Driving License

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2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 9, 2003
Subang Jaya

I have just came back from POS MALAYSIA renew my r/tax and driving license...

roadtax got no poblem....... but my license that lady said and even showed me the screennn clearly stated...

"TIADA DALAM SISTEM"..... SH*T!!!! i've gotten my license nearly 15 years liao!!!

how come not in the system!!!! isk!!! now has to go to JPJ on MONDAY to sort this thing out!!!... now lesen expored oredi since last week-end!!! hehehee..

anybody got tangle like this!!!

wow...sham ni bahaya....
penduduk asing....
everyone beware of shamburke...driving one estima,ae92 hatch back n ae85...careful with this feller...

database error...

anything can happen in here...

good luck bro sham
i oso just renew last wednesday, no problem at all. good luck bro.
Thanks to Malaysia government IT system. That show how great is "Malaysia Boleh" spirit.
normally bro theres an error for summons only ....
never heard dis bfore...
but i think its ok wen u go to JPJ unless da JPJ system also failure ...
gudluck too!!!

p/s: wahhh..15yrs drivin still got error ! how can they do dis to SENIOR CITIZEN:angry_smile:
maybe that happen since the internet conection not yet fully restored due to the earthquake.. some thing happen to the pos malaysia line.. hehe...
if go to JPJ sure no prob..

hheheeee... went to see my sifu (he handles everything form police summons to JPJ to Puspakom)... he said there is also two licenses with him.... it seems that the renewal was not transmitted to JPJ system.... then he took my license.. went to JPJ and ... walah!!!!!... i got renewed for three years..... wooooo!!! i guess i got no summonses outstanding!!!!?????

suspense siot!!!!

hello ekjozbulluh!!!!

part senior citizen tu!!! slow sikit ler!!!shy ler!!!

hehehee..... now can drive without fear....

enemy of the state

shamburke said:

I have just came back from POS MALAYSIA renew my r/tax and driving license...

roadtax got no poblem....... but my license that lady said and even showed me the screennn clearly stated...

"TIADA DALAM SISTEM"..... SH*T!!!! i've gotten my license nearly 15 years liao!!!

how come not in the system!!!! isk!!! now has to go to JPJ on MONDAY to sort this thing out!!!... now lesen expored oredi since last week-end!!! hehehee..

anybody got tangle like this!!!

maybe u become like will smith in enemy of the state. just joking:regular_smile:
hahahaa... anuar!!!

actually that is the first thing that crosses my mind!!!
iwas like sh*t.. somebody erased my life... then.. i realised that .. i just renewed my r/tax!!! ok plaks!!! but... suspens siot!!!!luckily i had no night outing last week... if not sure kantoi!!!

bro...feel glad if everything was fine..gudluck to u! enjoy ur driving k..

p/s : its mean u r more TAIKOR than the others maaa...
talking abuout license i almost forgot that mine to gonna be expired. hope hre are no problem

no taikor ler!!!!... just odinary person like the rest of you and who will be approaching towards middle aged syndrom!!!!! kahkahkahkah!!!! ppl said life begins at 40.... well i think... the proverbs is right tho'!!!!

nuar!!! better check bro!!! nanti you plaks become 'EOS' like will smith!!!

i think so. tomorrow morning i will go. if my name is clear i go for maximum period. hehehe

if got caught means both also kena!!! hehehee.. just pray2 ler!!
lucky you!!!!

keep up the good work and tobat to become good driver malaysia looking for!!!

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