dohc VTEC.. DIY spray!

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500 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 16, 2005
well im bored. off for 3 days. so went to my mech,to repair my VTEC solenoid pressure switch gasket. so now my car no leaking at all.

so my cover is a bit dull,very ugly,peel offs chips. so decide to spray.

what u/i need to buy for this project?

1) paint removal for metal
2) small paint brush
3) 15vermillion + 33red (spray can code)
4) sand paper/scrapper/clotch/newspaper

how it starts!

1) remove my H22A cover.

2) using paint brush,brush all over the cover. n wait for 5-10 minutes. (be extra careful,because the paint remover is an acid,u will shouting if those liquid get in touch with ur skin)

3) brush if off with paint brush n also water.

4) how it looks like when the original paint is remove. (u need to sand paper for this part for smooth surface)

5) undercoat ur cover,with white or silver,very thin layer of spray. let it dry

6) spray it. switch over from 15vermillion to 33red. 2-3 times n spray another cans. spray it slowly. normal spray can technique of spray. left to right,right to left.

7) the cover when its dry,n ready. (oops sorry,its not yet completed). need to re-paper sand it back. re-sand it till the color bit dull. just to make the paint sticks to the metal valve cover.

* to be continued.

on next part. i will re-sand paper it,to make the paint sticks to the metal. then re spray again. n also remove the paint from DOHC VTEC. wait for me!
wah.... red top H22A~!!!...
cun sial...

but why this story got episode geh??.... drama meh??.... not full length movie ar??...
SkYwAlKeR said:
wah.... red top H22A~!!!...
cun sial...

but why this story got episode geh??.... drama meh??.... not full length movie ar??...

* wahahahahha... this story got episod lar.. like COMIC .. ahahaha..
1st part is = remove,pull,spray,brush,sand paper,respray, dry n etc

2nd part is = dry,re-sand paper,re-spray,dry. fix it back,gasket gum,bolt nut.

* to be continued...
Ahaha, Nice! I did DIY on my cover too. Your red is really nice. Show us more! BTW, MrBear, what you use to remove the paint on the DOHC VTEC words? I use penknife top to slowly chip away the paint, kinda works. :regular_smile:
SimonsayZ said:
Ahaha, Nice! I did DIY on my cover too. Your red is really nice. Show us more! BTW, MrBear, what you use to remove the paint on the DOHC VTEC words? I use penknife top to slowly chip away the paint, kinda works. :regular_smile:

* ya bro.. cool.. DIY is the best. the red is mixture of 15Vermillion + 33RED. spray it one layer by one layer.

* i use paper knife to remove the paint from DOHC VTEC. (pisau lipat) very sharp ones the blades. n oso use "hair dryer"..

wait for my 2nd episode!
najibkl said:
Wanted to do like dis huh?? Keep it up bro


* yup bro like that cover. but why the DOHC VTEC wording n oso H logo n HONDA words the paint was not remove? .. looks like empty cover without those chrome words.
as i promised. this is the 2nd episode. n final!
(please read above for better understanding)

1) re-sand paper the whole cover,rinse of with water,let it dry,respray again.
then this is the best part,to remove paint from DOHC VTEC wordings!
use a very sharp knife n becareful.

2) here the process goes,n finish removing paint from wordings

3) rinse of n let it dry. (i let it dry under hot sun for 1-2 hours)

4) i fix up the valve cover to the engine, this process must make sure all ur screws,nuts,bolts,gasket,n etc etc other stuffs r in place. n must really make sure b4 u tighten the bolts.

5) bolt up everything. make sure gasket n other rubbers r intact.

6) its ready guys!!!

7) another look

the end. appriciate comments from u guys! have a good day!

* i can afford to buy H22A Type-S cover (original for RM700) but after thinking,its not worth of it to buy. better DIY. those covers does not add BHP n WHP to the engine n car. so just spray it! it needs no harm. DIY is fun.

cost+price+time+effort+patient+hot+sweating+swearing = PRICELESS!
wah.... vr nice ohh...
but if use sharp knife and chip the paint off bit by bit vr time consuming mar...
last time i remember someone posted his DIY paint engine head... he use candle or some sort to avoid spraying the letters....
good job...!!

btw.. i think paint remover is not acidic... if it is acidic.. it will react with ur cam cover... not only the paint drop off... it will corrode the metal as well....
Wait...I thought cam cover is made of aluminium? :retarded: Correct me if Im wrong...
guys, how to remove cam cover aaa? what things is needed? can u guys teach me on how to remove and install it back?
mr bear can tell me anot ? weather the spray can withstand the heat ..... tell the effect thinking of doing it on mine ......
killgerms said:
guys, how to remove cam cover aaa? what things is needed? can u guys teach me on how to remove and install it back?

* as my H22A head. nuts. im using T-Wrench .. SIZE 10.

* gasket gum. (looks like toothpaste)
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