ZTH Car Spotted ... !

saw 1 BMW black i think is E20something version lol not sure
with big ZTH hiphop sticker infront of his wind screen
spotted him heading to puchong

then a wira with small small ZTH url sticker at his side windscreen in old klang road.

both spotted yesterday

how is the ZTH hiphop sticker??? never saw it b4...
the hiphop wording is only out for a couple of months....or weeks...
forgot already.......
Juz saw Remus with his monster R33 at Leo's @ Bukit Tinggi Klang, park beside my car only..hehe:X-: Very nice monster ride!!!!:shades_smile:
yup...thinking of going sideways with old man car...can u guess what car is that?

Dun tell me ur dad's old skool celica..!! Dunwan to sell to me but wanna use for drift pulak... sell wei!! i wan old skool Muscle Car.. Looks edi there sumore can transplant SR20.. quick quick..
*sigh.. sell the celica la.. erm.. u in a A31 drifting?!?!?! must be a joke or trying to impress "someone" hehehehe.. call me sifu i teach u la.. me also buying new ride edi.. wanna know follow me this sat.. hehehe!!!
Woit~!! Merv meh?!?!?!?! dun like this.. i wanna earn a living also wan loo..
some one vroom vroom pass me @ mrr2 nearby selayang lake @ 8pm or so oh on UVnation night 9th june 07
white wira/putra with dodge sticker on front windscreen, bomberman on rear passenger window, air scoop on roof and newly installed back bumper belum spray lagi! siapa itu lengchai?? :X-:
spotted pocroc just now around 12.00am at subang....he was following black evo into SS14 area while looking back on the opposite lane at a blue satria.....lolz
spotted pocroc just now around 12.00am at subang....he was following black evo into SS14 area while looking back on the opposite lane at a blue satria.....lolz

poc wants to become evo killer?!?!? :retarded:
haha...u wer there? the blue satria my fren,,,so while turning in, i spotted him and at the same time u spotted me... =P~
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