for the E39 using the M54 engine(year 2001 onwards). Would like to know the current going price as half cut, and if possible as new from BMW parts dealers.

Also, could anyone tell me how to access the BMW owner's club Malaysia's website. Tried googling it once, but couldn't load it.

One more thing, anyone knows the power limit of E39's autobox?

Thanks for your help.

here u go www.bmwclubmalaysia.com

:tee: :tee: :tee:
Thanks a lot. But I still haven't found what I want there. Don't want to register without actually owning a bimmer yet.
ModMaestro said:
Thanks a lot. But I still haven't found what I want there. Don't want to register without actually owning a bimmer yet.

u dun really hav to own a bimmer to join da forum.

u r a prospective owner, where u can ask questions pertaining da E39 at da forum.

besides, u dun hav to pay anything to register so no harm trying man ;)
haha, yeah but if tengok tengok I don't buy it paiseh la.

plus my friend confirm my suspision on the price range, so now waiting for the 530s to start popping up.
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