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500 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 19, 2005

if u r reading this...im sure its gonna be a lil boring for u guys...but im just gonna pst this.

im 21, currently studying automotive technology in some institute in mallaca.gonna finish my diploma this dec.i would like to study more on this field since my school in mallaca just give me the basic stuff.planning to go to aussie to continue my degree on automotive engineering or something like that but i dont think i'll be able to do that cause of the financial problem.aussie because its the cheapest i think and motec do offer a program there.i would like to learn to tune and so on.

the point is, do u guys have fren who have frens or u guys can share something with me about this kindda thing.or can show a way to get into some college or something.i know there's a college offering that in subang or something...but it will cost me 40k just for the 1st year. :cry_smile:

please help...


4,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 22, 2004
Kuala Lumpur
go to tuners , make friends , there are many friendly ones out there
and if they think u r genuine to learn n nt sabotage their biznes , im sure they will teach ya , bt err i point them to ya , i dont want them to shoot me kaka


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Oct 25, 2005
yup...what jinkl said is true.that's the cheapest way to learn it.i got a friend
who use to be noob in tuning halltech,safc n so on.now there's a lot of ppl
look him up when it's come to tuning.he hardly speak in english but he know
what he's doing.be friend with them first.when they know u willing to learn,
some of them might willing to teach.:shades_smile:


Known Member
Senior Member
Apr 28, 2005

if u r reading this...im sure its gonna be a lil boring for u guys...but im just gonna pst this.

im 21, currently studying automotive technology in some institute in mallaca.gonna finish my diploma this dec.i would like to study more on this field since my school in mallaca just give me the basic stuff.planning to go to aussie to continue my degree on automotive engineering or something like that but i dont think i'll be able to do that cause of the financial problem.aussie because its the cheapest i think and motec do offer a program there.i would like to learn to tune and so on.

the point is, do u guys have fren who have frens or u guys can share something with me about this kindda thing.or can show a way to get into some college or something.i know there's a college offering that in subang or something...but it will cost me 40k just for the 1st year. :cry_smile:

please help...
My personal advice is that, if you are just talking about engine(internal combustion) tuning knowledge, you are better off having the basic theoretical knowledge of engine tuning first in your career because this basic knowledge applies to whatever aftermarket programmable ecus, motec, microtec, haltec, emanage, fcon, etc.

To be apprentice of an experienced tuner without having the basic knowledge is not a bad thing but it will take you a longer time to get the skill and proper understanding. Without the basic knowledge, you will not be able to appreciate or understand why, how or when engine fails or makes power during tuning. The skill of tuning only comes after you already have hands-on experience with tuning when you mind automatically starts to "respond" to whatever kind of engine behaviours in a natural way by "gut-feeling or heart-feeling".

I don't think there is any sort of school in Malaysia that runs a class on such specialised subject. I was told it will have to be in Australia(being the nearest) and it is only a few day course. So, it won't cost you an arm or a leg. Moreover, you get a certificate for completing the class and a lot of materials about engine tuning, plus some sight-seeing in Aus too:shades_smile: . Just my 2ct.


500 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 11, 2004
which means from the conclusion here there is no DEGREE IN TUNING hhehee....

jambun, if u like tuning so much, suggest u get urself a megasquirt, do everything and install it urself, a good tuner does not only know how to tune a car properly, but knowing how to install it too!! so u can troubleshoot if something goes wrong somewhere....


Over 10,000 RPM!
Senior Member
Mar 12, 2005
ePoh ~ malacca
bro, automotive college in melaka??... DeSpark auto??... actually i've joined a week trial class there as well... haha... FOC mah, join and learn something la... kekekeke...

yeah, the best say and cheapest way is to make friend with experience mechanics and through forums... self learning is also important as fully dependent on voices of mechanics and forumers might not be 100% true and accurate....

well, thats is how i started to learn about automotive and develop interest in it... once u have the interest, the motivation is alwiz there, wanting u to learn more...


500 RPM
Senior Member
Thread starter
Jun 19, 2005
walaweh...seriously guys, im kindda shocked when i actually reading all u guys's punye post.dint expect it to be like this.thanks2.

jinkl, gt_auto...
thanks for advise, one day i will go to the tuners cause i need to tune my car and i hope its not going to be a disappointment cause im hoping that i can really see what they do.hope i'll have the chance lah.i understand about u guys said about the want to learn and not to sabotage their business and so on.i dont know how u guys translate it, but one day im going to have my own shop.if thats consider a sabotage, i cant say more.hehe.its because im already in this field and i dont see me doing other stuff.well yes i can go to proton,perodua or even toyota and work at their service center.but i dont think i'll just be doing that for living.i think u guys get the point.

yes, even motec offer a course in Australia and it will only goes for a few days.im already considering that but i dont think its gonna be now cause i need to continue my study still.MRIT in Australia look interesting, but as i said, the cost is gonna be high.i think i will be in australia for the short course later.they have many courses offered.

yah, i was thinking of getting those and would love to install it myself cause from my experience, i think knowing how to install them is an important thing to know.but not now la dude, i dont really have the cash to get em.it will cost me around 3k right to get it?...b8 can use one ah?

thanks for the advise, no its not that college.it is IKM and it stand for institut kemahiran mara.

guys, thanks again for the advise and information.i'll keep on working to search for the right path.



500 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 11, 2004
yah, i was thinking of getting those and would love to install it myself cause from my experience, i think knowing how to install them is an important thing to know.but not now la dude, i dont really have the cash to get em.it will cost me around 3k right to get it?...b8 can use one ah?


no dear, it's not that expensive, go to DIYAutoTune.com Megasquirt Kits / Assembled Engine Management Systems, Wideband o2 Sensor Systems and tuning products then can find the Megasquirt I kit with some sensors with Megastimulator will just cost u around RM 1.5k plus customs tax.... since u doing the installation and soldering all by urself then the cost will be just the RM 1.5k maybe plus a lil bit more for some relays and other small cheap items during installation......and yes of coz B8 can use, and it's universal even rotary can use.....


500 RPM
Senior Member
Thread starter
Jun 19, 2005
i dont know what ur point asking such question, i dont know who u r, so im not just gonna simply tembak u or something.i have interest in this field and i want to gain knowledge cause i think just knowing how to tight bolt and nuts wont be enuf.there's no point of paying thousands of ringgit, get the cert and hang it on the wall.right?thats like im going to run -ve man.thats a no no.


Over 10,000 RPM!
Senior Member
Mar 12, 2005
ePoh ~ malacca
blackie has a point there.... getting a cert to hang on a wall, best u go find some automotive college rather than talk to mechanics...... if u wanna learn how to tune ur car directly (dont care about certs thing), u can consult experienced mechs and see if they willing to teach or not....

modding car is mostly about hands on experience (u should know that).... to be a good tuner/mechanic u need lotsa experience... and this u can get from experience mechs and not colleges.....


500 RPM
Senior Member
Thread starter
Jun 19, 2005
agree with u skywalker.

and nowdays colleges have the 6 month of attachment of industrial training.and u may say its not enough and i agree.u need more than that to gain experience.

i mean by going to college is like a kick start of the things that i want to do.i got to got basic before i got to work with those big shots.right?

u can gain experience which studying too u know.

btw, what's the point of a hanged cert on a wall???...maybe others will do that because of something.but i dont think me.im too lazy to do those stupid thing.i rather go out driving and wasting petrol.


500 RPM
Senior Member
Thread starter
Jun 19, 2005
nope dude...i currently on my industrial training in kajang.my last year of my diploma.y?


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 21, 2005

i just voice out my opinion.
tunning has a few meaning to us. some think tuning is using a screw driver and spannar to adjust something something at your engine then your engine is more responsive and more power. while some may describe tunning as installing an aftermarket ECU to an engine then u program it. basically the objective of tuning is to pull out maximum power and run stablely from the engine by confiuring the engine in watever way.

i dont think there will be a tuning certification. different engine has different tunning technique that's why we have workshops specialize in each engine model. i think it would be better to understand and has experience in repairing car engine before u learn how to tune an engine. the reason its because u need to understnad how the engine works. how each part inter connect to another part. and which part of the engine need repair/fix in order for the engine to work properly before u tune it. after u know the parts very well then there wont be problem for u to tune it. cozs u know how much to configure for the boast, how much timing need to advance, what extractor or exhaust piping to use to match with the engine. there are a lot of stuffs to learn from the word 'tunning'. becozs at the end of the day u have to make sure that the engine is working smoothly and stable after u tune it. any mistake done to any part of the engine will have significant effect on the engine running. so tunning is not a simple job.
the best way to tune a car is to have dyno machine ready so u can see how the engine performs on every rpm after u tune it. from there u know what to tune and u know what is the outcome of your tuning.

well i talk so much but i not a mechanic. i just gather those info from a lot of mechanic frens. hope it helps u.


500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 5, 2007
and nowdays colleges have the 6 month of attachment of industrial training.and u may say its not enough and i agree.u need more than that to gain experience.

i mean by going to college is like a kick start of the things that i want to do.i got to got basic before i got to work with those big shots.right?

u can gain experience which studying too u know.

btw, what's the point of a hanged cert on a wall???...maybe others will do that because of something.but i dont think me.im too lazy to do those stupid thing.i rather go out driving and wasting petrol.
Blackhowling was not trying to insult you when he posted that question to you, which by the way is a very pragmatic question.

What he was trying to say is "Do you know what you want ?"

You're a 21 year old college student. To many of the old hats who actually have slogged through working life, you are still a spring chicken and being so young with so little background experience, it can be difficult knowing what you want. Many young people start off with stars in their eyes, enthusiastically pursuing a course of ambition only to get disillusioned mid-step and change course in life. And so it is the same with working life and carreers. The benefit of hindsight is a strong teacher but you got to have gone through the process to have hindsight.

The guys who replied here are on the point. There is no formal course of study for car tuning. You quoted some college in Subang which charge RM 40,000 for such a course. To be frank with you, I rather doubt any institute of structured learning will be in a position to offer anything other than the basic theories and the bare minimum groundwork. I'm a double degree-holder in Commerce and Law from Australia. It cost me a lot of money to obtain the cert but that piece of paper hanging on my wall is practically useless when it comes to your 1st day of working life. It gives you the basic understanding and will open doors to employment easier if compared to someone without a degree, but once you land your 1st job, that cert is next to useless because working life and thinking on your feet is a whole new learning process. No textbook will ever prepare you for your career.

Yes, you have something of a point that you get experience even when studying, but the experience is not as substantial as most graduates seem to think. My personal view is that most young graduates over-estimate their self-worth and I have interviewed my fair share of them. Colleges only impart a basic ability in that they teach you how to learn. They do no teach you on how to be articulate. That is something you are either born with or acquired through sheer hardwork and dogged perseverance.

I'm not saying you should not go through college or university. All things being equal, a tertiary degree it will open doors for you easier than someone without a degree. After you get your 1st job, your cert is irrelevant and you are on equal footing with your work collegues. A guy with no formal education but who have hands-on experience on the job will beat any raw graduate all the time.

As the other posters said here, car tuning is not a narrow discipline. It encompass a wide range of automative systems and it is geared more towards years of hands-on work rather than any formal course of study. Take a good look around at the leading tuners at Subang and tell me honestly how many of these people are holders of tertiary degrees. In all likelihood, not many. Most of these guys worked from the ground up in apprenticeships over many years learning up the skills on-the-job itself.

You can certainly approach tuners to take you in as an apprentice, but I suspect your success at landing the interview will be due less to your cert and more towards how well you sell yourself to them. They probably won't look at your cert so much rather than your work ethics and your intelligence ('intelligence' is not something acquired from getting an 'A' in an exam).

Are you also prepared to work long hours for many years, in physically strenous and dirty duties for low pay ? The compensation, if you are willing to learn, is you get the knowledge and savvy from the on-job experience but that can many years down the line. These are some of the things you need to consider because they come part and parcel of apprenticeships. And also be prepared to do all the crap stuff before you prove yourself fit to help out on the high-end gear. So it's no picnic. Consider you options carefully because it's nothing like the glamour hot chicks-laden atmosphere you saw in Tej's garage of 2 Fast 2 Furious.


500 RPM
Senior Member
Thread starter
Jun 19, 2005
thanks guys.

yeah i think i have to agree with u.we wont know what's the situation untill we go through it right?am just asking if u know.do motec or n1 or whoever provide the course they do in aussie here in malaysia?

MoTeC Advanced Engine Management & Data Acquisition Systems - Seminar Topics something like one of the course here.

please dont be angry with me cause im just asking u know.



Junior Member
Senior Member
Aug 30, 2007
Didnt ur course have a subject dat is MPI dat has basic tuning classes ?? sorry for my noobiness question =P


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 21, 2005

the motec seminar is at australia or msia?

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