Bad experience with Naza...

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Jul 23, 2008
Hi guys,

I want to share my experience with Naza. And maybe some of you could give me some advice on what are my “rights” as a consumer. I made a booking for Peugeot 206 model in Nov 2008 and after 2 months of waiting period; I finally got my car last Saturday.

What was disappointing is that the body condition is really bad when it is suppose to be a brand new car. Unfortunately, it looked very dirty with grease, the black bumper and the rubber protective strips embedded to all 4 doors didn’t have its originality (didn’t look black at all!). It looks like a bit grey-ish with black patches. The window rubber gaskets have the same colour as the bumper - as if it has been under the sun too long and not properly maintained. There’s a dent in the front bonnet and got visible scratches here and there on the body of the car. Apart from that, there is also water inside the headlamps!

Cobwebs are found in some of the compartments of the engine and also near the exhaust. The wiper has worn out. And when I call my mechanic to check the car, he noticed that the engine frame was undone and re-assembled, as there are old screw marks on the frame. He suspects that this car has a history of accident. I’ve made a complaint, and they asked me to send back the car to Naza workshop which I did this morning. But what I’m not satisfied is; this is supposed to be a brand new car but they gave a “terrible looking” car. I want them to change the car, but they said they could not do it as the car is already registered under my name. What should I do? Need your advice.
you should report this incident to the 'Pusat Khidmat Aduan Pengguna Nasional'. They will surely know how to solve your problem... - NATIONAL CONSUMER COMPLAINTS CENTRE
sounds like the car is used rather fresh from factory,,,, hmmm launch complain ... so sad see such happen to naza thought they offer good quality car all these time
hi misskeylat,

from yr msg above, if i am not mistaken, the car is a long storage car i.e yr of manufacture either 2006 or 2007.....being laying at the yard for long time under the hot sun that makes the bumper and weather strip all discoloured.

about the scratches & dent, it might due to car movement in yard or put on display during their outdoor roadshow. Water inside the headlamp due to quality defect.

i think its a new car but it is more likely a long storage car which not well taken care of. check the mileage and about the engine parts opened and screw marking, maybe it has been cannibalised for parts when doing warranty claims etc.

the delivery of new car, doesnt matter what brand, the car must be clean and shining without any defect...if u r not satisfy with the condition, pls do not sign the acceptance form. lodge a report to the outlet manager followed by the higher authority. get them to make good the condition or change another can be change, even though already registered under yr name, but strong reason and justifications must be acquired.

furthermore, if its confirmed a long storage car, pls ensure they change yr engine oil, tranny oil, coolants and other fluids in the car, change the petrol tank as well coz water residue accumulated inside over the year might caused corrosion etc...make sure they clearly stated the warranty as well....good luck & hope this may help a little...
did u sign the received of the car letter?..

Yes I did:bawling. That is my mistake. I signed the Delivery order before I take a look at the car. I tot I can trust the sales girl. My mistake....

did u sign the received of the car letter?..

hi misskeylat,

from yr msg above, if i am not mistaken, the car is a long storage car i.e yr of manufacture either 2006 or 2007.....being laying at the yard for long time under the hot sun that makes the bumper and weather strip all discoloured.

about the scratches & dent, it might due to car movement in yard or put on display during their outdoor roadshow. Water inside the headlamp due to quality defect.

i think its a new car but it is more likely a long storage car which not well taken care of. check the mileage and about the engine parts opened and screw marking, maybe it has been cannibalised for parts when doing warranty claims etc.

the delivery of new car, doesnt matter what brand, the car must be clean and shining without any defect...if u r not satisfy with the condition, pls do not sign the acceptance form. lodge a report to the outlet manager followed by the higher authority. get them to make good the condition or change another can be change, even though already registered under yr name, but strong reason and justifications must be acquired.

furthermore, if its confirmed a long storage car, pls ensure they change yr engine oil, tranny oil, coolants and other fluids in the car, change the petrol tank as well coz water residue accumulated inside over the year might caused corrosion etc...make sure they clearly stated the warranty as well....good luck & hope this may help a little...

Hi EvolutionZ,

In the registration card, It stated - year of manufactured: 2008. But I noticed the tyres are manufacture in year 2007 (week 3). I have lodged a report to the branch manager, but after that, they did not answer my call or reply my sms. My car is still in the workshop. Previously they said they are going to make it look brand new again but it will take 3-4 days to do it. But Im not sure what they are going to do - maybe they just ketuk back my front bonnet and re-paint the rubber gasket black :bawling:. Tensionnyaaaa!!

Nway, thank u so much for ur advise bro. Really appreciate it! I'll see what I can do.

you should report this incident to the 'Pusat Khidmat Aduan Pengguna Nasional'. They will surely know how to solve your problem... - NATIONAL CONSUMER COMPLAINTS CENTRE

Hi bro Axxell,
Thank u for the link. Maybe I should lodge a complaint to NCCC.
My fren oso kena same but not as bad as you..
Her brand new Toyota Vios beneath got a beehive!!!!:mad:
Can you beat that??..
She din even know till she drove back home!!
Then samor the salesman have the cheek to mislaid her new roadtax!!
Signs of bad tidings..

Well, like EvolutionZ said could be right..
left in the storage yard for quite sometime..
hence all the defects, cobwebs etc..
haiya, sad they don't check/inspect everything in proper order before handing over of car to buyer!!
such irresponsible attitude!!

If i kena, i sure hentam 'em kau2..

Guess you better lodge a quick complaint report le..
Don't delay..
Good Luck..:wink:
Beehive??!!! Really??!!! Wow...that one is dangerous.
Nway, thanks alot melody, I need all the luck that I can get. What I can do now is I guess, call them first. But the problem is, they dont want to answer my call. :mad:
Hmmm...maybe I shud threaten them saying I will hire a lawyer and sue them or sumthing.... sighhh..... Bengong la diaorg ni... Making my life miserable!
misskeylat, i feel for ya..
you should talk to the manager..
& if he even doesn't entertain your calls, go seek them out personally!
And if it still fails, then as a last resort, you really have to write a 'love letter' to relevant authority le..
Only these ppl can help you out..
But pls make sure you have your valid reasons to justify your case..
Lotsa of LUCK to ya..

Be firm & strong ya..
Beehive??!!! Really??!!! Wow...that one is dangerous.
Nway, thanks alot melody, I need all the luck that I can get. What I can do now is I guess, call them first. But the problem is, they dont want to answer my call. :mad:
Hmmm...maybe I shud threaten them saying I will hire a lawyer and sue them or sumthing.... sighhh..... Bengong la diaorg ni... Making my life miserable!

BENGONG..??? That's a nice words...:rofl::rofl: By the way, which NAZA are referin' to..??? I've kinda good relationship with a few guys over there since I've bought a few of my cars there... PM me some info...Who's knows I can help to set a meet up with them....
misskeylat, i feel for ya..
you should talk to the manager..
& if he even doesn't entertain your calls, go seek them out personally!
And if it still fails, then as a last resort, you really have to write a 'love letter' to relevant authority le..
Only these ppl can help you out..
But pls make sure you have your valid reasons to justify your case..
Lotsa of LUCK to ya..

Be firm & strong ya..

Thanks Melody! I will!!
Beehive??!!! Really??!!! Wow...that one is dangerous.
Nway, thanks alot melody, I need all the luck that I can get. What I can do now is I guess, call them first. But the problem is, they dont want to answer my call. :mad:
Hmmm...maybe I shud threaten them saying I will hire a lawyer and sue them or sumthing.... sighhh..... Bengong la diaorg ni... Making my life miserable!


go see them in person coz if not when time past, it will be assumed you accepted it and it was you caused the paint scratches etc...
as i said, see the manager, bring a friend along so can witness it. then if he can commit to rectify, seek his advice who is higher authority u can down their emails...then send them a love letter with some pics of yr car's defect.

do it fast as its not small matter coz long storage cars might have effect in long term, wiring, transmission & other mechanical parts if not managed properly. tires about 2yrs...expiring soon.

juz see what u can do....u have the right as consumer, but try solve it peacefully, no need lawyer yet at this moment...bro...cheerz
I think finding the newspaper reporters are better :rofl:

Another thing, as you had been signed and collect the car, they will not replace it with a brand new unit. The most they will do is just paint/polish it and replace some minor parts. Please don't do like what happen in Thailand last time, which got an unsatisfied customer bring the car to the showroom and burnt in front of it :biggrin:
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depends on where the storage area is also n its frens dad bought a 2003 fiat coupe in mint condition. it was just sent to service n he was there n immediately put a down on that particular coupe. i guess was love at 1st sight with pinifarina stuff inside.

but aside from that, it may be stored for a year or so and still maintain the "new" look. its quite depressing to see a brand new car looked used when u 1st got it, and normally the person delivering the car to you does a routine round-car-checkup before he/she gives u the clipboard to sign received....surprised they didn't.
I think finding the newspaper reporters are better :rofl:

Another thing, as you had been signed and collect the car, they will not replace it with a brand new unit. The most they will do is just paint/polish it and replace some minor parts. Please don't do like what happen in Thailand last time, which got an unsatisfied customer bring the car to the showroom and burnt in front of it :biggrin:

Wow.... really!!! Maybe I shud consider doing that too :listen: :smokin:

I think finding the newspaper reporters are better :rofl:

Another thing, as you had been signed and collect the car, they will not replace it with a brand new unit. The most they will do is just paint/polish it and replace some minor parts. Please don't do like what happen in Thailand last time, which got an unsatisfied customer bring the car to the showroom and burnt in front of it :biggrin:

Wow.... really!!! Maybe I shud consider doing that too :listen: :smokin:

depends on where the storage area is also n its frens dad bought a 2003 fiat coupe in mint condition. it was just sent to service n he was there n immediately put a down on that particular coupe. i guess was love at 1st sight with pinifarina stuff inside.

but aside from that, it may be stored for a year or so and still maintain the "new" look. its quite depressing to see a brand new car looked used when u 1st got it, and normally the person delivering the car to you does a routine round-car-checkup before he/she gives u the clipboard to sign received....surprised they didn't.

Hmmm.... Maybe the sales girl too lazy or too stupid to do a round-car-checkup.. :stupid:
Why laa did I choose her in the first place! :banghead:
don tell me u choose her becoz of look?
don tell me u choose her becoz of look?

Hahaha... FYI, I choose her bcoz we both are of the same gender :rofl:
I tot she can do a good job, and be as efficient as women suppose to be...hihihi..
But anyway....Big mistake! She knows nothing about cars and dont know how to choose a good car. What a stupid person!
usually ar i always look for the opposite sex wan..:love:
as guys can served me better le..
well, my stylist is a guy & he can do wonders with my hair..:top:

at times we seek out same gender as we feels at ease with 'em..
but tim chi yours turn out a disaster.. hehe
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