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Tell me ,BT 6speed,kuat tak?charger can makan or not?
i heard got one of this BT 6speed tapau one GSR in sg buloh,
can meh?what do u guys think of that?
BT and SVT very2 much different ka...?
coz i'm trying to rase all the car lor....
from NA 1 throttle, NA 4 throttle, charger, then patt turbo la...

i've only felt 3 turbo cars...1st pulsar with sr20 and 2nd cefiro with rb20 and 3rd is a Saab 2.5l turbo..
Tell me ,BT 6speed,kuat tak?charger can makan or not?
i heard got one of this BT 6speed tapau one GSR in sg buloh,
can meh?what do u guys think of that?

BT must be modded to tapau GSR if turbo...
GSR NA oso oledi kuat mar...
R3 lagi power!!!
last time i saw a illegal drag race at ipoh,
which is R3 VS 1.8 satria track car, the track car pick up oledi kao kao kena.... at last eat smoke...
that R3 still standard ler... even the exhaust systema slso still standard!!!
aiyo yo....R3 standard oso already have racing punye barang...
race rally research oso....:)

but LE svt can follow R3 la...i've done it....hehehehe...
dunno if the R3 driver horsepower not enough...
yea the R3 born for race 1, interior all lighten parts, like SVT and BT...

SVT can follow R3?!!! fuiyoo!!! or may be the driver problem gua hehehe...
dunno la....maybe driver problem...
but we were going around 140 - 160 km/h in shah alam town....heheheh..
quite fast i think...
not much cars that time lor....if got alot of cars, mcm mana wan to go that fast oso...zig-zag oso cannot lepas... uitm stuff maaa..ekekek
isit adeen oso stuff there kaa???

where shamburke???????? missing kaaa?
oh u also Uitm stuff ka?!! nnik u still study ko? i tot u working now....

yea lo bro sham gone missing since he TT with me, till now dun have any news from him yet....
bro erwan also gone missing for few month oledi, or he retired oledi kekeke....

iam here ler.. fust got back from kuantan and temerloh ler...
today.. line a bit yo-yo...
now looks stable i hear.. TT @ ITM????
or ITM got some barang!!!heheheheeee..
come ler TT..... but this weekend ..can not ler.. going cameron...
haha finally u're back!!!
wah so many trip huh....
next trip cameron plak?!! then next ipoh(my kampung) right? hehehe....
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