Come n talk about ur SE ride here....

jgn like dat la bro nnik....malu la with bro farid nnti...
nnik n faisal..17 till 20 november me at subang jaya...hope to meet u guys there...still remember me..hehehe...
nnik... yeah i agree with you Alantan car has a very nice paint. my plan is to change color too. preference now is either pearl white, blue or maroon. after deepavali only my car gets into the spray shop as the shop is now busy with EG9's car..hehe

wooo.... wat colour he choose? langsung no news about his car:hmmmm:
alantan chose the gun metal color...after converted to front trueno facelift...
dun remember ah..?
president nnik???since our freind adqelmy will be subang jaya from 17-20 November, we might as well had TT during that period????what say you????
MR-S red?!! nice nice!! but need to always take good care on it lo, coz many ppl say red colour easy to "die" right?
not those 2k red....the biase punye red easy to die wan...
hehehe....ur color not bad oso...
blue is oso nice color on Se...
president nnik???since our freind adqelmy will be subang jaya from 17-20 November, we might as well had TT during that period????what say you????

yes boss bout u organise??? heheheheh kasi update!!!
sorry vely busy round week la bro...ON pc and cabut...petang baru masuk..:-)
kar lok...i heard tat something bad happen to ur car??? isit true???
blue like fren oledi sprayed his car..quite CUN woo......:-)
For me 2k red is garang oso..but need to maintain ler...polish and dont let ur car under the sun..better keep it under garage for long life color..spray all the body wif 2k red and black/carbon fibre spray onto ur front hood..wallauweh...and then beware kene cucuk...akakak
ok ler then,then TT is set on:Date : Saturday, November 17, 2007Place : Seksyen 7, Shah AlamTime : 9.30 p.m. rendevous @ petronas sek 7.OK????
heheheh..tat long time i want boss to organize this...long long time ekekeke
Date : Saturday
November 17, 2007
Place : Seksyen 7, Shah Alam
Time : 9.30 p.m.
rendevous @ petronas sek 7.OK????..

guys wanna ask.about place laa...want tempat biasa or got another place ..kedai kue tiow penang..less people but got parking

yes Man..will invite them...i'll ask for it

4.Man charger
Last edited: name listed ady kaa...hehhe...i only reach at subang jaya saturday but donow yet siang or malam..heheh..hmm...i'll try to get there evening than malam we meet up...but mine still stock maaaa..u guys car oredy garang arrr..heheheh
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