Dr. M goes again

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He is TOO MUCH! Once u are out, it means OUT! Now he is trying to create tension between AAB and NTR. What a sinile old man!

I think AI was right all these years... the old man has lost it! Spend country's money like there is no tomorrow. I mean, 8th MY Plan money finished in 2 years?!?! It is suppose to last 10 years!

Now, he is making noise because AAB canned all his croonies' projects. No projects, no money for croonies and commission for DrM. Simple theory...
aaron: are u sure wat's been said it's the truth? please show some respect for Dr.M
emm.. i feel tat what Dr.M said is rite...
dun u guys c tat nowadays is vry terrible den laz time....
juz what i read in The Star newspaper...
i feel tat is rite for Dr.M to speak tat out...
but power of control or changin anythin nowadays is depends on PM now..
"To say the Government has no money because the previous PM spent all the money is not supported by facts," Dr Mahathir said. "My contention is that the Government has plenty of money."

but wait...our G is poor laa..they can't afford RM4.4b of petrol subsidy.
I like Dr.M, and I like retired Dr.M more now. Just let them continue and we will see more "true fact" release by both parties.

Couldn't agree more with 1 of the statement release by Dr.M earlier, during his 22 years as Malaysia PM, we never have situation where demo like anti-fuel hike demo at KLCC few months back being cencored, none of the license media report the news. (and I thought it was a rumours that ppl spreading to hurt Malaysia 1st time i heard it, i did learn to open my ear after that incident.)
Current goverment is controlling all license media, release news which goverment think which is "safe". This is seriously bad for us and for the country.
loved it! hehehe...

come on la weh... it's lousy time nowadays la... wanna sell nasi lemak also susah already..
Respect yes but please don't issue backstabbing statements to the press... only making himself look like a FOOL!

We were taught to respect our elders but if they continue to mess up over wrong reasons... what is there to respect? Instead, why can't he be like LKY in SG? Continue to give support and help the present G to succeed.

If I want to respect someone... it is LKY not DrM... no matter what he has done for the country...
Let's not be too anti Dr. M here alright people? You have gotta give credit for what he has done for the country during his time in power. I tend to favour more to Dr. M although I realise some people don't quite like his style of ruling but the country seemed to develop more under his leadership, no? Correct me if I am wrong here. Probably it's just me not being alert to my surrounding changes nowadays.
Well, it is an open forum anyway... so, people can say what they want... there may be some AAB or DrM or AI supporters around but hey... just post!

Under DrM, yes... country has developed quite well but there is NO proper control of the country's funds!

Back in the old day under TAR, if u want to develope a housing project for RM 500 mil, the G will give up to RM 400 mil. But, under DrM... they will ask u to take more than RM 1 bil instead! Yes, as a developer... u can be damn happy but remember this... the extra money must go the croonies (or their companies).

Otherwise, how do u explain renovating a toilet costs RM 5 mil or spend RM 100 mil on BMW cars during NAM events? Somebody made A LOT of money somewhere and nothing was reported in the media.

However, under AAB... more and more people are getting caught or more and more projects are being terminated and tenders are now open to anyone.
hmm...oh well,the darkness of politic,no forever frens or enemy
both have their rights or wrong la...the bad economy situation we r suffering now is not domestic but global..Just that,when we are not in the same old condition like we used to b4,normal ppl behavior,we start to complain and find a party to blame.Very normal human nature around the world.
I am not really fond with mr.M but i shall say,my critics will be reserve to myself coz there is no right or wrong,it is subjective.
DR M Should Voice.

I honestly believe that DR M should voice his opinions freely and sincerely because though he is no longer in power, the only reason why he is retired is because of his age. It is in the present governments best interest to at least listen to the comments and advice provided by their former leader.

Malaysia will not be at its present state without the sacrifices and risks DR M took throughout his tenure in office. Yes, the reserves were wildly allocated to mega projects but all were based on research and structured in the nation's best interest.

Honestly where will we be standing if the infrastructure and its follow up policies were never implemented? We would will be flying through the SAAS and perhaps still be suffering in much worse economic conditions due to the 1997 currency crisis should DR M neglected to impose capital controls on the Ringgit.

Datuk Seri Abdullah should appreciate the fact that DR M still is able and voluntarily providing advices to try and keep BN on the right path. I encourage the government to listen and analyse what is said by DR M without ego, prejudice or vendetta.
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From what I see as a 3rd party, the person who is egoistic here is Dr.M. I as a Malaysian appreciates what Dr.M. has done for our country, but if all the mega projects were based on research and structured in the nation's best interest, I doubt the bridge would've been build from the 1st place. Imagine if there's no agreement from S'pore, there would only be half a bridge and Malaysia would've no choice but to build everything which would only bring shame to the country and also spend more money.

How many people were caught after TDM stepped down? Transparency? In a different aspect I guess. People are selfish, just because of some price hike and people are starting to have a different view on our current PM? And I see lots of complaints about the country being corrupted, our current PM is trying to clean the mess in Malaysia and now everybody forgets about this? I don't see anything offensive about him mentioning that Dr.M. has spent most of the money as the government is really in a bad shape now.

The Putrajaya project which was handled by my ex company ended up incomplete as the government is still in a lot of debts. Go on with Mega Projects? Yeah, with debts and this is how Dr. M. does? Loans? Debts?
Dr M should be allowed to have his say. So should everyone else. What happens when no one dares to speak up against the government? Right or wrong, agree or disagree, it is always better to have a counter to balance the ruling party, be it opposition leaders or other leaders of society. We should not have the standpoint whereby if we do not go with the flow, we should shut up. That's wrong.
quotes by Dr.M:
"Dr.M is also upset that the pace of development of Putrajaya has slowed; peeved that the Johor bridge project has been scrapped; and angered that the National Automotive Policy has put Proton at a disadvantage."

wtf??....what if Proton is losing advantage.....if Proton has bucked up during all this years as national cars; what is Proton afraid of?!

* Dr Mahathir said he disagreed that the Government has no more money for big projects: "I know full well that the Government has never been richer."

"To say the Government has no money because the previous PM spent all the money is not supported by facts," Dr Mahathir said. "My contention is that the Government has plenty of money."

like what was quoated by acbc above; it seems that the Government before doesn't reallly know how to spend their money. It's wiser now that the Government cuts all the subsidaries that were previously given out. In turn it would make us, the public more independent and doesn't rely on the Government!

"I make a habit of choosing the wrong people perhaps... I chose him and I expected a certain degree of gratitude."

quoted by Dr. M saying he chose the wrong succesor.
huh??........you can pick whoever is to succeed you?!?!........than what's the f*cking use of our democracy votes?!....he should have think before uttering this comment!

"One cannot tell what a person will do when the person is out of your control," Dr Mahathir said yesterday. "I thought I had made the right choice."

Another stupid comment. If you think carefully; does it mean that Dr.M is the one controlling the Government when he's on top?!?!

this is not out of respect of our previous PM. I do like him as he talks freely and dare to comment on sensitive issues that no one dares to. But for these comments that he made; I really pity him for the blunders. Basically he's suggesting that the government is chosen not by the people; he's suggesting that the Government has alot of money now and then....but where's the money?!
well, Wat i see here is after current pm took over the lead in the country. many of the previous dr.m 's croonies projects were stopped. The JB brigde is one good example.......and the disputed railway to china which was awarded to croonies....

but dont be happy too early....i read that in this forum there are new projects given to current pm relatives? so maybe in the end is we normal citizen watching 2 group of ppl fighting over to see who can have a bigger flesh from us.....

still.....our curruption is serious and our police really really need to wake up....
haha.....sorry thteh86......
most of us share the same view.....
but like what was mentioned by links....in the end; we're only the spectators.

Both old and new Government has something that we like and we don't like. And I do admire Dr. M whereby he really dares to speak out his issues. Just that some like the one mentioned above looks idiotic to himself and the government!

But some is quite substantial like the NAP case, not the one regarding Proton; but the issue between Rafidah and APs.
Jeez, you guys should just let this slide and keep quite lah, unless you guys go up to JPM and KKDN often, boleh lah. Otherwise, just keep watching 'em.

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