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Aug 28, 2004
PJ, Sunway
Was 3 days ago actually..didnt have time to login and post.. btw.. had an accident at subang round-about beside Metropolitan college... accidentally bang a wira infront of me.. not much of damage except the bumper go in abit onli...can be repaired at less den RM 120.. but that guy wanna change da whole bumper to ORIGINAL.. cost me RM 350.. i know its my fault.. but can they actually request wut they want a? RM 350 i ratter report police cz its not my fault actually.. he all of sudden break at round-about when there's no cars on the lane.. :angry:
try to nego with the fella, i guess he'll change his mind, but the whole bumper is 150, and plus spray 150....if not u don't mind, try and browse any original bumper here or simply just get him some fibre bumper.

paling hate this kinda person one, but u were the wrong, cause if he brake suddenly... And u langgar, police no compromy, summon 300 for u. Don't think he'll claim your insurance too cause such a small damage, go for police report la, senang.

repair, 100 at least for ketuk back, and 150 for spraying, not cheap also
:( ...bad news .

anywhere it is way too expensive ... try nego with him for the repairment since it is never broken . those bumper made from such stuff are mean to bent and to fix it back , use a hot blower and heat it and it will deform back .
if i am you i straight ask that guy report lor... i believe the police will say settle ur own self
Tried nego with him but he stil insist on it.. old uncle...aihz.. specially da wife.. they in wrong stil keep saying that i followed too close this and that.. damn tulan.. my car oso need to fix bonet and bumper leh..
actually,that kinda damage,sendiri can ketuk back wan...coz if i not wrong,that dented area is hollow...can juz go under the car and press it back out
Originally posted by rayz85@Apr 2 2005, 09:18
Tried nego with him but he stil insist on it.. old uncle...aihz.. specially da wife.. they in wrong stil keep saying that i followed too close this and that.. damn tulan.. my car oso need to fix bonet and bumper leh..
i hate dis kind of people.. next time if let me c them i sure bang on them 1.. i dunno bang on many people liao.. :P
rm350 u ask him to book 1 place in graveyard la.. go report.. kena summon oni.. ask people to kau tim no need dat much 1.. around rm1xx.. <_<
If you follow malaysian traffic law,

in a roundabout if you're in the inner circle and you bang someone on the outer circle or they bang you or you purposely crash into them, you are still in the right :) I don't know you're situation but if you claim both of you are driving in the same 'circle' or lane together, then it's definitely your fault coz you followed him too close and too fast that you can't brake in time and you hit him.

So either way, you're most probably wrong. You're lucky that guy ask you to pay Rm350 only, if he chooses to claim your insurance you loose even more on your NCD
wei u sure ar?
inner circle bang outer circle,outer circle wrong??
wat ever u do, DO NOT REPORT TO POLICE.
why? because u will get summon from the police and u will get demerit points.

this is wat happen to me.
i bang a gti's back bumper near my house. His car minor injury only. but my car break headlight, bumper and bonnet....
my mom wanna claim insurance and don't want to fix it herself. in fact the fella only ask for RM150 for damage. but my mom insist on claiming insurance. diuuuuuus...

now here's the nightmare. after report police, receive summon, and paid summon. JPJ start sending me love letter. said my demerit point are at 25!! cuz before that i kena speed trap summon and that's 15 points cuz i exceed 80km/h limit and driving at 160km/h. then 10 points from the accident. so total up 25 points. those jpj are "generous" enuff to reduce my point to 18. though its still exceed the 15 points limit and they wanna gantung my liscense.
i've send two appeal letters and now still waiting for reply whether they wanna suspend my liscense or not. first letter send they reduce to 3 months suspension from 6 months. now i send another one to wait for reply. hopefully they don't suspend me.

if i hadn't get speed trap or report to police on the accident. i won't be so dilemma now. FUCK DEMERIT POINTS@!@!
hmm, it's your fault after all, 160km/h at 80km/h speed limit... double wei. :rolleyes:

back to the topic, i would ask for that fella to reconsider, or you can search for cheaper price somewhere to repair his bumper.
aihz.. today gave him a cheque liao.. total RM 320... rili kanasai him.. jz a coll student oso want get so much from me.. stupid uncle.. inconsiderate old ****
pity on u dude...dude, what's the uncle's car no? 4D..who knows u'll strike big jackpot....wooohhooo...
don't take my word for it. talk to the trafic cops :D

Originally posted by simonchangwaimun@Apr 2 2005, 11:36
wei u sure ar?
inner circle bang outer circle,outer circle wrong??
The bumper kena line there ketuk back n plaster plaster it also wont look nice ledi.Ur fault,u pay.U langgar ppl original,pay back ppl punya original.

sry if annoyed sum1.coz i am usual to that..kena bang behind.

juz me 2 cent B)
Originally posted by aku_sangap@Apr 2 2005, 19:27
pity on u dude...dude, what's the uncle's car no? 4D..who knows u'll strike big jackpot....wooohhooo...

Hahaha.. da number plate check out da pic i attached with.. u can guess da number rite..
Well, can't blame the guy right? I mean, put yourself in his shoes, what would you do? If it was me, I'd also change the whole bumper to a new one than to get it blown out. Cars involved in an accident is never as good as new and the bumper might look OK being blown out but you never know if the bumper clips are broken or not. On several occasions, the old bumper that was knocked in an accident looks a bit out of shape and not properly aligned to the body even after repair.

No offence here. I don't mean to add salt to the injury. I know just how you feel because I have been in such a situation before. I was at the junction of a roundabout and the same thing happened to me and I had to pay more than you did for his damage.

No point arguing or reporting to the police as you would definitely be on the wrong side. You bang a vehicle from the back and you have no say. Whether he is right or wrong, you are still wrong. He can make excuses and get away with it but you can't.

Anyway, sorry to hear that. I, too, hate this kind of people. They can't seem to drive properly and they brake all of a sudden. I'd be cursing as well if it was me. Nonetheless, there is nothing that can be done as the law is not in favour of you. So just take it as an expensive lesson and try to be more careful in the future so as not to bang into such idiots again.

Anyway, no offence here. Just my two cents. :)
Originally posted by xcheong@Apr 2 2005, 13:58
wat ever u do, DO NOT REPORT TO POLICE.
why? because u will get summon from the police and u will get demerit points.

this is wat happen to me.
i bang a gti's back bumper near my house. His car minor injury only. but my car break headlight, bumper and bonnet....
my mom wanna claim insurance and don't want to fix it herself. in fact the fella only ask for RM150 for damage. but my mom insist on claiming insurance. diuuuuuus...

now here's the nightmare. after report police, receive summon, and paid summon. JPJ start sending me love letter. said my demerit point are at 25!! cuz before that i kena speed trap summon and that's 15 points cuz i exceed 80km/h limit and driving at 160km/h. then 10 points from the accident. so total up 25 points. those jpj are "generous" enuff to reduce my point to 18. though its still exceed the 15 points limit and they wanna gantung my liscense.
i've send two appeal letters and now still waiting for reply whether they wanna suspend my liscense or not. first letter send they reduce to 3 months suspension from 6 months. now i send another one to wait for reply. hopefully they don't suspend me.

if i hadn't get speed trap or report to police on the accident. i won't be so dilemma now. FUCK DEMERIT POINTS@!@!

aiks? u sure got demerit points?

The thing is i dunno whether the m'sian demerit points are working or not?

i mean, i kena saman by MPPJ, DBKL, police etc so damn many times lately... but touch wood.. so far no prob..

but i never get involved in accident lah .... i think if the damage is too high to pay, then claims insurance lah.. but for rm350.00 errrmm.. if ur NCB is low or zero then let them make a claim.. but rm350 is considered small sum to pay..

cos my now my guess is that both parties would kena saman cos neber report 24 hrs, and insurance comps. must file claim within 14days of accident, so if kena saman cos wrong, and lose NCB if any, somemore excess... i think better just settle the old unker and bite the pill be careful next time loh .. sh*t happens.. :huh:
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