all Uni or just MOnash Uni only?

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3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 24, 2003
I'm wondering what is the work load of University in malaysia..?

Everyday test, Uni got test..then come back got reports and assigment to rush then online tests....

have to sleep late night everyday and wake up early for Uni the next day.....

and then have to study for test and bla bla....

or.....lesser work than that?
i can say study Sucks big time in these Era
yeah yeah... but i alwiz hear those working say study is much much better than study... mayb thats during their era la... but for us its different... everyday being pressured to study hard all the time... even weekends cannot relax, not like working people can look forward for weekend... us??.. weekend also need to study ar... its a 24hours work...
it all depends, i need to work weekend in my previous job.
I slept at customer server room, raised floor. no bed, no tilam, no tikar. But with full blaze freezing cool aircon in the server room. I'm just with my normal office wear.
6 months leave freezing due big project.
so, What do you think? Study or working better? :D
Working is better i guess. Cos we are getting money for what we done. Ehehe :D
Study more is better..coz we are getting knowledge and we are getting money in the future without stress..hehe!
spend stupid assignments,slog like hell for 3-4 yrs with exams,quizes n what not.end of d day get paid 4 what also dunno.tiu :biggrin:
studying in msiA

dude, if u think studying in msia is fcuked up, try studying overseas when u have to manage each and everything by ureself. For example, cooking, grocery shopping, and so on, not including the assignments and tests and other shits that comes along with Uni courses that u take and of course, not forgetting to mention the amount of fees and other expenses paid each year as well. its not like dinner or lunch is served at the correct time or so, everything also self service. if i have a choice i would wanna go back to msia and study. plus, the standard in msia is way way linean compared to of the Unis in the overseas. and ure considered lucky already. =D. just mah 2 cents. dont flame me yah.
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dear guys and g girls,

i don;t study in monash or any Uni in malaysia..i'm doing my animation and visual effects study in Go Academy. Workload in my college? if anything can inspire you on one day..then a one month assigment can be completed in a single one night...

anyway..why am i complainng it'sbecause my 'ahem' is doing her bio-wotever study science thingy in monash...almost everyday she had assignemnt to rush, reports to do, study for test, then study for exam and in the end of the time to even talk at all...have to sleep late and all...and ho mcuh they are paying ah? i think about 200k for freaking 4 year..

i'd think studying is freakin bullshit now....

people study and forget about friends..sighs..what a day!!
i'm freakin fed up with all the University in malaysia and especially the one guys that created university..more or less including teh guy that start making the term 'education'
Study is good more la..pressure abit only ma..nvm! Overseas study is earsier rite?As wat i heard from others la. Im going uk in 1 month time..hopefully it will be easier!
obvious u fellows are still studying now
there is alwiz reason for ppl to said studying life is alwiz better then working

this reason ... u wont understand it ... until u go out and work :D
the worst part is......when u tot like u study like shit, try to understand everything, when come out to work u only realise u know nothing at all! i wonder how's the feel huh.........when work that time need to learn all over thats wat i call suffer la!
alantan, i know how u feels, your "ahem" is studying bio-tech in monash ler? that course memang hard to study wan, and lots of study, experiment etc to do. I remmeber one week at least 10 report have to pass up, then alot of small test big test also, i have 2 frens studying this course also, luckly they just graduate last sem.

it realy depends on your 'ahem' how to manage it la, one fren realy like your 'ahem', everyday study only, another fren everyday still got some time lepak here and there, talk on the phone, and still able to cope with her studies, so it realy depends
wah lao 10report a week meh, that means 10 labs a week also which is crazy....
thank goodness mine is only 2 labs = 2 reports a week, lecturer also leneint, sometime give 1 week or 2 week or more if they like for us to complete the ar...choose other course la....its gona overflood like IT students next time....
key word:time management...

Bio-Tech is memang a busy course though... dun have till 200k laa brader.. its slightly below 100k for 3 years... unless she does honest... then got one extra year.

Bio-tech has 4 subjects per semester... if not mistaken its 3 core and 1 elective... eletive is usually business elective (i could be wrong) so means the other 3 subjects are bio-tech related subjects... and these subjects have labs every week that requires a lab report to be handed up at the end of each week... u do the math.

Most subjects do have a mid term test or two... Monash classes are 13-weeks long... so the first test is usually around week 5-6... and the 2nd test (if applies) is usually around week 10-11.

Monash is currently on their 6-7th week like that... I myself just had 3 tests last week! I'm doing Engineering in Monash... I have like 6 subs per sem for year 1 & 2... and 5 subs per sem for year 3 & 4... currently doing my final year... my subjects are all core subjects... and thru out my 4 years, I only have ONE business elective which I have already done.. management. The rest of my subjects are either math subjects (which usually has 2-3 tests per sem), science related (which has a couple of labs+1 or 2 tests) or 100% internal subjects (which usually consists of a hands-on-job major project and a formal presentation at the end of the semester). Oh yes, not to mention, almost all subjects have 1-2 assignments... even business electives.. which usually gives an interval of 3-4 weeks to do... and hand up

Overall... most engineering people still quite lepak coz we usually have roughly around 3 labs per science subjects for the whole year... where as bio-tech people usually have lab every week... so we don't really have much work to rush to pass up.

Business course people on the other hand ARE DAMN FREAKIN' FREE!!!!!!!!!
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fcuk the people that made bio-tech...

what teh heck it is anyway?sighs...she;s doing sumthin like food and nutricious kinda thing...don;t really remember...

anyway....the thing is..she's so busy with her Uni and we seldom had time to talked now...

chee sin wan these people...

to evryone..don;t go do bio tech...

i'm not saying that wokring is harder than just that studying is harder than what it was before time....

is study really imporatn?nope....interlectual is brain is imporant..not brain full of knowledge but stupid...

aiyah...damn panas now..wanna bomb that skool...(disclaimer- say only)
smart bio-tech student + business mind = lotsa money
like make new drugs,penis enlarging creams that really work, hybrid plants, clones, jedi's..... bla bla bla...hahaha

our palm oil n rubber trees producing so much yield is part of bio-tech n hybreeding...

eg, one of the lectureres in my uni trying to make tongkat ali grow on lower altitude....if success..damn freaking rich i guess....
College is the best time in your life, trust me on this one. If you need to suffer from college work, you're probably not doing it right.

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